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Everything posted by Torfason

  1. Mulgrew has had a few howlers on loan at Fleetwood and got sent off at the weekend.
  2. It really is a shame the match thread became all about them but in their world everything is however our performance yesterday was nothing of brilliant. No fluke goal and backs to the wall, just a well managed game, we gave them possession in their half and then closed them down as they moved forward. Even the way Jim saw us getting too deep and brought on Obika to give us an out ball was brilliant. The media will focus on Celtic but that really was a great Saints performance
  3. I feel short changed, apparently this is one of the worst Celtic teams of all time and we only scored 2.............Fitzy’s team got 4.........hell even Gus got 4. Hang on, turns out they have only lost 2 league games before today and are second in the league............maybe, just maybe......we played well?
  4. I hope Saints have got their 20 year interest free loan application ready to go. Get it in our account and start investing it in low risk markets, even if we only earn 6% it’s free money for 20 years.
  5. Interesting to see you guys mention Livi as a lot of our fans do that as well but they are just an absolute exception to the rule. I have no idea how they do it but they get a performance that is far beyond the sum of their parts. Livi fans might argue otherwise but average players go there and become bloody exceptional.
  6. Peter Weir and Tam Black were excellent at them too. Tom Black for me. It didn’t seem worth making him take it, just give him the goal and restart the game.
  7. To be fair, a St Mirren fan obviously has more knowledge of how to plan a relegation battle than fans of your club or mine. Yes we do! We also have a large supply of Pampers in storage if you guys need some?
  8. Really disappointing LC result followed by a brilliant mid week hammering...........strange feeling of Déjà vu.
  9. Who ever loses will have fans going over the top in their criticism of under achieving players
  10. If Sam knows our tactics then he is doing better than most............including the players
  11. St Mirren are interested in signing Ronaldinho https://www.nottheoldfirm.com/columnist/remembering-the-time-ronaldinho-nearly-signed-for-st-mirren/
  12. I wonder if Coventry signing Josh Reid means they don’t want Mason back? If so, I can’t see the proposed deal for the Huddersfield LB making any sense right now. We have far bigger needs than an extra LB.
  13. No tears, watching my team lose one nil in the semi final of a National cup is very much a first world problem. Like @pozbaird I remember going through to Forthbank needing a win to stay in the 1st division, that is a tearful situation. Can you imagine it, that deep feeling of failure by getting relegated to the 3rd tier or Scottish football?
  14. I think the point is not the defeat today but the general form of the side. We got a lucky penalty against Well and a howler against Killie for 2 of those draws. The team are funded to compete but set up to try and not lose, our board have given Jim pretty much everything he has asked for and he is not making the most of those resources. Losing today falls into the shit happens category but his continued negative approach, tombola tactics, failure to get a settled line up from a decent squad and a tough run of league games coming up is where the pressure will come from. I realize this is something that you would need to watch us every week to see but it is there. I personally don’t think we should remove him but if he doesn’t improve then it will become more likely and losing a semifinal to Livi will have nothing to do with it.
  15. The thing that drives me nuts is if we play 2 up, our midfield consists of 2 players on the touch line, a deep lying midfielder and McGrath running around trying to cover the entire middle of the park, if we play 1 up it’s 2 holding midfielders. Teams play through us and we resort to lumping it back to front. This is not a today thing but a reflection of the entire season. Jim owns that.
  16. Congratulations Livi, hopefully you can go and win it now
  17. I’m actually getting fed up with his tactics, our midfield can’t get on the ball and we just play aimless punts into the opposition box hoping something will break for us. This is one of the better squads we have had for a while but the lack of tactical awareness is killing us. I am so fond of Jim Goodwin and his commitment to the club is amazing but he needs to fix this soon or sadly he will need to be replaced. The board have backed him financially and they will expect a return on that.
  18. All those serious injuries the Livi lad got that required treatment?
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