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Everything posted by Torfason

  1. At least we are not describing it as a disaster and will definitely not use it as an excuse
  2. Not asking for any special status, just treat us the same way they would Rangers, Celtic and Aberdeen if they did what they are accusing us of. Now before any Hearts fan gets their knickers in a twist, had Obika not scored that goal they would have relegated us as soon as the final whistle was blown. The only reason it dragged on was they needed to f**k either Utd or Hearts. If it had been ICT, Dundee or any other clubs they wouldn’t have batted an eye lid about keeping Hearts up. The whole thing is a carve up
  3. Like Rangers, who played a game without test results being available, like Aberdeen, whose players had a night out or Celtic, whose player went on a trip and didn’t bother telling anyone. If we have broken the rules, then we deserve to be punished BUT if they “throw the book at us” they better have the balls to do the same to the bigger clubs. Kicking us in the stones simply because we are a small club isn’t acceptable.
  4. Just bloody daft for him to get involved. Trying to be Michael Stewart is fine when you are not employed by a club. Nobody expects ex-footballers to be sharp but this is bloody basic stuff. A wise man once said “people in glass houses shouldn’t shit in their own kettle”.................so Mo shut the fleck up and pay your taxes
  5. I'm not saying they haven't...there are central belt teams who haven't had a single case. True but Motherwell, Accies, Killie and Saints players all earn similar money, so chances are their wives will also have jobs, kids go to local schools and they will live in regular communities. If the area you live in is a hot spot then journeymen footballers are no different from the rest of the population.
  6. Needed some quality selective quoting for better effect. 4/10 but could have been so much better.
  7. But provides a welcome distraction from who is out with COVID on an idle Thursday
  8. I think it is the salary the player earns based on his permanent contract. The percentage the club receiving a loan player pays is negotiable. The Man Ute keeper Hearts had on loan is a good example of that..
  9. I saw it first for Harry Maguire and it seemed pretty spot on, hard to tell if it gets less accurate the further down the leagues you go but looking at Hearts wage bill for last season is eye watering.
  10. Not sure how accurate this is but worth a look. https://salarysport.com/football/ladbrokes-premiership/st.-mirren/
  11. I used to work with a friend of the family and iirc his dad is a surgeon and Chris is a very intelligent guy, so I can imagine how a conversation with Fitzy would go. I also used to work with George Gemmill who was at Saints under Fitzy and some of his stories of playing under Tony were mental.
  12. I left early when we got pumped 7-1 at Parkhead under Fitzy. Though the ‘best’ was the 7-1 game in Kircaldy, we got stuck in traffic and by the time we were parking up we were 4 down, so we went to a chippie and headed home.
  13. 1998 losing 5-1 to Airdrie, 1987 losing 6-0 to Hearts are two games that stick in my mind and who can forget shipping 5 at home to Morton in 1999 after TH took over? That's just off the top of my head [emoji23]
  14. Saints were awful and Queens should have buried us in the first half but pleased that the team stuck with it and didn’t roll over. Really enjoyed the game in a twisted sort of way and the 2 lads doing the commentary did a great job All in a good day!
  15. Game highlight goes to B&WA twitter [emoji106]
  16. Unlocking defences and in his locker.........who are all these football players with lockers?
  17. Do you feel Livi will have the key to unlock his locker and if so what do you think will be the key indicators that he will be able to unlock defences?
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