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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. When I typed that, I genuinely thought, "Mozza ought to be on soon".
  2. Alright, seeing as how we're doing the wrongly-priced DVD bit...I managed to get more than $200 worth of DVDs for free from a branch of Best Buy in the States. Someone had priced the entire Anchor Bay catalogue at $0.00, so I took one of everything up with my actual purchases, just to chance my arm. The girl on the checkout called over the manager, who looked perplexed, but let me have them without even pausing. Wouldn't even have argued if she'd said no. What a glorious day it was...*sob*
  3. The family are currently on a Nightmare on Elm Street bender. Really not enjoying it much.
  4. There's a Panorama episode in this, if you play your cards right.
  5. It's got to be close, to be fair to him. Add ours to the total and you might have a winner
  6. That's bizarre. Who puts their wallet down in a public place and expects it to be there when they return? He didn't take his trousers and pants off too, did he? I've seen that before - very peculiar urinal behaviour IMO.
  7. I don't get the attitude with that - I'd be expecting the store detectives to be chasing me. If you're that thirsty/hungry, why didn't you buy something when you first arrived? Oh, I forgot, you're a princess
  8. Didn't realise that had been remade; I remember it being good. Need to look up the ending now, brain didn't keep that part.
  9. People who put their loaf of bread at the far end of the conveyor belt at the supermarket till, even if the thing is almost empty. What the f**k is that all about? Some kind of dominance thing? "The belt is mine, even if only for a few minutes! Mwahaha!" These are the c***s that won't pass you one of the divider things either, until you stab them to death push your shopping up against theirs. Can't grab one fast enough then.
  10. Into the Mirror - Korean supernatural mystery, later remade as the more straightforward horror film Mirrors in the US. This is a much more clever film than the remake, and is more enjoyable too. Interestingly, the remake's sequel (Mirrors 2) follows the plot of the original far more closely, but is still nowhere near as good. Jack Reacher - very nice conspiracy thriller. Certainly sounds like Tom Cruise was terribly miscast, but he's his usual charming/smarmy self (delete as appropriate), and was quite engaging IMO. Excellent action sequences, an engaging story, and a nice line in humour. Quite looking forward to seeing a sequel. Oh, and Rosamund Pike looks bustier than she used to, which was quite entertaining on its (their?) own. X-Men: Days of Future Past - Quality sequel and prequel to different movies in the series. No point in discussing the plot; if you've enjoyed prior X-Men films then you should just go and see this, as it's quite excellent, and does a nice job of tying X-Men: First Class in with the other films. Probably not a great introduction to the series, however.
  11. Be interested to know what you thought on a more recent viewing...
  12. Heading to Lovefilm right now! Huh...there are a surprising number of films with "b*****d" in the title...
  13. Miserable. Condolences from all of the human beings on here, I'm sure. In a vain attempt to cheer you up, did you hear who'll be visiting Dumbarton at least twice next season?
  14. Saw a moron in Alloa dump her buggy (and kid) on the street outside one of our many bookies, only for it to immediately roll down the pavement towards the road. Cue me running like an idiot to catch it before it rolled in front of a car. Managed to get there in time, only to hear "Haw! Haw! Get tae f**k away from ma wean!" How is it illegal to murder these people?
  15. Phenomena - one of Dario Argento's more entertaining murder mysteries. A young Jennifer Connelly is sent to a Swiss boarding school by her father, a wealthy actor, in the midst of a spate of murders in the area. Connelly's innate ability to communicate with insects is discovered by disabled etymologist Donald Pleasence, who wants to use her abilities to discover the killer's identity. Not quite as batshit as it sounds, assuming you're willing to swallow the whole talking-to-insects thing; this is quite an atmospheric little thriller, with an impressive soundtrack to match. Well worth a watch - it's a shame Argento stopped producing films of this quality. Play Misty For Me - one of Clint Eastwood's early outings behind (and still in front of) the camera. Poor Clint plays a slutty DJ who sleeps with the wrong groupie; fans of Fatal Attraction should know where this going. Jessica Walter makes for an impressive lunatic, and Clint works through his full array of incredulous facial expressions to good effect. A nicely effective thriller, which has been mercilessly ripped off in the decades since. The Beyond - zombie-tastic shocker from Dario Argento's deranged spiritual brother, Lucio Fulci. A hotel in Louisiana is home to one of the doors to hell; when the property is inherited by a woman from England, bad shit begins to go down, mainly in the form of random deaths that add nothing to the plot. This is generally considered to be Fulci's best film, which speaks volumes for the rest of his work in the horror genre. The film plods along at Fulci's usual turgid pace, spending a lot of time going nowhere. There are many death scenes that drag on forever, sometimes watched by characters who appear to have no sense of self-preservation, and always involving special effects that are so bad that even a brief glimpse would break any sense of disbelief. The story is almost non-existent, and you'll be struggling to stay awake by the time the end arrives. See Zombie Flesh Eaters instead; it's better by miles. Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape - early found-footage-fest, purporting to be a real-life recording of an American family's Thanksgiving gathering, which is interrupted by a hostile alien invasion. Talking head interviews with law enforcement, moviemakers and FX dudes are interspersed at points where the tape starts to drag (which it does, frequently). The po-faced found-footage conceit is frankly laughable considering the level of acting on display, combined with the need to pixelate anything approaching a special effect (alien witchcraft messing with the camera, apparently). Far worse is the fact that virtually nothing happens during the running time; you're left watching an extended family argument while the aliens presumably dance around outside shining laser pens of death through the windows (effects that could not be replicated, according to the experts). This is truly dire stuff, and the constant reinforcements that this is OMG TOTES REAL AND COULD NOT BE FAKED!!! cross the line into being offensive; nobody is as stupid as the filmmakers seem to have believed.
  16. If it's overrated, I'm thinking it's because everyone was expecting it to be jingoistic nonsense, so it was a relief that it wasn't. Plus, it was an entertaining romp to boot. I was certainly surprised.
  17. During those horrible application binges you end up on during periods of unemployment, I'd get responses from perhaps 1% of employers. I figured it was because I'm a useless, unemployable shitebag, but this thread has altered my perceptions. Now I know that you guys are all useless, unemployable shitebags too Edited for more shitebag.
  18. Didn't think much of Pacific Rim either, and I do love me some giant monsters. It felt more like Godzilla of 1998 than Godzilla of 2014. Although it still pissed all over the former. Slightly horrified at the mooted concept of Godzilla 2 being a Pacific Rim crossover.
  19. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - prequel to the remake from about ten years ago. A deformed and abandoned baby is discovered and raised by inbred hillbillies, before starting work at the local slaughterhouse as an adult. When the slaughterhouse (and the town) closes, mayhem ensues. Aside from the first ten minutes or so, this is virtually identical to the first film, so the whole 'prequel' concept adds nothing but the guarantee that Leatherface and his family will survive beyond the end of the movie. This one seems more concerned with piling on the revolting backwoods cliches, so it might be worth a look if you're struggling with an upset stomach and want to move to the conclusion without sticking your fingers down your throat. Really has nothing to offer in terms of story or suspense, and R. Lee Ermey is the main focus, which is all well and good but surely not the reason why you'd buy the ticket in the first place. However, there's a fair amount of comedy value in the way that almost everybody in the movie is very willing to graphically insult a 7ft tall, built-like-a-brick-shithouse, (supposedly) mentally deficient slaughterhouse worker while he is holding the tools of his trade
  20. Twas twenty years ago, and looked like they were on cum-stained old Betamax tapes IIRC. Apparently they were "pwoper haaaadcowr" though, back before the internet made that meaningless.
  21. I'd never thought of Stirling folk as having a strong accent, that's all, certainly not one that could be discerned as being from Stirling. Carry on.
  22. Already been said, I'm sure, but those Sainsbury's adverts with their horrific whimsical folksy versions of pop songs. It seems to have spread to other adverts too, so I can only assume there's an ad agency out there that really hates their clients. Either that, or people are horrible c***s. Could be the latter, thinking about it.
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