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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Dylan's almost the anti-Prince for me; folk seem to love him, but I've never knowingly liked any of his songs, no matter who performs them. Obviously, as far as performance goes, you'll hear better buskers in most city centres. He's part of a small group of artists whose fans are incredulous if you don't agree that they're amazing, and will try to change your mind; some appear to have found hearing him to be a life-changing event. At this point, I'm never going to get it. Edit: he's obviously hugely influential among other artists, going by how many cite him as an inspiration.
  2. Is there anything to be said for getting Swinney to wear a nice wig?
  3. As with everything he does, Galloway's just decided that homophobes are ripe ground for picking up votes, but it's amazing how many daft auld farts of his generation are experts in what happens in public schools, especially those whose kids have been adults for decades.
  4. I love cats, but this is true. Even why you catch them looking at you in a "caring" manner, they're essentially trying to size up how much of you they could eat before you're annoyed enough to batter them.
  5. The BBC: "we're not allowed to talk about the local elections while voting is ongoing, so here are some pictures of dugs" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-68609729?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=663349c02f3a131cc506ac8c%26Why are you seeing pictures of dogs in this feed%3F%262024-05-02T09%3A45%3A09.868Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:8b21eb56-4f2f-416a-94fc-89e7d4e30080&pinned_post_asset_id=663349c02f3a131cc506ac8c&pinned_post_type=share TBF, there aren't enough pictures of dugs on the Politics subforum anymore, so more of this please.
  6. How do you boys ken so much about the cost of geeky mantoys, hmm?
  7. We got halfway to finding out with Jo Swinson.
  8. Dirty Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  9. I've always thought of them as one of those groups who are well known here because of their American popularity, but don't have a huge fanbase in the UK. If they were big here it was before my time, and they've kept their popularity going in the States much better. Oddly enough, I read something recently about them being a notorious joke in the music industry years ago for being terrible on their instruments and needing session musicians to help out. Simmons is best known for being a piece of shit these days. He's married to Shannon Tweed, queen of the Nineties erotic thrillers, and she commissioned a video game to warn groupies to stop sleeping with her husband. Seriously. It's chock-full of pictures of her and Gene together to show how happy and secure their marriage is, and it's one of the most desperate and delusional things I've ever seen. Check it out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/289050/Shannon_Tweeds_Attack_Of_The_Groupies/
  10. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Lake of Fire
  11. John Mason likes to harass women outside medical clinics. Pass it on. Love this picture. What a bunch of creepy fucking weirdos.
  12. Yeah, I've always been so glad to have the freedom to opt out of that. Definitely not something my employer always insisted upon as a condition of employment.
  13. This trope basically sums up the entire horror genre, where a half-finished script doesn't account for the protagonist escaping without the film being over. See also films that have a character investigate something suspicious when they're already aware that bad shit be going down, rather than escaping or at least calling for help. Just appallingly lazy writing.
  14. But only if the workers want them! It's not like they'll be made aware that a failure to sign their rights away will result in them losing their jobs or anything. You're being very cynical. This is all about flexibility for workers who don't want or need trivial things like guaranteed money to live on. We can trust employers to treat their staff fairly in this matter, as in all things.
  15. THIS is how you get me to pay lip service to your fantasy deities, people.
  16. @mathematics - couple of ideas for your missus' username when she finally joins us.
  17. We tried this years ago, but pleasantries went out the window instead.
  18. Yeah, occasionally you'll see a film where the character doesn't quite understand the gravity of the situation yet and just thinks getting away is the answer. However, if someone's been kidnapped, assaulted, seen their captor murder other people, then finally gets the upper hand on them and doesn't use the opportunity to thoroughly incapacitate them (at least), that's the point where I stop rooting for them to escape and want to see them punished for their stupidity.
  19. Looks more like the start of rough public sex than a fight. The cameraman is the real villain here - switching back and forth between two couplings without every realising they could get them both in frame by turning the camera to the correct fucking angle.
  20. Yeah, you'd imagine that events that are expected to attract groups of roaming morons and fascist militias will have much beefier security this time round. Then again, Donnie would enjoy sacrificing his denser followers in firefights to "prove" how evil the government is.
  21. The "hahaha, it was just performative and we totally didn't mean anything by it, guys" line from their general secretary makes me wonder if if they'd been looking to abstain, but Ash Regan insisted she was sticking the knife in. Fucking bravo, pet. Hope it was worth it.
  22. I wonder what his plan for defeat is this time. He started working on it well before the election in 2016, fervently planting the idea that "it's all rigged unless I win", culminating in the world's worst insurrection in 2021. Will it be the same again, or does he have anything more potent in mind? Personally, I don't think he ever cared if his coup worked; he's just a Joker-type figure who wants to cause as much chaos as possible and maintain the feeling of being powerful. He has more of an pressing incentive for success this time out, though.
  23. Seems like something the Americans would come up with to prevent their pets from offending against Jeebus. Someone set up a joke "make animals wear clothes" protest group years ago and they got onto American news channels without anyone questioning it. Dunno about anyone else, but I've always thought that the thing missing from my pet was a dung-encrusted badge shedding turd nuggets all over the house.
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