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Everything posted by Fasda

  1. Good point. They have been deluding themselves since day one that this is about their season and their upcoming bigotfest games rather than going bust I remember on the day of "the big hoose must stay open" quote another punter soundbite on the beeb was: "That's the league gone this year then." I wonder if they get it yet?
  2. And now we come to the difference of opinion that will not get resolved on a forum! The administrators are not "negotiating a sale"; there is nobody offering to take on the liabilities (real and potential) as well as the assets. End of.
  3. I've nae idea what line of business you're in AND18OY but it's not in the regular world. If this was "business" it would have been done and dusted months ago, it's only because RFC are a football club that this saga continues. Getting out of admin involves either someone taking on the liabilities (and of course the good bits) or agreeing a CVA. Long term admins can work but only if the company is close to dormant i.e. negligible cash out, running costs etc. None of these were ever going to happen with RFC so it's not "business". What RFC and their followers can't get a grip of is that they exist only because they are a football team in the Scottish PL/FL. Apart from the Harlem Globetrotters I can't think of any other viable sports clubs that exist outwith an organised setup? They should be cocentrating on getting to a solution rather than trying to justify all their extremely dubious actions. If it was the management of my team (diddy I accept) who were in this state I and the AFC fan base would be baying for blood, not trying to justify it. CW/SDM/Bloo Knights/ Haudit and Daudit? If it was any other small business (turnover c£60m tops) going bust no one would have heard of them. I suspect I'm wasting my time.
  4. I can't help thinking that the penny has dropped with Sally. You'd have thought that Sir Walter might have clued him in about it a year ago, mentor and all that
  5. Test. Been reading for ages but put off by OF whatabootery, however the rest of the stuff worth it.
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