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Everything posted by Fasda

  1. I hope the decent Arabs on here can let their club know somehow that they're not reflecting the view of the fans, their customers. I know it might be p***ing in the wind, we have the same issue with Aberdeen, a nagging doubt that they will bend o'er for a gershafting. The only thing we can do is leave no doubt that the fans are against any newco return to SPL and try to shame them into behaving properly. It still difficult to know why they are all apparently buying in to the myth; I've put it down to having a h** in every boardroom, tongue in cheek but any other ideas? There's a move on here to send back our season ticket applications requesting they are held until the "newco in SPL" is closed, not much but an effort.
  2. The difference is that these teams' fans probably believed they needed to do something to save their club. RFC and their fans expect to carry on because they arrapeepul. They may well be proven right.
  3. I've mentioned this before but does anyone know if the SPL has thrown the buns 2011-12 prize money doon the drain yet? It's difficult to tolerate such waste.
  4. I preferred the old SFA Macari protocol. Post 78 WC they issued a statement saying that as macari had gone into print saying how he didn't want to play for scotland they would accomodate his wish and he was banned forthwith. Childish but stylish.
  5. I'm not saying that it's practical now but a mate, who was at Sky, explained it to me and it made sense. Not criticising the OF on this either, they went for what they thought was the best deal for them, it's our own clubs who let them do this and all the rest.
  6. This will get interesting! Would it be childish and wicked for levein to call up another 3 or 4 **** just to stir the pot a bit?
  7. They've conned their own fans for money throughout their history. They've had spells of huge crowds and the money went to the owners. Up to the 80's they operated, at best, at only a marginally higher cost base than other scottish clubs, trousering the bulk of the gate money for themselves, and that enabled AFC (and the Arabs) to cash in on their pisstaking of their own fans to beat them for a few years. That was part of the perfect storm that AFC surfed in on from 80-86ish. The reaction from the OF was to raise their investment level in alignment with their revenue, including the whole Souness/SDM era, and that has put the diddy teams back in their place. To their credit this coincided with a huge increase in revenue gap between eoro qualifiers/TV money and us lesser mortals. Unfortunately, being the biggest was not enough, like a lot of big fish in small ponds they had to have total control and phuck the rest. They have always phucked scottish fitba and the fans, particularly their own. This mannie Green looks as though he will keep up that fine tradition. By the way. What a disaster if they "pull out" of the Scottish Cup, imagine a cup final without rangers, unthinkable!
  8. What he means is it would be better with three "football minded men" making the call. say, Donald Findlay, Chick Young and Mark Hately. Ah, the good old days!
  9. It's about protecting the potential for OF in-house tv selling home games as pay per view, one of the first negotiations around the 11 to 1 vote at the start of SPL. That's all.
  10. The taxpayer, funding mediocre European campaigns for at least 10 years. Honestly, I'd rather subsidise M'well at least they'd appreciate it.
  11. Dinna worry about your workmate, he'll get over it, they all will. The fact is that a team with an average support playing within their means, using mostly younger players in any division in Scotland might just show the rest of the tossers who run our games that there are alternatives to feeding off the sectarian divide and bringing in players not good enough for English lower divisions.
  12. Good point you almost made. Capitalism does indeed favour cartels/duopolys in the short term but not in the long term. The benefits are not sustainable even for the cartel members (lack of competitive edge, customer dissatisfaction etc.) not to mention the suppression of new entrenepeurial investment. The cartel SPL doesn't work for anybody including the OF. If you want to get political you might want to swot up a wee bit first.
  13. Good analysis! One offshoot of this RFC in admin thing is that a lot of people are having a hard look at the usual myths churned out around our game. Even last night and today the reporting on the Beeb around the SFA appeal carries all the usual sh*te about "needing" a strong Rangers. Fans of non OF clubs are finally wakenening up to the fact that although the OF generate a significant amount of money NONE of it goes outside the OF, all we get is the crumbs from the table if we behave.
  14. Also, and sorry if covered before, presumably RFC(IA) will soon be recieving their tainted prize money for finishing second in the SPL? Whatever amount (£2million?) will either be pissed against the wall in pre CVA running costs (i.e. administrators fees) or spunked away in liquidation. Another lump sum sucked out of Scottish fitba by them. They're an expensive "institution".
  15. Toaster, the point is we are all losing money season after season with the OF in the SPL. It is a failure. It disnae work. If it was a resounding success for any of us we'd be trying to find solutions but it disnae phuckin work. The myth is that we have something to lose because 50,000 fans at Ibrox every two weeks will stop putting all the money they spend into.....Ibrox. None of it goes elsewhere. Any losses will be manageable if they happen at all. Get over it. The current SPL doesn't work for you , Celtic or the national team either but probably too far to go for now.
  16. The myth is; 1. There would be a significant loss in income. Source please? 2. There would be no other increases in income. Better fitba, competition etc. (Dare I say no/less bigotshite.) 3. Even if there is a loss, that's what we live with. We cut our cloth to suit...like you should have done. 4. Even without the OF (aye, both of them) fitba goes on. Have you never noticed that? Take a bit more time and read back. It's all in here, expressed a lot better by smarter guys than me. No-one is indispensable min.
  17. My comment is strictly correct. I edited it to SFA! I'm such a slapper I could do the books for the Geen mannie.
  18. More weegia shite. They were punished by the SFA for a few things but being in admin is not one of them.
  19. Doing so well up to the point where you couldn't help churning out this old myth.
  20. ""The point is that there's a degree of reasonableness amongst our fans."" If my club were in admin and potential liquidation (not an unreasonable prospect) would I expect a fans forum discussion on "warchest" for Broon next season vs. development project investment at Pittodrie?
  21. The amount of debt a business chooses to have is irrelevant, it's whether or not you can service it that counts. In fitba, most clubs have debt and pay the interest as a cost, most have a guarantor in place - the owner usually. Can get precarious but, in most cases, it's usually manageable. RFC have debts that they have chosen not to service and can not service now. These include but are not limited to taxes. Last count by the admins was about £140m and rising.
  22. Beat up to phuck for too many years? Feelings of despair and hopelessness? Victims find it difficult to voice their opinion, the average poster on here is right up for it and sees the picture in front of them. The majority of "fans" are not, they watch the news on the Beeb and hear that RFC have been bought so all is well and good, nothing to see here etc etc. Blogs and forums are keeping this honest.
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