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Everything posted by kiddy

  1. I feel sorry for the guy the seagulls shat on, who went to clean up & missed the winning goal! I’ll take this point to apologise for suggesting it’s meant to be lucky.
  2. Nowhere near the Olympic/World Class standards of Willie McGuire.
  3. VikingTon losing it there in the background? #delicious
  4. 1st especial MTF tomorrow. Looks a monster.
  5. Short, punchy explosive climbs certainly favour the Slovenian.
  6. Fcuk me, this thread has turned into the ‘gaffer’ tapes! Not surprised at Imrie’s interview, as his team play in the image of himself as a player.
  7. A decent game, where the refereeing was again poor. Thought neither of the challenges preceding the two Morton goals were fouls & the pen was extremely soft. In fact, the barge right at the end of the half, was a far better claim & it was turned down. Falkirk’s defending was a bit shambolic & to get in the same dirt of fankle, from the same position, really isn’t good enough. Kinda hard to tell on the quality of the equaliser, from the other end, as it appeared to go through a melee of bodies before hitting the net. Thought the Bairns were comfortable 2nd half, with the exception of slack passing the cause being hit on the break a few times. Alfie’s change of balance & finish was worthy of winning the game. MacIver & Ross the best today for me.
  8. Took my last post down as hadn’t seen the news regarding Martin Doak. My condolences to anyone who knew him.
  9. Means I’m averaging 19 for two going in. You’d think the clubs could come to some sort of agreement where prices are equalised/or visitors ST offered. The 26-21 price is a boon, especially when you’ve got a captive audience with the young team /‘Ultras’ generation burgeoning*. *Please keep old songs in the repertoire.
  10. Think Morton should be commended on their pricing (including a 16-21 consession) means diff of two going as not here. Would like to think FFC would reciprocate on the Ton visit to the Bairnabeu?
  11. Nothing new, when you have more than half a stand trying to access through 2 turnstiles; as we found on ‘trophy day’*. Even at 10 per minute, through both gates, it would take 50 mins to get half the stand in. All turning up 15-20 mins before a game & expecting to get in, for KO, ain’t gonna happen. *We we’re queued back round to the ticket office, that day, at 14.10 & managed to get in 5 mins before KO.
  12. Allied to the squads flexibility in having Yeats & Henderson I’d have to agree.
  13. Roglic picked up 6 seconds i intermediate time bonus y/day, but it's gonna take a stack if them to dent O'connor's lead!
  14. Roglic & Almeida could be playing with fire handing Ben O'Conner a near 5 min GC lead at La Vuelta. Next Thursday until next mountain top finish.
  15. This is unbudgeted revenue. I’d think investing in the current squad, via looking at extending those o/o/c in 25, to 26 & identifying/investing in probable targets (Adams, MacIver etc) would be prudent. The squad seem all in it for each other at present, so why not secure their future. If it stretches to a loan or two to strengthen/better the side all to the good. The league is where our focus should be. Just hope the experience of playing at a major ground, in front of a large home support doesn’t get to them & they do themselves justice. Its where they want to be playing regularly anyway.
  16. No let up in Visma’s luck. Van Baarle abandons Vuelta on stage 2!
  17. I thought it a decent shout for a pen; he got flattened at the back post as the ball came over, ref gave a corner. Though I was a bit further away than you, watching on a tablet in Greece!🕶 8.32 into the wee guys footage. It's a stick on pen.
  18. Barry, you have won post of the round, likesay.
  19. Has he ever scored at the Bairnabeu? I can’t for the life of me remember him doing so with ANY of his clubs!
  20. What happened to the Pars German investment? Wie viel your pain.
  21. 3 points thanks very much. Was NEVER a pen, but we’ll take it; as I’ve seen numerous stone wall claims turned down. #DoesntHappenOften #SorryNotSorry Made it hard for themselves, had the game under control, but slack play kept presenting Dunfermline with possession; especially in the 2nd half. Thought the stop in play, after the 1st goal, disrupted Falkirk more than the Pars. Yet they were basically limited to scraps off long throws, until Kane’s late header. Good save from Hogarth though. Decent performance & on to next week.
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