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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Massive shame for him if his legs have started to go. With a run of games and some confidence he's a smashing player. He's also great at defending from the front (his defensive attributes have been continuously underrated) so should be good for Angeball. I wonder if the doctors/physios are confident of him having a full recovery and getting back to his best, or it could simply be as a squad player in the anticipation of a longer European campaign.
  2. The Tourist. I can't remember when this was made, but it was in the noughties. It stars Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. She is a mysterious person of interest to Scotland Yard and Interpol. He is an everyman who she uses as a decoy as they meet on a train. Jolie is, as you would expect, utterly gorgeous throughout, but the film leans too heavily on that and doesn't give her any kind of character. Depp is likeable and surprisingly convincing as a guy who life has just been happening to. I was interested to know more about him. There's a twist at the end that had me shaking my head. It relied on so much coincidence and chance, and led to more questions. We never really find out anything much about the characters so it's hard to care that much. The ending feels like a let down. Good cast, some nice turns from them all, and the two leads carry the film through force of sheer charisma. It's pish, but it has Jolie being sultry and sexy for about 90% of her screen time, and Depp has a few fun and watchable scenes. The relationship between her and Depp's character starts to simmer and is played well. Sadly the twist ruins that. 6/10.
  3. I thought they "smelled" the air with their tongue, so they actually have a sophisticated sense of taste? I haven't checked this so I could be talking shite. I'm gone at the vision of her maj flicking her forked tongue out to taste the air around her pudding (settle down Kenneth).
  4. Aye that sounds teckle. God save her .
  5. It really does as it's a known appetite suppressant. Sadly for me it raises my anxiety level to 1000 and I don't sleep so well, which increases my stress levels and leads me to binge eat. I still reckon it would be easier to give up booze than coffee though. Delicious, hot, and it's a massive motivator for about 2 hours afterwards.
  6. Aye that would be more efficient, but I can't think of anything I can do without. I figured I don't need my ears that much, but then I remembered I have long hair and my ears keep it out of my face. Sadly calorie deficit it is. I'd quite like to stop going on the Eugene Levy so often too. I only drink once a week, but 4 or 5 pints of ale is about 800-1000 calories. Then there's the 1500 calorie "meal" after that.
  7. I'm trying the two meals a day regimen. I did it for a day or two and it actually feels alright. Sadly I pigged out last night as I'm an emotional eater, so three beers, two packets of crisps and a bag of m&m's it was. I'm aiming to get down to at least 80kg, but it's fucking tough. The big thing I'm trying to cut down on is eating late at night. And also concentrating on eating nutrient rich foods. Today will be chilli with loads of spinach and carrots in it, with brown rice. I made a kale salad that will do for tomorrow (with porridge being the other meal). Cutting out flour and sugar helps with experiencing actual hunger as when we eat those our insulin drops so we feel hungry even when we're not hungry, causing us to overeat. Being 25 again would solve everything though.
  8. I saw a young woman the other day wearing a bucket hat.........on top of her hijab.
  9. Ach I love the big guy, and I'd love him to pull out a big performance again, so hopefully he defies both firm and criticism this time.
  10. Aye what I mean by overeducated is learning a lot from books and college but without any real world experience. Sorry to hear. I'm pretty annoyed this happened to you.
  11. So just the overreaction of overeducated nursery workers?
  12. That's a bit Orwellian and I don't particularly like the sound of that at all. How was the health visitor towards you when they visited?
  13. SOD shouldn't be near the squad anymore. He was rubbish going forward against Austria in the Vienna qualifiers and was the rock on which all our attacks on that side foundered. He was utter garbage against the Czechs, but very good against England. He has put in some good performances for us defensively, but going forward against the Ukrainians he'll be utter guff. I would rather have Hickey.
  14. Nailed it!! Follow me for more gambling tips and predictions. E.T.A. That was fucking magnificent.
  15. I am thoroughly, thoroughly enjoying this. The plot is marvellous and cleverly written by writers who know what they're doing. The way the characters are written is excellent. They're given room to breathe and the dialogue has a purpose to it. The stakeout scene in Episode 6 where we learn a bit more about Finley is great. There is not a lot of dialogue, and what there is gives us enough information as to understand deeper motivations of his actions and also the type of man he is. It's very well done. I'm on episode 6 and I reckon I've figured out who the big boss baddie is.
  16. Tsk! They're *obviously* buying him as a right back! Never played there in his puff, you oaf! E.T.A. I'm on my laptop so there's no excuse not to multi-quote. Mea maxima culpa.
  17. Either of these would be great for me. I prefer seeing scottish players playing in abroad leagues rather than the EPL, and Hickey playing for Milan would carry more kudos with me than if he played in the EPL. It shows more character too, I think. Wherever he ends up I want him to be playing regularly. Having him and Patterson as two choices for RWB (as well as Hickey popping up at LWB when Robbo is suspended/injured/needing rotated due to age) would be fantastic.
  18. It doesn't seem that they have a decent understudy for KT, so that might be a good buy for them.
  19. It's on the ITV news just now. I can feel the IQ of the nation decreasing by the fucking second. Dumbfounding stuff.
  20. I want Caley to win this as I hate playing them and it's a shite away day. Also it would keep Arbroath and their stupendous pies in the Champ. Hang on, if Arbroath win and go up it relegates St Johnstone whose Steak and Chorizo efforts are equally feted. f**k it, 'mon the Lichties.
  21. Aye, Lampard seems to have turned it around, which is to his credit as they looked devoid of confidence and competence a few weeks ago. Pickford has been fantastic in the last few games and I've enjoyed his strutting and swaggering when he makes a big save. If he was Scottish he would be lauded by almost all on this forum. The Everton fans are a good bunch, and I really want Patterson to be playing regularly against top opposition next season, so this is looking good.
  22. This for me too. I was massively uneasy with the "free britney" crowd as they were projecting what they wanted to see onto a situation which required more curiosity and understanding. "Bad man keeps innocent girl hostage" is much more satisfying than "struggling father doing what he feels is best to keep his vulnerable daughter safe". I'm not saying that the latter was the truth, but there were no alternative narratives sought by the media and keyboard warriors. And now that she is "free" we can see now how vulnerable and needy she is. I don't see this ending well for her at all, sadly.
  23. Aye the English are a funny lot with classical music. I'm fairly sure that if BB and RVW were German or Italian then folk down south wouldn't be giving them the time of day. My proletarian insecurity flares up when I hear people (always English, country Tory types, and I like these people by the way) raving about either of these composers because I worry that I'm not sophisticated enough to hear what it is that's great about it. The Classic FM top 10 recently was a who's who of RVW and such pish, with a smattering of token exotic Europeans.
  24. Fantasy on Greensleeves and Thomas Talis on repeat? I don't get the hype around him and he seems to be an obsession of little Englanders. Elgar, on the other hand, shites all over RVW.
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