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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Heading down to Embra the noo to get access to the court file for my adoption. I've never really known about the first two years of my life, so whatever information won't be particularly cheery (i was taken rather than given up). Weirdly I don't feel at all anxious or anything given the potential magnitude of it.
  2. hmmmm, was going to suggest just calling it a piece but then I'm sure ive heard people here (obviously in Fife) refer to a piece on jam, as opposed to a jam piece, this ties in with roll on sausage. FML. Mods, for the love of God.
  3. I don't know. I've seen it written a few times by folk who wouldn't be classed as such. I remember Hugh McDonald, the Herald's erstwhile exponent of erudition on all things sport scribing it thus. It's perhaps a relic of older generations.
  4. Aye I figured. It does seem like a case of picking a villain. The man is has a fairly crotchety demeanour and a quite unflattering hair style, but it seems like a hefty amount of bile going his way for being basically a shite Peter Schmeichel (probably the angriest keeper I've ever seen).
  5. Don't get the Pickford hate tbh. He has a pretty shite hairdo and is the England keeper. I haven't seen him do anything overly county though. He isn't in the same wheelhouse as, for instance, Harry Kane when he was trying to paralyse defenders. I mind him halfing VVD which was pretty clumsy, but what else? I only watch highlights, so I'm keeping an open mind.
  6. Ha! I wasn't asking as a Jags fan, more just a Scotland fan and interested local. I've been encouraged by your emphasis on youth development and was just curious about who you have coming through, especially given your apparent current weaknesses in that position.
  7. Given you lads seem to be all about youth players these days, do you have any good young centre halves coming through?
  8. Define regularly. How many games would he have to start? Also, can you link the article?
  9. There but for the grace of God etc. Good luck in the playoffs chaps.
  10. It is a petty thing, but given that I and the rest of the weegieverse pronounce it "roll and sausage" it rips my knitting a wee bit to see it written as "roll on sausage".
  11. English service stations are fucking teckle. Tebay in (I think) the peak District is brilliant, but Gloucester services is the king of service stations. Magnificent place
  12. It's something I find weird and unsettling about the Highlands. It's become a place purely for tourists and the hotels/restaurants are almost entirely owned by English folk. Obviously that's perhaps not the case in the "earthier" parts like Wick, but it seems like we're seeing a second clearances in the west due to incomers from England driving up property prices or depriving the local economy (and councils) of revenue by buying holiday homes and leaving them empty much of the year. Ullapool was notable for this. I imagine @TheScarfdoing a wee happy dance at the highlighted part due to his ears not working well enough to appreciate its mellifluousness.
  13. Stunning game between West Ham and the hipster's choice, Eintracht frankfurt. Bowen hitting the woodwork twice including an overhead kick that would have brought the house down had it went in. Frankfurt look great too and this would have been a truly great final. I can't wait for the second leg of this. I said it last year, but this is the best European club competition. It feels genuinely open and competitive with some exciting teams.
  14. The Latvia game was live on council telly. The one that got us qualified for WC98. I don't think any of the Euro 2000 qualifiers were.
  15. ^^^ absolutely seething Gilmour hasn't been spotted flipping burgers at an East Anglia Five Guys.
  16. I can see big Phil creating a system that uses all four, plays the sexiest football anyone has ever seen and changes the future of the game in the process.
  17. Well aye, that was my point. I'm glad you agree. Theoretically aye it works for the reekie clubs and (for this season only) the Dundee clubs. It also works for Motherwell and Livi, should there be a proposed ban on the colour amber, they would combine to stop that. In reality it's the OF (and that one time the Dandies were the baddies) that tend to use their de facto veto to act against meaningful and equitable change at the top. What I'm dreaming of is a scottish footballing landscape which doesn't contain either of them, and we might get some sort of change in the voting system (in this world the Dons have completed their arc and are now guid cvnts again) which benefits the game as a whole. Kumbaya etc....
  18. I'm not sure you've understood my post. Within the Premiership any resolution has to pass 11-1, meaning that OF clubs are able to veto any proposal brought by the other 10 clubs. I'd love a league where the voting system requires a majority, which would mean that we had more chance of having democracy prevail (and all the shite that comes with that too). The clubs can't make as many decisions as they want as it has to go for a vote, which the OF can (and do) veto. Celtic would be prevented from winning the league in this imaginary scenario as they wouldn't be in the league to start with, or would have buggered off.
  19. Little Fires Everywhere This was absolutely brilliant. It's a drama starring Reese Witherspoon as a stepfordian mother of four and Kerry Washington as a struggling artist single mother who moves into a property owned by RW's character. They both put in riveting performances, but the show is stolen by the younger cast who knock it out of the park. It plays like a drama like Dawson's Creek, The OC or One Tree Hill, but with real grit, sincere emotional weight and characters who are well written enough to be highly flawed but engaging and sympathetic. Washington's character is a spiky bitch at the start, and she's a bit hard to like, but the way the story unfolds you start to not only understand the choices she makes (even if we're shaking our heads as it's the wrong one) but to root for her too. Witherspoon's character is a mother who wants everything to be perfect, and her descent into wicked stepmother mode is almost Shakespearean. She looked like she had a pile of fun with that character too. She was fucking awful at times, but I was absolutely hooked. The racism theme is mostly handled well. It explores white saviourism and how too much privilege (and not enough adversity) stunts character growth. It can get a bit on the nose at times and there were a couple of times I felt like I was being preached at, but this is a small gripe. It is set in white suburbia during the mid 90's, at a time before BLM and "woke" (the original meaning, not the milquetoast rainbow version derided nowadays) became part of the lexicon, so we see the beginning of the new political correctness and the anxiety of white bourgeoisie at the realisation of the necessity of lexical reconfiguration. This is only one of the themes explored in this series, and it's interwoven sensibly and congruently. Two of the main characters are black, after all. The acting and writing are both superb. The emotional tone of this doesn't leave a huge amount of room for humour, but there are moments of levity. Joshua Jackson essentially reprises his role from Dawson's Creek and he's an excellent foil for the more highly strung and controlling Elena (Witherspoon). I was shocked how much I absolutely loved this and how my emotions got the better of me many times. There was even a moment where Elena experiences an unexpected defeat and I was giving a hearty GIRUY to the screen. E.T.A it's one series wrapped up over 8 episodes. As I said earlier, this was fucking brilliant.
  20. Neymar. I know this seems an odd shout because he is still excellent and one of the best in the world. The thing is, if he was around in the 90's, he would have been considered the greatest of them all. The man is a flair player to his bones, but in the current era that is coached out and players are expected to contribute more to the team, or to get the ball forward quickly and efficiently. Back in the 90's, or even the early noughties, he would have been given free rein to just do magic, and he would have been unstoppable. The modern obsession with stats and numbers means that Neymar will get sidelined in conversations around who is the best of his generation, simply as he hasn't scored enough goals. For those of us (absolute da's) for whom football is about beauty and magic rather than stats, Neymar would have been lauded in an earlier era.
  21. That's an awful error by the GK. Goalie seems to be the only position where, even at elite level, the drop-off in quality between the first choice and second choice is sizeable. I'm thinking of that clown who was in goals for Man City last week. Hickey seemed to do fine according to the highlights. He seemed to get caught under the ball a few times but he'll learn from that. He's had some season.
  22. This would be absolute bliss tbf. In European terms we'd find our level. It would mean that clubs here would have next to nothing to do with the Champions' League, but would instead more realistically aim to go further in the conference league, or reach the Europa group stages. I'd be grand with that as the champions League is fucking boring. The other thing that would excite me is the possibility of real innovation and creativity. Without Sky the SPFL could have kick off times based around the needs and wishes of supporters. Without the OF we could change the voting structure and, with fan ownership increasingly prevalent, governance could be more democratic. We can but dream though.
  23. Not having this at all. He was a smashing right back for us. Not the best period for us but he doesnt deserve inclusion here. I also think you're being harsh on Fulton. He was fine with us. Juan Seba McBride is a wonderful blast from the past though. He wasn't awful, but Collins bigging him up hilariously meant he could only fail. Colin Stewart deserves his place. I feel awful for him though. Do you remember him having put in a few consecutive error-strewn performances and in the next game he was visibly shaking in goals? Me and my cousin were yelling for Campbell to sub him. It seemed a cruelty to keep him on the pitch. Gk- David Klein, Gary Gow. DF- McGinty, Kenny Brannigan, Denis Connaghan. CF- Jorge Cadet, John Gemmil. I can't think of any other shite as my tired mind has blanked that finnish lump who played up front for us during the Campbell years.
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