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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. The wording of your previous post suggested that you thought focusing on calories caused weight gain, and your follow up says that it does this by failing to deal with a root cause in comfort eating. Logically you could argue that it doesn't aid weight loss (you'd be wrong, at least according to the health and fitness coaches I know, but it wouldn't be illogical), but not that counting calories actively causes weight gain just because it doesn't address what you judge to be root causes of comfort eating. There's been a lot of strawman construction on this thread so far. Nobody is saying this is a panacea. It's a step forward and will undoubtedly help people make better informed dietary choices. You are of course correct that it isn't just about calories, but about the type of calories, and I can see nutrition information being listed on menus too going forward. Menus are increasingly going virtual now so this would be easy to create. Finally, and to @Detournement's point to people not eating 1000 calories too many every day. You'd probably be surprised. My pal and I started using myfitnesspal (calorie counting app) last year. Now we're both intelligent and, we thought, well informed men who just needed a bit of directed guidance. We were pretty flabbergasted by how much extra we'd been eating Vs how much we should. Things like olive oil, pizza and pasta are surprisingly high in calories (especially the oil, which I cook with often) and, in my anecdotal experience, people mostly eat a "meal" without really considering the nutritional make up of it, so it would be very easy to overeat without feeling massively full.
  2. I agree massively with the last two paragraphs, but in my direct and indirect experience calorie counting plays no part in this. In fact, people who do as you described will turn their Nelson eye to the calorie count. Why do you think a focus on calorie count leads to people putting weight back on?
  3. I think it was yourself who labelled him as a "goalscoring oaf" which couldn't be more apposite . He was utter murder, but quite prolific. I mind Craig Levein punting big Kevin McKenna up front as an agent of chaos with some success. Craigie Broon gave that a go with Matt Elliot with, iirc, no success.
  4. Roddy Grant is a solid name for a baby saintee. Nice choice. I eagerly await the bairn's performance stats over the next few months. Congratulations amigo.
  5. Heid Caldwell was moved into DCM for the France game iirc. Going a bit further back Alex McLeish was often deployed in this role too. Lahm moving into DCM makes me think that if KT plays into his thirties that he could do the same.
  6. Aye but there's a lot of ignorance bout calories and exercise. A game of fives on average burns 500 calories. Most folk won't do that. A 2 mile walk burns about 200 calories. It's been shown that the most efficient way to lose weight is to count calories. How many calories is in a teaspoon of olive oil? 150. Folk who think they're eating salad and being healthy might want to know that there's 500 calories in it. It means they can make an informed choice and be more in control of what they eat. Not everyone gets to be an effortless adonis like you Mullarkay
  7. Aye, drunk folk are awful to be around when sober, and I find that the social pressure from these folk tends to be a huge barrier to not drinking/going out in the first place. I agree with Miguel's larger point though. I love drinking. I definitely use it as an emotional analgesic though, as I imagine most people do. The social consequences can be seen in A&E every weekend as well as the various health stats.
  8. I went to see Tosca not long before Covid and was blown away by it. I'm a big classical music fan but had never been to an opera. Just wonderful.
  9. The thing I love most about football, and I do feel it unique to football, is the explosion of huge joy experienced when a goal goes in. Being able to just spontaneously combust with unbridled delight is something we generally don't give space to in our lives. Football gives us that, and the immediate injection of endorphins brought about by this sudden collective effervescence is both cathartic and nourishing. VAR denies us this and we can't watch football with the same childish abandon. McTominay scored against Israel and I paused my celebration as I waited on a voice in the ref's ear to confirm a handball or offside. Football is a human experience. In fact I'd say it's a religious and romantic one. We gather to celebrate our shared identity and we invest emotionally in an outcome we cannot control. The return is often painful but it's the possibility of the ecstatic joy that keeps us coming back. I do a lot of men's group work and I come across men who have literally never expressed joy like that. I'm sad for them but so fucking grateful that football has given me that. VAR might make football more perfect, but in doing so it takes away the very thing that makes football so powerful. So aye, get it to f**k.
  10. Patterson is currently sporting a big plastic Welly after turning his ankle in training, so we may have exactly the same problem.
  11. ^^^ drinks jus from a snifter glass type post.
  12. "Sex At Dawn" is superb, according to my pals who have read it. I read the first chapter and it's really well done. "The Ethical Slut" is also popular among the NMR crew (ethical non-monogamy they call it). I've been the other one in a couple of NMRs. The first one was more of a Will Smith situation. I still feel bad about it. She was, and is, stunning and absolute dynamite in bed, but her hubby was a pal and an utterly lovely man. It was an open relationship, but very much her idea. The second was great. They were poly so it was like having a girlfriend without much commitment. I couldn't do it though. Far too much organisation and spreading oneself thinly (at ease, Kenneth).
  13. Anyhow. I hope he hasn't done his ligaments too much damage. That would be three months out, which would mean O'Donnell as our RWB against Ukraine which would not fill me with any sort of confidence.
  14. Am I right in saying my ticket for the original March 24th date will still be valid for this game?
  15. Whomever the Ukrainians have at CB we'd probably take. Bale playing up front with Lyndondowski. The rest is just guid Scottish laddiesh.
  16. @TheScarf did you file a patent?
  17. Iran looked decent at the last WC. They'll be whiny playacting chunts too, so I'll be wary of them. USA surely can't be that bad. I don't know a lot about them but the boy Pulisic is a bit of a player. I've got some good pals in the states, one of whom used to come to jags games with me when he studied here (lad has a sense of humour tbf), so I'm loving this draw. We're definitely qualifying too btw.
  18. What's the sell on clause you lads have for McGinn? Given the market for british players within the UK I could see him being sold for far more than the £50m that was being touted in the summer. If we qualify for the WC and he continues to produce there I could see him going for £100m. Mueller's twitter looks like absolute gold btw.
  19. Ferguson is never going to be anything other than squad filler. Clarke obviously sees something so hopefully that first sentence ages like milk.
  20. I've had to work tonight. Is there a streaming service/site that will let me watch the whole match again rather than highlights?
  21. So what do you propose we as a society should do about Orange marches?
  22. Who are they? And what responsibility do collective society have for the Orange Order?
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