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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Well done chaps. I honestly think Frankfurt will win the competition as they looked excellent against Barca in that first leg. If not I hope you beat West Ham in the final in controversial or undeserved fashion. The tears will be delicious.
  2. Then it's more complicated than even I had realised.
  3. Away goals don't count double, but they do cancel out a home goal. Football is becoming too complicated.
  4. That commentary team were something else. I don't speak Spanish but their energy was infectious. I only remember Colombia being knocked out by Cameroon, so had no recollection of how good they were. Some of their football was joyous and Higuita was one of those "they don't make them like that anymore" types. Nice thread. I can see this being great for fitba da nostalgia hounds like me .
  5. I thought Dalgleish was injured/legs had gone. He barely played that season did he not?
  6. I've said all I want to on this. Enjoy your day pal.
  7. ^^^^ planning a street party for her maj.
  8. I meant the ones from November and February that said he'd been played out of position and that Bologna's form had dipped as a result. Truly unremarkable and understandable stuff. Proven unfounded by nowt but the passing of time. Ach it gets on my wick when posters do this. It's got that "Ted Crilly Golden Cleric acceptance speech" energy to it. Just be happy that the player is doing well, rather than getting all snidey and derailing the happiness by giving it "oh, but let's not forget the folk who said this wouldn't happen". People sometimes make predictions that turn out to be incorrect, and that's grand. Digging them out for it for your own elevation is, as I said, wee guy behaviour.
  9. Och tbh I'm not that clued up on Roman history, but that gesture (specifically with the fist on the chest first) is one seen in plenty popular culture portrayals of Romans. If he wasn't standing under an Italian flag, I'd probably agree with everyone that he was going for some kind of fascist or Nazi salute. The fact that he was under that flag gave me a bit of pause. Also, the look he had on his face reminded me of so many teenage lads when they're mugging off for their pals. It could have also been a reference to Italian fascists and might just have been a poorly judged joke with his teammates. The optics are bad, so it is encouraging that the team withdrew him. It was the right thing to do. I'm assuming somebody gave him a literal or merely verbal clout round the ear. I was reflecting earlier why I care about this and I think that folk (not necessarily the fine denizens of P and B, but the rest of the social media world) seem to want to be outraged by things, and do so enthusiastically and without any critical thought, so they create a story in their heads and view events through the filter of that story. So in this case the story is "Russia is becoming a big bad Nazi place like Germany in the 30's" and through that prism a young lad doing an italian fascist/roman salute while under an Italian flag becomes "look at that evil wee Nazi". I would probably not be arsed if he'd been standing po-faced with his arm outstretched, but he did an italian/roman salute under an italian flag while laughing gleefully. He's either an evil psychopath, or a young lad making an ill-judged joke. In my experience of actual people the latter is always the most likely. Especially teenagers.
  10. I watched Frankfurt against Barca the other night and they were excellent. He'd fit in and thrive there. I personally would want him away from England, for the change of scenery more than anything, and perhaps a different sort of football. Although, given the Germanification of the EPL it may not be that far away. So aye, Bundesliga and Frankfurt for me. I
  11. Casting up another poster's fairly beige opinion, expressed months ago, on a fledgling player who is now showing the ability you thought he had is absolute wee guy behaviour.
  12. It doesn't seem to, does it? It needs to be remembered that we're responsible for how we react to things, that just because we feel a certain way about something doesn't mean that this caused the feeling, or that our feelings reflect reality. The lad was accused of throwing a Nazi salute. He didn't do that. It's different to the young lad who had the "z" symbol when winning a gymnastics (I think) competition. That's unequivocal. That only means one thing. This instance is one which, when looked at without prejudgement, can be seen as, at worst, I'll advised.
  13. The Roman salute would be going back to Caesar. I saw a lot of the Twitter reactions and it was a bit much. There's plenty to be outraged and fearful of in this war without seeing things that aren't there. This looked like a young daft lad having a laugh at being under an Italian flag while in high spirits.
  14. It wasn't a Nazi salute though. I saw it as him having a laugh with the Italian flag part if it. He gave a Roman salute (as in "hail Caesar") and then shared a laugh with his pals. He's a young lad, so geopolitics tend to take a back seat to clowning about with your pals. A bit naughty, but nowt more than that.
  15. Aye they do. I mind my pal would put an adult plate in front of her two year old, while my pal would have the wean's plate in front of her. The wean would, of course, ignore the food in front of her and make an immediate beeline for my pal's plate (which was hers all along). Genius, if untenable in the long term.
  16. Was it a complaint or a statistical projection? I'm gonna view it as a positive. Better food and vastly more attractive women. Hopefully we get some better footballers out of it too.
  17. Aye, Declan Rice is a smashing footballer. Rashford has been class for a while too, but has been over played so last season and, to a greater extent, this season, he hasn't hit the heights. Posters on here do love to indulge in the narrative that English = overrated though which leads to weird shouts such as Declan Rice being average or whatever. That Frankfurt v Barca game looked excellent. I only saw the highlights, but the counterattacking stuff played by the German lads was fantastic. It could have finished about 5-4. Feyenoord v Slavia was wild too. The Slavia keeper having a somewhat bipolar game where he made a few very good saves and one absolute comedy howler. De Kuip is a beautiful ground.
  18. Yup. Season two is utter, utter garbage. It features the same actors, but very different characters. The characters in season one make understandable decisions based on who they are as characters. In season two they make decisions because the script demands it. The decisions they make are infuriatingly stupid too. The relationship between BBT's character and the tidy mayor wifie is completely unbelievable and an absolute insult to the intelligence of all but the most lobotomised viewer. How it comes about is pure plot convenience. It has no substance to it whatsoever. The script and pacing are both complete shite too. Characters return for no reason. Patti returns because the script demands it, ditto Brittany. I was happy to see Brittany return as she was well written and well played before. I cared about her and wanted to see her develop. She's given nothing though, and the same with Patti. Patti is just an obnoxious arsehole again for no reason, Brittany is just there. I gave up after about 4 or 5 episodes, so they may do something with her, but I hae ma doots. The portrayal of mexicans is borderline racist too. I'm not normally one to jump on such things but f**k me, it's like it was written by a Trump campaign staffer. Even the supposed good one (Mayor Marisol Silva) turns out to be connected to the head of the cartel (and in this universe not a single journalist or party official knew about that). So, in sum, watch season 1, it's brilliant. Avoid season two, it's utter shite.
  19. Started watching Goliath. Excellent first series, with smart writing and well written characters (except Patti, who was a little but two dimensional, but a minor gripe). Season 2 now and I have a very bad feeling about it. Some character decisions already are giving me red flags that this isn't going to be up to much. Why is Patti coming back if she's so busy? Could Silva be any more obvious as a femme fatale here? She seems to fancy him a lot and immediately, throwing caution to the wind in doing so. It's not very credible. The whole cartel thing feels like it's out of a dated Segal vehicle as well. I'll keep going with it, in the hope that it gets a bit better. One of my televisual PTTGOMN is a show whose story isn't supposed to go beyond the first (or first two, in the case of Money Heist) series, but it's popular so they make more, despite the creative juice having utterly ran out. The writers and director from the first series are gone, and it doesn't have the same strong cast and characters as the first, so this could be utter pish.
  20. I meant reading the word "yawn" made me yawn. I didn't click the link.
  21. Classic FM DJ's are the absolute best. They're all the antithesis of the Radio 1 types, who are mostly shouty and hyper, whereas on CFM we get the gentle exuberance of Titchmarsh, John Suchet and the mellifluous tones of Moira Stuart. Tremendous radio.
  22. Does it have the Broons and Oor Wullie as well? Danke.
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