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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. And how many pubs have annals? It's an appalling sentence. All of it. "we're sure such a conversation resembling this" would have had my P7 teacher throwing my jotter in the bin. Close to heads gone over this now.
  2. I just read the "rating our visit" part of your original post. Shove that. Thank you.
  3. I like that you're doing this, it's an excellent project. You'd done your research and knew about Davie McParland, which is more effort than scottish sports hacks go to. You try too hard with the comedy angle and it comes off as seriously cheesy and condescending. The pub conversation at the beginning nearly put me off entirely, and undid a lot of goodwill I had as I started reading. People from the middle classes getting a kick out of Glasgow patois and working class "authenticity", while turning their nose up at the people who talk in that way are becoming more of a thing now (see "scottish twitter", and your article) but the side-eye swipe at Maryhill's "unique character" left me fuming. Who do you think you're writing for? Do you think all the Jags fans reading that article are from Milgnavie? Most Jags fans on here will have supported them because of locality, either their own or, in my case, my father's. My granny lived in Maryhill, so I have nothing but affection for it, and growing up it was one of my favourite places to visit. As I said I like that you're doing this project, but you have to bear a few things in mind. You're highly privileged being able to do this. Being able to fund your own trips to these grounds, while having weekends off to do it, it something most people don't have, so be aware of this privilege and show compassion for those who don't. It's called humility and, if you can show that in your writing, you'll have a tonne of goodwill. For whose edification is this? This article is written as if the whole project is to promote yourselves, with the club and it's supporters secondary characters. It has the feel of a victorian explorer reporting back on his trip to the Congo as if he was in amongst absolute savages instead of being in a complex culture he was delighted to be able to learn from. You guys are young, and having grown up in social media you won't have learned humility yet. It's a hard road, but it's the difference between being a McIlvanney, or a Graham Speirs (and always, always try to be a McIlvanney). This will probably play well amongs the wee dafties in our support whose ideas (never mind their physical selves) haven't started shaving yet as it is similar to a lot of social media output. Don't be discouraged though. Just be yourselves and be genuine. Good luck.
  4. *Ahem* East Kilbride. And I'm a citizen of the world now.
  5. I dunno. I've been up here for 6 years now and have doric words firmly ensconced in my vocabulary. I consider myself a polyglot now.
  6. Essentially this. Hibs aren't in real danger of relegation, and are presumably in little danger of doing anything of note at the other end of the table. Just ride it out to the end of the season with Eddie May and take the time to get a quality appointment in the summer.
  7. Aye, it's the smug paternalism of it that really gets my goat, as if surrendering to weary cynicism is somehow noble.
  8. Aye I'm getting a bit fed up with the rush to negativity. Nobody's claiming he's a world beater, but we're enjoying his performances at Celtic and celebrating the fact that he's getting regular first team football. Speaking for myself at least.
  9. Maybe he's just a professional. He played for many clubs so I imagine that whatever loyalty he had as a boy became a little diluted.
  10. Looks an absolute player these days. Tore the rural Saints apart today. Scotland seem to have a few ballers in the final third now. Nice.
  11. Well maybe just leave him be. It rips my knitting when I come on here and see alleged adult men going back and forth like 5 year olds for three pages.
  12. Ffs stop challenging trolls to troll. They'll just troll and derail for a few pages. f**k sake.
  13. I once read an excellent Jonathan Wilson article (that I tried to find for you, but failed) on how crossing was a highly inefficient method of scoring a goal, given how many of them you have to put in before a cross is scored. It was written at the time of Barcelona's ascendency (2010-ish) and pointed out the fact that they rarely put crosses in (or corners for that matter). Given England's success at the WC, with all but 1 or 2 goals coming from set-pieces, you'd think that Celtic would aim for that. It doesn't seem to be Rodgers' philosophy though, having muscular forwards who are good in the air.
  14. Tiger was an absolute gent at that tournament. He chatted with people for ages outside the putting green on the first practise session.....according to those who waited. My mate and I missed it following Colin Montgomery on his round. Livid.
  15. I don't really mind as I think that we, along with the Bairns, will be looking up the table from now on anyway. I think that Dunfermline, Alloa and Morton will be the sides we have to watch from now on. I'll take a Falkirk win.
  16. I once watched BBC breakfast and the anchor was letting us know that there would be some weather expert on later to let us know why the weather had been so wintry of late. The month? January.
  17. Utter mince comment. Not the bit about her being pretty, just the shite about her being too fat. Bonkers mental behaviour.
  18. Why? Sammon would tear up this league. In fact he was one of our best players last season. I'd have him back in a heartbeat.
  19. Are these available from your club shop? I'd bloody love a set. Unless they're eyewateringly expensive like actual beats.
  20. According to the Herald today Lennon had a frank exchange with players at a meeting, and the next day had a meeting with Dempster to discuss transfers. It appears that, rather than discuss transfers LD wanted to discuss the players meeting. Lennon, the Herald says, was enraged that she had decided what had happened at the meeting in spite of her info being second hand, and that he felt undermined. It's not massively clear what happened between that meeting and his suspension. More to come out of this with the legal battle upcoming. Sounds like it'll be a huge tabloid drama.
  21. Mate used to work with an English lassie whose name caused no ripples down south, but in her Glasgow office much fun was had with her name. Fay Govan.
  22. And maybe you don't have to explain it, especially if it doesn't feel wrong to you. It sounds like you have boundaries around physical affection, but don't feel like you have permission to state them. It's probably the most empowering thing you can do for yourself, but it's hard. Telling someone that you'd rather not hug, but would maybe prefer a handshake, is tough as you may be afraid of hurting their feelings (which are theirs, and not your responsibility). As men we're expected to be fine with all physical affection and we treat our own needs around it as if it's a huge indulgence. So aye, it's utterly fine to only want to hug certain people. Consent and boundaries aren't just for women, we need to honour our own too.
  23. I am the epitome of this I think. With the exception of my wife and kids, I have gradually over the years made myself so uncomfortable with physical contact that it has become really noticable. I wont hug anyone by choice and its a one armed token effort if they initiate. I dont know why. It's great that you hug your kids. My dad only ever made physical contact with me when he was punishing me, or giving me a handshake on christmas/new year/my birthday. Not having that from him certainly caused a deeper need for acceptance and affection which I'm only recently approaching. So give yourself a pat on the back for giving your weans that physical affection. It's an oft overlooked (and vital) form of nutrition. Your saying that you made yourself uncomfortable with touch. This is a curious way to put it. Would it be alright with you if you elaborated on this?
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