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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Tbf, the fact that it wasn't the case in 1994 doesn't rule out that it was the case in 1978. Drug use in sport wasn't as well known, understood or at least well talked about in the 70's as it was in the 90's, so it's conceivable that an overturning of the result would have happened. Obviously it would have been nice if we'd managed to throw the game that way instead of getting a pumping.
  2. Going by what I'm reading on here I think Celtic might be the move for him. Rodgers does have that ability (criminally undervalued, I think) to make existing players better. His man management and coaching seem to be sublime, and he'll get a bit more breathing space playing for Celtic than he did at, for instance, Leipzig. I never realised that players could be taught so little in terms of tactical awareness (as RG speaks to regarding MOH) and if it's been the case with Burke (in his only cap against Lithuania he looked utterly lost) then Rodgers might be the best man to turn him into a player.
  3. Hopefully for your sakes the Oliver Burke rumours aren't true. Utter, utter huddy of a player.
  4. We had this lazy impostor on loan from the buns. Utterly dreadful.
  5. Saunders sounds like he'd be a good shout. Wright too. I don't imagine Ralston will go anywhere as he's been getting gametime recently. GGH is the best Jags player I've seen since Chic (talk about potential gamechangers who are also potential liabilities...), and he loves the Jags. I'll wait and see, but it's a Lambie-esque signing.
  6. Was wondering if someone had put a bet on this very thing. better than 500-1 sounds like a stupendous return. Enjoy sir.
  7. Aye it's not a great article. Plenty of speculation without quotes to back it up. The "Getafe are looking to replace 36 whateverhisnamewas with Harper" seems to have been plucked from nowhere. Obviously it would be great to have a scottish player in a decent La Liga side, so hopefully, if the bid is true, that he may be in some demand from La Liga come the summer.
  8. I used to work in Greaves in Glasgow and frequently met the great and good of Scottish fitba. Tore Andre Flo and his lovely wife are a stand-out memory as they were both thoroughly lovely people. Obviously you hear of fitba players who make it big (financially , at least, in the case of Flo) and they act like they're entitled to it and cut about like Louis XIV. Flo was the opposite and was totally grounded. Absolute gent and his wife was an absolute babe, in every sense. I once played fives against Barry Lavety. I remember pegging him, but not feeling great about it afterwards. It was a pretty sad experience as he's pretty overweight now, and had fallen on hard times financially. Lovely fella, genuinely sound and humble man, but he knows he fucked up, and he wears that regret fairly obviously. Graham Shinnie and his missus are regulars at the restaurant at which I work. Lovely chap, but never tips. Grinds my gears endlessly as he must be on a hefty wedge (see also Stevie May and Andrew Considine......but not Dom Ball, who can come back any time he pleases thank you very much). There was a period where Shinnie's other half came into the restaurant for lunch with the wee one about once, sometimes twice a week. We got chatting and it gave me a different insight into the life of a footballer's wife. She talked about how, with the recent clear out of players, she'd lost a lot of her social circle (the other wives who are young mums have play-dates etc) and she did seem particularly lonely (hence the increase in her visits to oor restaurant). I didn't even encourage her to share anything, she just unloaded for about ten minutes. Lovely exchange actually. Finally, one for the "infuriating things your weans do" page. My da takes me to the Scotland v Ghana u16 game in 1989. Outside the ground there's a small crowd around a man who my old man says was his favourite player when he was wee. Me being 6, I proceed to wander toward the stall where flags and badges are being sold. My da stops moving towards this former footballer and has to come and get me after I'd wandered off. He then, again tries to get me to go with him to meet this man who my dad liked as a boy. As a 6 year old whose heid was full of wee motors, I again start moving in the general direction of yet another badge and flag vendor. Faither then gives up his quest to meet this, presumably less interesting man (he wasn't selling a single badge ffs) and takes me into the ground. We take our seats and, just before the anthems there's an announcement as the man my da wanted to meet is welcomed onto the pitch. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our special guest for the day.....Pele".
  9. Unbeaten in two though. In case you didn't know, this is exactly how title-winning runs start. 'Mon the heid!!
  10. Aye they’re well trained and tend to come from all walks of life.
  11. Aye the way we’re trained is to keep the wean with the mother wherever possible. If that isn’t then it’s a responsible family member who is willing and capable. It sounds daunting, but it’s a panel of three laypersons who are compassionate and want what’s best for the child. It seems like that’s already in place.
  12. Ach I served on the children's panel for a while. It's all very compassionately done. I hope it goes well for you sir and I'm sure it will. They err on the side of stability and family. All the best.
  13. Colorado has the most attractive women in the US. Denver has the fittest population of any in the whole country. Seriously, everyone is beautiful. They like the scots over there. One other thing I noticed is that you can't drink as much. The altitude means you get pished very quickly. Do it mate.
  14. Before this becomes two and a half pages of this puddle-drinking weirdo getting bites, can we just resolve to completely ignore his posts? Thanks.
  15. People from Larkhall call them bunkers as well. Strange race of people.
  16. I have a decent bit of faith in Caldwell and reckon he'll bring in decent players due to his contacts. Archie and co would just look at a selection of youtube videos. I can't see it being so amateur and catastrophic this time around.
  17. Glad I could help. So I did see the game and I'm not sure a few people on a thread constitute a bandwagon. The OP suggested that Paterson, after obviously not comfortable at RB (and few others comfortable with this) be moved further upfield. That's what people are arguing against. He's not a scapegoat, and it's dishonest to suggest that's what is being put forward. Looking towards the Israel game we know that they'll see Paterson as a weak link and exploit it. It's a worry. The idea that he'll be an asset further forward might be true if he's brought on in the Chris Martin role (throw yourself about a bit, cause chaos and mibbe nick a goal) with about 10-15 to go, but starting him in an advanced role would only slow us down. He doesn't have the touch or brain of Fletcher, or the speed of Miller (even now, with Miller nearing 40). I'll concede that he does have a place in the squad. He is a carthorse, but if he sclaffs in a last minute winner that takes us to the Euros then I'll gleefully be sporting a Paterson 'tache over the summer.
  18. Och no, I get why he filled in, and I see how crabbit my initial post seemed. I just don't think we need him in any of the other positions on the field. He doesn't have the touch or awareness of Fletcher, and he isn't at the level of the other midfielders. I inferred from the original post that we were talking about future squads, where there, presumably, would be a full compliment of full backs. I simply don't think he's a good enough player to be considered.
  19. What about this for an idea? Why don't we leave him out of the squad completely? His touch is rubbish, he's as slow as a week in jail, and he appeared to have little in the way of positional sense yesterday. The only thing he seemed to do was to win a couple of aerial battles. I know he plays (bottom of) premiership football, but he's a carthorse. Get rid please.
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