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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Bit of exaggeration there HB........................... That's a 'Stargazing Live' type number. eta Aaarrgh! Dara O'Briain ! That's me branded a Timmy Type. Still, better that than a Limmy Type..............................
  2. Just had a look on Orcmeeja. I shouldn't have bothered. Their threads and posts are so pathetic I almost felt sorry for them..... NOT! I wish something would happen to ginger them up. I find them most amusing at times. What we need is another gross "injustice" to kick them off.
  3. I was listening to the radio this morning where there was a discussion on the use female terminology by males when insulting someone. So, in the name of sexual equality and P&B integrity I would request posters to alternate their insults between the masculine and the feminine in equal proportion. Thank you. Funny, I was thinking that Mr K seems unusually irked. Time of the month or...............................................? It's difficult to find male type insults.
  4. Here's one. Inshot I know what it means when I use it but I can't find it in a dictionary.
  5. Point taken but it all gets a bit pedantic. I deliberately missed out the 'The' to make it just 'Rangers', as that would have upset the peepul even more! Think like the enemy.
  6. This is slightly worrying, but I think it's too late. There was no way they wanted a blemish on their "history". They would still have won the promotions, but imagine all the 'embarrassing' defeats they would have suffered on the way. Fans of two or three teams would probably have been able to claim "Rangers have never beaten us!' The peepul just couldn't have taken that.
  7. Oh well, that's another record that will have to wait until another day. Maybe next year......................
  8. Here is some more IRONY re Tom English. As per, they are ignoring the message and attacking the messenger. 'Thick' doen't do them justice. A merry festive day to all real football fans. I've kicked off with Buck's Fizz and French Coffee. (cognac instead of whisky) Hoping to survive the day.
  9. Gimme, gimme, gimme, all your fkn money. We want more and more and more. Greed is good. Long Live capitalism. Long Live A Rangerses. Hey, you Cash Cows, come on in to be milked. Roll up, roll up, Pigs in Pokes for sale here, Barrels of snake oil round the back. Want to buy a blue flying carpet? Give us your bank account details. There's hundreds born evey minute. You can fool all of Ra People all of the time. 15 pound notes for sale, 52 pounds each. Look! There's a squirrel!
  10. They are SO funny. Roll on the AGM. Ho Ho Ho.....or Hi Ho, Hi Ho, as they are one of football's dwarves.....
  11. Rangers FC was not "operated" by a company. Rangers football club "was" a limited company. It became a limited company when it incorporated in the 19th century. Rangers football club was the company. The company was the club. The company and the club were one and the same. When the club died, the company died. When the company died, the club died. Both at the same time and together simultaneously . It's very straightforward.
  12. Infinity and beyond, you say? They could get a spot on the BBC show Dara O'Briain's Science Club and Professor Brian Cox could explain..........oh, wait, the BBC, that won't work. Well, Dara could...............oh, wait, Dhara O' h' Brhihahin.....that won't work. OK, Brian Cox................nah, too intelligent. They're fecked. eta typo
  13. Sounds like a plan. Here are the existing Rangerses named companies. Keep watching and maybe a new one will be born. Just in time for xhmas. I'll leave it at that. ETA I didn't leave it at that, 'cos I missed some.
  14. This may or may not be of assistance. I had an external hard drive which stopped working. It was basically a laptop drive in a case. The led just flickered all the time. With nothing to lose, I opened it up (carefully) and lightly touched the 'arm' which moves across the disk surface because it just didn't look 'right'. It worked when reassembled and is still working. Maybe you could fix your broken drive. Depends on the fault, obviously. Sorry for very untechnical advice.
  15. Maybe he was aiming for the river. Who knows? I have never liked helicopters. They are inherently unstable. I was given a gift of a joyride in one but never used it. Here's hoping the injured make good recoveries but some injuries sound awful.
  16. This petition will get more signatures than anything the Orcs can come up with. A cartoon dog ffs.
  17. Here! Is there something I'm not aware of? Is there a cash prize for 'Most Posts in a Week' or sumthin'
  18. Glad to see that as a diddy, you accept the Jags as Glagow's first team. Splendid.
  19. You may be onto something here. Do you maybe think that possibly, mibbes, somehow, that it is , in fact, nae kiddin', a BRAND NEW CLUB? Well, slightly worn.
  20. I've just had a look on Ragers Meeja where they refer to Lawwell as 'slant eyes' and 'the Jap'. Have they never heard of racial abuse? I imagine the Japanese government is formulating its complaint even as I type.
  21. Presumably, this thread will be closed when the liquidation process for Rangers reaches a conclusion. By that time another one will already have been started for The Rangers. I do accept, however, that sheer lack of interest may cause it to be closed early.
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