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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. What a crock! Dave's legal eagles (shitehawks?) have really been busy searching for loopholes.
  2. I was reading the brexit comments in the online Scotsman. What an inaptly named mewspaper.
  3. Excellent timing for this accusation, eh?
  4. Agreed. Queen street to Hampden is the best part of an hour's walk. You'd be sober by the time you got there.
  5. The old Hampden was a dump. It had a great atmosphere for big games but what else would you expect from 100,000+ Scots, many (most) of them fuelled on alcohol? I've never liked the new Hampden (has it paid for itself?) and it should have been a new build somewhere in the central belt, near the railway and motorway. That's all in the past now and the reality is that 'something must be done'. I don't like the idea of Murrayfield. Personally I'd play big games at Ibrox/Parkhead, (I know, more cash for the two cheeks) with the others spread around the country. I've no idea what is Queen's Park's current involvement in the stadium, presumably they will have an input. It's already been the end of an era. I'll always remember the euphoria of being one of 135,000 roaring drunks celebrating a goal. Ask a QP supporter what it was like at other times.
  6. You sound like a crazy person. A brexiter. An Express reader.
  7. And because the Guardian is not owned by some rich and/or titled mogul with an agenda which favours the rich and powerful
  8. I didn't say the German government. I do believe that one day, Partick Thistle will win the Champions League. (or whatever it will be called in the future)
  9. Only the bad stuff. Any good stuff is pure fiction. Reality has bitten Trump on the arse, having to compensate farners because of his trade war.
  10. The UK gov did waste the oil revenues. Squandered the same way as the proceeds from privatisation of all the major industries.
  11. All of the economic, legal, fiscal, political aspects of life are what we elect representatives to deal with. Asking an ordinary Joe, like me, to decide how things should be done is crazy. Knowledge and expertise built up over decades is a must. As I understand it, (and I could be wrong, ) it is an aim of the EU to eventually eradicate the kind of disparity which causes people to seek work outwith their own country. Harmonisation, if you will.
  12. Yet 'leavers' insist the the BBC is anti-brexit. They, and others such as BNP , claim to be put-upon when it doesn't exist. An example is claiming that they aren't allowed to fly the English flag ,when there is nothing to stop them. It's inventing restrictions that don't exist. I'm sure there is a descriptive phrase for this psychological behaviour but I can't find it.
  13. I'll admit to being confused. Are Jews a race or a religious grouping? Or something else, a tribe, an ethnicity, a culture?
  14. They were denied a vote in the brexit ref. and probably would be again. I agree that if you leave the country, you should lose your vote. Trouble is, it used to be mostly Tory voters who became ex-pats and that's why the rules are as they are.
  15. Eh? Her/His Majesty might not take kindly to an attempt to do away with the heraldic sfuff. Not my preference but Scotland could become independent and still be a constitutional monarchy. Ever heard of Canada?
  16. Me too. "Remain" unrest is vastly preferable to "brexit" unrest. Would give us more space to get Indyref2 going..
  17. The Germans had to stop calling 'jam' , 'marmalade', because of EU regs. Can you imagine the outrage in the Express and Mail if the positions were reversed? I don't know how the German media took it. Anyway, folk probably still call jam 'marmalade' no matter what's printed on the label. I like marmalade but apparently it's because I'm auld. Youngsters don't like it. Snowflakes.
  18. It's a Scottish institution which predates the Union. We could still get rid of it but might have to become a republic first.
  19. Trump won disputes by suing folk who could not afford to defend themselves in court. Bully, cheat, liar, braggart, arsehole. Any permutation of these and more.
  20. This ^^^ totally. My guilty secret (not any more) is reading the comments in the Express, Mail, Sun. It's a constant stream of warfare metaphors. (and total stupidity) When I was growing up in Scotland, I had an unfounded dislike of " the English" but having lived among them for nearly a decade, I now realise that I was absolutely correct.* * That was mainly for comic effect. Of course they are not all f*ckwit c*nts but they do seem to be in the majority. Several folk down here have expressed solidarity with the Scots re brexit but not the guy who wants to "cut out Sturgeon's tongue and shoot her in the head". You would think brexiters would understand 'taking back control'.
  21. The farcity appears to be accelerating recently. I never liked Brian Rix.
  22. I was in Dieppe last night and was having a pee at an open air urinal (dontcha just love the French?) when 15-20 flash cars came past, horns tooting, displaying the Turkish flag. Funny, I thought, they aren't in the World Cup. If I had remembered it was the day of the election in Turkey, I would have shown them the finger (or something else). I would, of course, have assumed that Erdogan had won .
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