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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Black People. Good guys. White Anglo Saxon Protestants. Wanks.
  2. I used to work with a guy that was heavily into Italian culture. He would go to Italy like 3 or 4 times a year. Whenever he used an Italian word he would try and pronounce it like an Italian, "I love their Pannnettonny." It just sounded like patronising as f**k but I asked him "So, do you speak any Italian?". He replied "Naw, they aw speak English mate. Nae point in learning it".
  3. Sunny and highs of 20 degrees here today but it must have been as low as 6 or 7 at 8am when I walked the dog. It was pretty horrible. Cold and wet weather is a young man's game.
  4. 2 jobs in the same company at the same time? Sounds tiring. I have a hard time getting motivated to do 1 job.
  5. "he called me a grass." f**k your plastic shite EPL. Scottish fitba is fucking brilliant.
  6. The boy did the players a favour by setting those eyesores on fire.
  7. Probably everyone is just relived that it's not a hard Brexit but the Government has absolutely shat their red, white and blue pants. The EU have made no concessions at all. There's no Irish Border, the UK is paying a divorce bill, the UK is allowing free movement of people and guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens. All these Leave guys should be strung up by their baws. Lying fuckers.
  8. http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/lords-select/eu-select-committee-/news-parliament-2017/brexit-deal-no-deal-published/ So when May said that "no deal was better than a bad deal" she was talking shite. Can someone give me 1 thing that Leave said about Brexit that wasn't a total lie?
  9. The Daily Express would lap this story up. Evil immigant terrorises British white guy.
  10. http://www.bbc.com/news/stories-42236608 Go to work naked. Nasty. No one wants to see that.
  11. What's the point in doing an impact assessment? Everyone knows that Brexit is going to be shit.
  12. Is bottom left the reflection of a burd’s arse?
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