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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Did you know that Denver International Airport is larger than the entire city of San Francisco? That is today's lesson.
  2. Make up a story for strangers on the internet?
  3. Corbyn has jumped into bed with the same elite few he is criticising by backing a hard Brexit. His ravings on the subject can be ignored.
  4. They probably think it was worth it to get rid of black people and give the EU a black eye.
  5. Cocaine and Tapas is not a healthy diet apparently.
  6. Mine does send a lot of stuff back as well. There just seems to be a constant stream of stuff arriving from Amazon whereas I order stuff off Amazon about once or twice a year.
  7. I'm at the stage where it's not really holding my attention any more. The side missions/achievements are a chore and hold no real reward for completion, (an alligator head above my house??) and apart from a few good missions the story mode is fairly dull. The graphics are great though. To sum up - Red Dead Redemption 1 >> Red Dead Redemption 2.
  8. Like yer maw the moon is shite and been done a million times.
  9. Corbyn’s old man Brexit slevvers cancels anything good that anyone in the Labour Party says. Lammy and friends are dingied as a weird niche group with no real voice.
  10. Thanks for the update. Appreciated. Cerberus
  11. Going here in 4 weeks for work. I'll fit in time to go to New Jersey to see a mate. I might also try and hit the beach.
  12. I worked with a guy who used to try and fire into chubby, lonely single mums. He used to get them pished and try and convince them to shag on the couch. He thought it was funny when the kids would come in and see their mum butt naked getting humiliatingly pummeled by a stranger. Utter creep of a boy. The woman weren’t much better tbh. I think it caught up to him and someone beat the shit out of him.
  13. People who big deal the shit out of mediocrity like having Sky TV, living in some shite town or driving a Hyundai is the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
  14. What is a good brand for a pint of heavy? If I wanted to recommend someone try it.
  15. It's all project fear to get May's deal through. The vast majority of media is controlled by the Government. The only positive I've heard that will come from Brexit is the destruction of the Labour party.
  16. Agreed. Fat, ugly women, smoking and pushing a pram is the main female demographic in the UK.
  17. A Far right anti-vegan sausage roll protest at a Greggs in Manchester.
  18. A guy receptionist? He should get a real man's job. Construction or some job lifting stuff.
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