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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. If I ever turn into a guy who wears a Bluetooth earpiece then you had permission to kill me.
  2. Boris Johnson describes keeping free movement and access to the single market as a "great deal" for Northern Ireland. But it’s terrible idea for the rUK.
  3. Well he'll fit right in next to the rest of them in the Scotland squad.
  4. The iPhone only has 1 hole so I can’t both charge my phone and listen through my headphones.
  5. Only if you're a cheek fan. It's terrible for everyone else.
  6. My nan could score in the Europa League.
  7. He's living his best life can only be applied to an animal who has been freed after years of captivity. It should never be applied to a fat munter going on holiday to Butlins.
  8. They need to get rid of Corbyn. It takes a lot to be more unpopular than Boris but he manages it.
  9. Rumours that Putin is heavily into Batman and fancies himself as IRL Ra's al Ghul.
  10. A lot of Scots looks like they gave the complexion of raging alcoholics. It doesn’t help that the weather is depressing as f**k and our national flower is moss.
  11. Anyone who goes on a 120 mile bike ride “for fun” is OFTW.
  12. My neighbour’s school chum. I was only 11 or 12. She was a little bit older. I found out 7 or 8 years later that her dad was an alcoholic and she had a really hard childhood when I knew her. Older men used to come round to her house and shag her. A number of years ago she set her home on fire to try and kill herself.
  13. The traditional way to drink Tennants is too sook it off a jakey's jumper.
  14. France taking back control- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50317442
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