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Everything posted by Fotbawmad

  1. That's like saying we must find a way to hurt Richard Branson withing damaging Virgin.
  2. I have little doubt Robertson will be playing for a team at Champions League level in the next couple of seasons, and I do agree there are some big teams who do have gaps in his position.
  3. Most of the people being polled are probably oldies or people from more affluent area's who are more likely to favour the union.
  4. Rumours that The Sevco Franchise is already struggling to pay the players, and we've only just entered September
  5. Hamas rockets; unlike Hezbollah's have no targeting system, so they are in effect "glorified fireworks".
  6. Palestinian authorities are very weak, and you can't blame them when they're under siege and military occupation by another country. To the point where even their calorie intake is carefully controlled. No economy could function in the long term under these conditions. Western leaders and diplomats are already becoming increasingly restless on Israel's antics, and the pro-Israeli media are becoming increasing desperate in there attempt portray Israel as the good guys/victims in all this. I see the PA collapsing and Israel gobbling up all of Palestine. Israel will then force them to accept a one sided treaty, and when that happens. They'll be no smart arse responses from the likes of adam4267 saying there is no Apartheid "in Israel". It will be full on in your face Apartheid. The two-state solution will be over, causing the left sided political parties in Israel to collapse. Western countries will be in an untenable position, as they can't be seen to support such a regime. Young Jews in the west are already turning their back on Israel, which alone should signalize the nails in the coffin for Israel. I suspect over time half of the Jewish population will emigrate back to Europe and America, and expat Palestinians will return to their country of origin, and we'll likely have a secular state called Israel-Palestine.
  7. That's impossible to know, because new problems might crop up, which we cannot conceive of right now. However, I'm fairly sure Israel won't exist (if at all) in it's current form. Certainly not as a "Jewish state".
  8. Even if Labour get voted in the next GE, we'd hardly be getting the government we want. Given that they know they have to woo over the right wing vote voter base in the south of England to win the election, which pretty much makes us irrelevant. Look at the poll tax protests up here for example. It didn't have an effect until the people started protesting about it in England.
  9. Soros is not the sort person to throw money at a football team. Unless he sees an easy opportunity to make a quick buck.
  10. That's old news, they're referred to as "Hasbara" trolls.
  11. Every religion has been persecuted throughout the ages, and I don't see how they're treated any worse than other religions today. Muslims receive far worse treatment in Europe than they do. There is absolutely no need to have their own state. I wouldn't exactly argue they're safe in their country either when they're surrounded by countries (citizens) who hate them, and it's not because of their supposed faith.
  12. This is a lie, the iron defense system effectiveness is greatly exaggerated. The reason Hamas rockets result in so few casualties is because they are so inaccurate. They're nothing more than glorified fireworks.
  13. One side is throwing stones, does that then give the other side justification to catapult boulders back in return?
  14. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. For example Rupert Murdoch isn't a Jew, but he's one of the biggest Zionist's out there.
  15. TBF, he made a 90 minute speech. Where much of what he said was indisputable. It's no surprise the Zionist controlled media jumped onto that particular part in an attempt to paint him in a bad light. Here's the original speech...
  16. So if a Russian billionaire was to buy out your team, would you stop supporting them?
  17. I signed that a couple of weeks ago. However, there is a whole list of companies that support and lobby for Israel. Obviously a general boycott isn't feasible, but I have made a conscious effort not to buy any Nestle, Danone or Coca-Cola products.
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