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Posts posted by diegomarahenry

  1. Shankland looks like the player that was at Morton and St Mirren. I think his confidence has taken a dunt because of his injury, having not so much his longest barren spell but his only barren spell since joining the club and perhaps not getting a solid offer from a club of the stature he was being touted for. 

    Needs a cuddle and a summer holiday. Get him back for the play-offs 

  2. On 4/8/2019 at 23:54, booj1893 said:

    Jesus christ FB_IMG_1554763398573.jpg

    This looks like a Superbad/National Lampoons type film cast. three hopeless losers looking to get to third base before the end of the summer


    The one on the right will shit himself at some point in it, the one  on the left is the sarcastic one, the one in the middle gets caught wanking in hilarious circumstances.

    Judd Apatow directs. 

  3. 4 hours ago, itzdrk said:

    Anyone managed to catch a pre season game in Prague?  We are going first week of July and would like to go see one of the many teams (not Sparta).  

    I've been to one at Slavia the last couple of years and I went to an Admira Praha game last year as well because one of my old work colleagues lives near their ground. Depends on where teams go for pre-season but there are about a dozen teams in Prague to chose from.  

  4. 6 hours ago, Dave said:

    Does anyone have any experience of getting tickets to football matches in Prague? I'm heading over the first weekend of May for a stag do, and according to Flashscores there are two games on in the MOL Cup while we're over. Slavia Prague vs Karvina on the Thursday evening, and Bohemians vs Sigma Olomouc on the Friday. Has anyone been to either of these grounds and could recommend one over the other?

    Slavia and Bohemians,  you can buy online at ticketpro.cz and print it out, they won't sell out, at Slavia you can get a ticket from the ticket windows at the far end of the ground. the windows of people that speak English have wee union flags on them.  Sections 124 and 125 are behind the goal above the ticket windows, the Slavia ultras occupy the stand opposite. 

    Bohemians is a couple of tram stops before Slavia. the ticket shop is at the main entrance. 

    Eden, is the nicer stadium and Slavia are currently 9 points clear in the league and still in the Europa league, Bohemians are in relegation bother. but have Panenka as president, the guy the penalty is named after and it is a bit of a mental club. 

  5. On the subject of stag do's The city have been clamping down on the strip club industry in the last year, particularly in Prague 1.  Immigration raids found dozens of women working on tourist visas and were deported. Several clubs have been forced to close.  It looks like a deliberate move to try and finally clear its reputation of a sleazy, lads destination. 

    I rarely go out in Prague 1 any more but I have noticed a reduction of the amount of stag weekends there and a lot more middle-aged couples. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

    I really enjoyed wandering around the city, but good lord, how unfriendly are the locals?!

    If you were on a stag do..........very

    I've never had a problem with the people of CZ, always very friendly, Slovaks even more so. 

  7. The AE bus is, or was the last time I used it 60Kc, drops you at the Palladium shopping centre or the main train station (Praha hlavní nádraží) 

    If you want to go the quickest route, there are transit ticket machines in the baggage halls in Prague airport, I think a 3 day pass is about £12 you can get the 119 bus outside both terminals to Nadrazi Veleslavin which is on the green line, it goes right through the heart of the city. 

    Taxi companies have booths in the terminal buildings and it would be about 700kc in to the city with 40% a return  fare. If you are getting a taxi, download an app for them and book it through that, I speak enough Czech to speak to drivers and I still get hit with the occasional attempt at a 1000% mark-up on the price. 

    I've never used Uber as most of the locals complain about unlicensed Ukrainian drivers and taxis can be just as inexpensive with the right company. 

  8. 55 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

    Who are Talbot letting go.

    I'm sure we still hold the majority of the Talbot teams registrations, much like Tiffony, they can sign for anyone outside senior football.  Shankland said last year that he wanted Ayr to either release him or give him another crack at senior football,  When McCracken left, McCall said he wasn't going to get game time but so had let him go but would keep an eye on him. 

    I doubt we'd be shitty enough to take players from junior football and piss off a local club, I doubt either player could compete at this level regularly either. Shankland was the slowest professional footballer I have ever seen and he wasn't out his teens at the time. 

  9. We are in a situation where we are retaining players to have a go at promotion, with no money to strengthen. Even if we sold one player, say Smith, for £20-£60k .  That money wouldn't be put back in to the team.

    We have been miserable for almost a month now, yet still sit second in the league with a game in hand that could put us back top. The only answer is getting players back fit. 

    On the grand scheme of things, we were beaten yesterday by a team that would be better than most division two clubs, if we had gone out to Peterhead or Stirling Albion yesterday there wouldn't have been this level of hysteria. I wasn't that bothered about the result because we are in the best position to get promoted to the top league in my lifetime.

    Not playing an extra 1-2-3 games in the cup, with a small squad  while our main challengers are still in it will hopefully be a benefit. 

  10. Watched the game on TV yesterday and was fairly sure we'd see the game out, Talbot set up the same way as Falkirk and It was a standard performance of late, loads of possession but zero final balls.

    Higgins lost his man at the free-kick , he is either rusty or past it, other than that it was a pretty flat performance. Losing Kerr and Shanland have been big blows, More so kerr, the last 3-4 games have been 90 min of the ball being passed back and forward along the back line to a full back or wide player, who turns and passes it back exactly the same way. Kerr mixes up passing more and we have been completely one dimensional since he got injured. At least with Shankland playing, he has  the ability to make something out of nothing. 

    McDaid and Crawford have been poor. Moore doesn't so much as need a goal, as needs a shot at goal, the service he has had and his link up with Moffat has been pretty dreadful. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Virtual Insanity said:

    Is there somewhere to watch games/highlights? 

    There is the goly z ligy app that shows in-match highlights and most games can be found on a dodgy stream. Czech football has much the same deal for domestic football as Scotland, with O2 sport showing live games every weekend. 

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