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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. The tactics, while not pretty or exciting, were minutes away from being successful. Kilmarnock may not have been a brilliant team, but people seem to lose sight of the fact that we had a pretty poor team. Do people seriously think that attacking Kilmarnock from the first whistle would have been a better idea? We'd have lost in 90 minutes instead. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know anything about football and should go refund their season ticket. The one complaint I had about the tactics was that we should have showed a bit of attacking endeavour sooner, i.e. after 60 or 65 minutes. Attacking in the last 5-10 minutes of extra-time when you're already losing is too late.
  2. I confess that as a player he was a hate figure for me when he played for Rangers, but he was a good player and they say that if supporters of other teams hate a player then he must be doing something right. He appeared to revel in his status as a villain anyway. However, a persons' health and life is more important than petty football loyalties. Football is only a game. The photographs from his public appearances over the last few years show a young man gradually wasting away from a terrible disease that he fought with great courage until the end. His death is very sad news. As a care professional I have worked with many people who have died from degenerative diseases and no person deserves to suffer such an awful and drawn out death. RIP Fernando, and thank you for being one of the more entertaining characters of Scottish football in recent times.
  3. The commentary has always been dreadful, it's part of the PES charm. I got it yesterday and played for a couple of hours last night and enjoyed it. Despite the flaws, the gameplay generally feels more "real" to me than FIFA does. I started my master league with a win and then proceeded to draw four games in a row.
  4. ASDA wasn't stocking this, which was disappointing. Probably doesn't sell enough for them.
  5. Played a few matches of the demo and found it more enjoyable than the last FIFA. Will pick this up later.
  6. I didn't get PES last year but enjoyed the 2016, 2017 and 2018 editions. Tempted to get this as I find FIFA pretty boring.
  7. He used to post on here. His username was Muggy.
  8. Watched the first three episodes of the new series last night. The Scottish accents are awful aren't they? Cringingly bad.
  9. I think they would cost a lot more to hire. Most people scrimp on the wedding band and don't go for a big name.
  10. I haven't been to a wedding since I was a child. I tend to give them a wide berth and don't really see the point in them.
  11. Well, they could buy the club from the dobber that currently owns it, but they still won't have anyone to play until next season. At whatever level they can get into. Maybe they could do what Rangers threatened to do if they weren't allowed back into the league setup and play a series of glamour friendlies around the world?
  12. I read that there are parties still looking to purchase Bury. Too late now surely?
  13. I think Paul signed him for Arbroath at some point so always assumed they must be related. A google search proves that you are correct.
  14. Is he any relation to Paul Sheerin the ex-Aberdeen, Ayr United, ICT and St Johnstone player?
  15. You can make talking about money much funnier by referring to cash as "fanny rash".
  16. I still use my iPod classic and probably will keep using it until it dies. A great device that sadly is no longer in production. I have quite a large collection of CDs and it's handy having them all on a little device that fits in your pocket. There are a few similar devices made by companies like Fiio that get good reviews, but when my iPod dies I'll probably just move onto streaming for convenience.
  17. You could get the player into trouble for naming him on here. I'd remove it if I were you.
  18. Why is Hanley still stealing a living as a footballer? He looks like he should be driving a tractor.
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/49434573 Junior Agonegone
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