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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Inverness Caley thistle have SENSATIONALLY swooped for Everton Loanee, Sean McAllister
  2. Injury prone, has barely played consistently since the covid season. If we’re pinning our midfield cover on him we’ll probably see Davidson in midfield at some point
  3. We now only really have 2 centre mids in Gilmour and Anderson. Defo need a midfielder to come in imo
  4. If they do get him they need to get a camera crew in to follow him around. ”We’re in Glasgow that’s the fucking difference”
  5. If you’re reading this Dave Cormack, I am a massive Aberdeen fan and I would love for Yogi Hughes to be our next manager. Please make it happen. Yours truly, Central Belt Reds
  6. I’m hearing that Yogi Hughes is waiting by the phone to be invited for an interview
  7. My pal and his bird jacked their jobs to go to Australia for a year. Basically spent their time either working or bevvying. They absolutely loved it and think they’re planning on going back later this year. Thoroughly research wherever you plan to go though, my pal nearly had a heart attack when he seen the price of fags and booze in Sydney
  8. Most of them will be on PCP I bet, worked with loads of folk who didn’t understand the difference between that and buying the car on HP. They might’ve done wee bits of financial planning in PSE (or whatever they call it these days) when I was at school but a lot of the folk I went to school with couldn’t remember their school timetable so not much chance of them remembering financial advice.
  9. We’ll be in the Premiership anyway, Alex Samuel’s had a vision from god we win the playoffs
  10. Good luck to him 100% but can’t say I’d want to go and play for a greetin faced c**t like Martindale for an extra couple hundred quid a month.
  11. Ffs, I’ll absolutely gutted if he does go (which he probably will, Scott Burns is normally bang on). Had him pegged as a future captain
  12. Totally missed the Dunfermline home game. Hopefully the new boys shore up the defence and no more silly late goals
  13. Off the top of my head I think it’s about 8 points dropped. Both Dundee United home games, conceded once late on. 2 points lost. Raith at home, conceded 2 late on. 3 points lost. Raith away, conceded once. 1 point lost. Dunfermline away, they equalised to make it 1-1. 2 points lost. If anyone wants to correct my working, feel free
  14. At least one more to come in this window according to Paul Chalk and it won’t be a defender
  15. It’s just a mindset thing, I’ve got the town centre a 5-10 min walk away from my flat and I’ll nip over for a greggs sometimes (walking ofc). Last time I seen my neighbour jumping back in his van for the less than half a mile drive back to our street. Just sheer laziness and will only get worse imo
  16. Imagine all the centre backs we can sign when this battery farm gets up and running
  17. Just signed up for Platinum membership, been fun reading all the gold members pm’s to each other
  18. Really surprised Michael Stewart didn’t make the list, needs to up his game IMO
  19. Eni Aluko now seems to be suing Joey, never had much dealings with solicitors. Is it normal for them to message someone on Instagram?
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