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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I suspect the Slovenians might take offence here. Not sure.
  2. Yeah and that was Plan 'B'. Plan 'A' was to go to the local bakery and buy half a dozen bagels - but they were shut.
  3. The band Chicago got its name when other members of the band noticed that Peter Cetera suffered from severe flatulence - and consequently so did they. Apparently he never got the joke.
  4. Can you explain the last row? Apparently you are more likely to have no opinion/would not vote if you are Protestant OR Catholic than if you are - ANY age at all. Is there a large Hindu population that will definitely vote on this matter? Just asking.
  5. If the Brexiteers bring about a united Ireland by peaceful means - will they be nominated for the Nobel Peace prize?
  6. Will that mean determining parentage? I don't want to sound like a bigot or racist or whatever but I kind of think all langoustines look the same.
  7. "You say Hell (o) and we say goodbye." Personally I think "I am the Walrus" makes more sense than Brexit.
  8. Similar idea. Take a screenshot, edit it in Paint Shop to add a smudge and then save it as the background.
  9. I suspect the keenest Brexiteers will be able to show off their brand new blue passports on All Fools Day. How appropriate.
  10. Put a piece of the stinkiest cheese possible on her desk and leave a message saying "I have learnt - Bye."
  11. The stand-up comedian Jeremy Hardy died recently. I recall one line he said: "It must be wonderful being a Lib Dem politician. You can promise anything - a giraffe in every garden - and it doesn't matter because you'll never form the government and you'll never have to deliver on any of these promises". That was said long ago, before the Lib Dems went into coalition with the Tories. However I find it relevant. I feel with Brexit that the Tories are offering a giraffe in every garden, have absolutely no idea how to deliver on it, have not got hold of a single giraffe and are trying to blame the EU for all their difficulties. Now if it had been duck billed platypuses then that might have been easier ...
  12. Yes but unfortunately all past governments have also found it convenient to take a regular swipe at the EU and portrayed membership as something to be endured rather than something beneficial. Basically they are waiting for a UK government with a positive attitude and in all honesty they don't expect that is going to happen any time soon.
  13. Donald Tusk isn't criticising all Brexiteers and all Leave voters - only those had absolutely no idea how they would implement the whole thing. Which - by sheer coincidence - is all of them.
  14. "Oh but we do have a plan." "Really. What is it?" "Oh there you go again. Bossing us about."
  15. "Something else" This is like asking a child to write a Santa list expecting they will write Scaletrix or train set. Instead they write "something really good". So you get them a Scaletrix. "Already got that". Then a train set. "I was hoping for something better than that". As long as they never say what it is, they can just keep asking for more.
  16. Of course it doesn't exist. Has nobody heard about gravity?
  17. I wonder if the Nissan bosses paid attention to the Brexit vote in Sunderland. "We were creating employment in their area but to them we are just bloody foreigners." If a Nissan executive from Japan moved to Sunderland, their children would probably be bullied at school and told to go home. Hardly the welcoming environment that anyone would want.
  18. I totally agree that is emotional - a siege mentality. "I want my country back." Actually it had never been taken away. "I'm sick of them telling us what to do" Yes the EU tells the UK what to do but it also tells Germany what to do, and France, and Italy and all the others. 27 countries don't seem to have a problem accepting rules that have been agreed to collectively. It's called consensus. It's called being a team player. I think some Leave voters are looking forward to the hardship, bulldog spirit and all that. I predict "Because you f***ing voted for it" will become a common expression after Brexit.
  19. It's like someone moving out of the family home. Does it still count if you move to a house only three doors down? Does it still count if you still live on the same street? Voters were asked if they wanted to Remain in the EU or Leave. After the voters went for Leave - nobody ask them how much. "We've leaving the family home - Australia here we come." ("You know - New Zealand is even further away") For people like Farage and UKIP and the ERG, any deal with the EU will be seen as betrayal. They can afford to endure the purest of pure Brexits. I doubt everybody else can.
  20. I recall being in Angola when David Bowie died. As a Portuguese speaking country, the main news channel was Brazilian. It devoted a lot of time to his death. I thought why would they devote so much time to David Bowie - surely Brazil has something equivalent. Similarly, I encounter foreigners talking about the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and James Bond films. You would think this might count as exceptionalism. Yet the Brexiteers show no interest in any of this. They are more interested in great battles and world conquest. In the past, militarily, the UK had one big advantage - a giant moat. Once some fool invented the airplane, that changed everything. For the future, there are no colonies to be created and I doubt there will be any great battles and territory to gain. I guess the Brexiteers haven't realised that the world has moved on.
  21. Yeah. The last time I was in Central Park, it was full of chickens - so obviously he knows his stuff.
  22. Yeah but never mind. We'll get some marvelous deals from countries that really don't need us at all. That will show them!
  23. I can't understand why Nissan are leaving. During our Christmas season of war films, we deliberately chose not to show "Bridge over the River Kwai" in case they might take offence. No appreciation whatsoever!
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