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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. "I just want to know if immigration will fall." "No." "That's outrageous. I think .." "No hang on. You said you just want to know and now I have told you. You didn't say I just want to know and if not then blah blah blah. You said you just want to know. That's all. Nothing more. Now please shut up."
  2. They had a referendum on that back in 2005. Don't tell me they are having another one.
  3. Some people on here tie themselves in knots when it comes to Anna Soubry. "She is a Tory therefore I can't say anything nice about her." I don't have the same problem. Anna Soubry thinks Margaret Thatcher was a wonderful person, a wonderful leader, a wonderful prime minister and a wonderful role model. I suspect I would disagree with her on a lot of things. However her role in the EU debate is not about me or people like me. She thinks it would be better if we stayed in the EU and so do I. Maybe for completely different reasons - it doesn't matter. Her target audience is Tory voters, people who have no problem with a lot of the things that people on this forum oppose. She wants those Tory voters to support a second referendum and then vote Remain. A Tory voter voting Remain is just as useful as any other voter voting Remain. Some people still get upset. "If I agree with her on one thing, then I agree with her on everything." - No. The only person who agrees with me on everything is me - and even then I sometimes change my mind. If Winston Churchill was willing to sign a pact with the Devil to defeat Hitler then I would say the same about Anna Soubry regarding to EU. Not sure if she would like the comparison.
  4. People should also remember that his lack of effort during the referendum contributed to the current situation. Corbyn is relying on "rebounce socialism", where everybody marches off to the right, decide they don't like it and then go marching left instead.
  5. Freddie Mercury chose his stage name to reflect his keen interest in chemistry. However it was his second attempt. For a week, he called himself Freddie Praseodymium until he got fed up with people asking him how to spell it.
  6. You could also mention that Man United have a global fan base including lots of foreigners who couldn't locate Manchester on a map. "Oh, is that where it is? I didn't realise it was a real place." I suspect there are some who think they play on the Isle of Man!
  7. This is outrageous. At our local golf club, we do have a long term plan to ensure that members wear the appropriate socks at all times. The length, the colour, the knit pattern must all meet existing regulations. These are of critical importance. Only the other day, somebody invited a friend to play at the course and he was wearing socks displaying the insignia of another golf club. This will not do. He has been spoken to sternly and told he will not be welcome at the Sunday barbecue. I blame the EU.
  8. I always work on the assumption that when somebody is polled like this - they will answer as if the next question is "why?" The answers might be: CON: I expect the Tories to deliver Brexit LDEM: I oppose Brexit and want to remain in the EU Green: I oppose Brexit and want to remain in the EU and I care about the planet UKIP: Send 'em home By comparison, why vote Labour? It is in favour of Brexit OR maybe against it OR maybe Yes OR maybe No. I choose to vote Labour because I just love Lucky Dip. Where's your sense of adventure? .. or maybe not. There is a temptation to say you would vote Lib Dem - not because you actually would but to scare Labour away from its current position and more towards a second referendum.
  9. Yes. Brexit is the elephant in the room and Corbyn wants to ignore it. I suspect the main reason Corbyn became party leader is because he appealed to the young (and not so young) idealist who would just like the world to a better place, where there is no war or disease or poverty and everybody gets on with everybody else. Unfortunately so much of the Brexit argument is the exact opposite of this. The whole Lexit argument is a nonsense. Does Corbyn seriously think all the leading Brexiteers and their allies in the MSM are doing what they do just so he can sneak in and create a socialist utopia?
  10. Can anyone help me with the cryptic crossword in today's paper? 5D. Remoan'rs with pig becomes total arsehole. (5,6)
  11. Ah, so in these areas, people kept seeing signs that said "built and paid for by the EU" and the reaction was "bloody interfering foreigners".
  12. The irony is that the Highlands is one of the highest recipient of EU funds. Similar to Wales - which voted Leave.
  13. I totally agree with this. I suspect a lot of people previously had no opinion on the EU at all. Yes, it served a purpose but how does it affect my daily life - I don't know. Then the newspapers started attacking the EU and successive governments were too quick to do whatever the newspapers wanted. "The EU is to blame for everything that is going wrong with your life." "Oh. Is that right? Good bye EU and good riddance." In years gone by it would have been witches. Imagine Question Time audience demanding we do something about witches. "My life is hell. Witches are to blame. What is the government doing to burn them all." "We voted for no witches. Get rid of them - now." "I am sick and tired of the witch-loving Metropolitan elite telling us what's good for us. We don't like witches. Witches be gone."
  14. I use to use one of the standard ringtones that came with the phone. This meant I was constantly checking my phone whenever I heard that ringtone. Now I use a ringtone that is definitely mine - or at least I haven't heard anybody else using it. The more irritating one is the Notifications tone. WhatApp and other things seem to update 12 times a day - so the shortest, quietest Notification tone is essential.
  15. I'm all for addressing the Status Quo but not sure what that has to do with EU membership. UK politicians have been using the EU as a scapegoat for their own failures for decades. Don't see the point of proceeding with Brexit simply because it will be different.
  16. As far as they are concerned, if there is a return to a hard border then that is because the EU are being pig-headed, inflexible, stubborn and bloody-minded. Imagine being accused of that by the DUP.
  17. The Labour membership chose Corbyn to be Labour leader because he shares their aspirations ... .. except when he doesn't.
  18. It also means returning to some golden era that never was. For them, it represents patriotism and if it all goes wrong that is somebody else's fault.
  19. Good point. BTW, somebody has asked me to make carrot cake. No idea. Never made one in my life. Any suggestions welcome.
  20. Fascinating to read that Stalin could sometimes be a nice guy. That is definitely news to me.
  21. Nothing changes because not enough people get angry about it. You have the leak of the Panama papers and the Paradise papers. A single episode of Panorama reveals that Lewis Hamilton saves millions by flying his plane to the Isle of Man just once. He doesn't need the extra money but so what. People are annoyed but not that annoyed. Lewis Hamilton lives in Monaco. What can you do? In any case, they can't relate to Lewis Hamilton because he lives a completely different lifestyle to themselves. Then you get dozens of programmes about benefit cheats. Tom down the road got £20 from the council to help buy a new washing machine when there was nothing wrong with the old one. People love that. Terrible Tom. Lock him up. Throw away the key. Oh but would you like £20 to help you buy a new washing machine? Yes please.
  22. Exactly. That's why they keep saying "Leave means Leave" because it is the one thing they agree on. "They means They" "Are means Are" "Idiots means Idiots"
  23. People might talk about tuition fees but for me the most uncomfortable aspect of the Liberal Democrats going into coalition with the Tories was about how comfortable they seemed with the arrangement. Nick Clegg sat beside David Cameron, and the rest were just as cosy. When the Tories blamed the Labour Government for the financial crash, the Liberal Democrats were quite happy to concur. They reinforced the Tory agenda and gave austerity a legitimacy it did not deserve. I can easily imagine a lot of Liberal Democrat voters who despised the Tories were horrified. Now it seems Jeremy Corbyn will play the role of "useful idiot" for the Tory agenda. For people in England who dither between Labour and Liberal Democrat but are definitely not Tory, I suspect voting Liberal Democrat might seem appealing. The main problem is the electoral system, FPTP, where the anti-Brexit vote is split leading to a pro-Brexit win. Ah but that is what we call democracy!
  24. It is not impossible to leave the EU. However it is impossible to leave the EU and cease to be a member but continue to reap all the benefits of being a member.
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