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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Leave means Leave. Talk about missing out on the detail. "Would you like to buy my car?" "Maybe. What can you tell me about it?" "It's my car." "Sounds good. How much?"
  2. Jeremy Corbyn is popular in the Labour Party because of his position on the political spectrum. For example, he is not likely to invade Iraq or Libya or anything like that and he is in favour of nice things and so on. However, he is reading from a script and one that was written decades ago. He doesn't want to talk about Brexit because there was a time when the Labour Party was against Europe, he was part of that and he does not want to be described as a turncoat. We are talking about a part of the politic spectrum where suspicion, paranoia and accusations of betrayal are rife. While I might agree with him on a lot of things, he is just an incredibly weak leader.
  3. Yes and I devoted an entire chapter to it in my new book "Black is White".
  4. "The Millennials" and "The Baby-Boomers" both struggled to secure a record deal and disappeared into obscurity. "Generation X" did much better until Billy Idol left to go solo. HTH
  5. Actually that was more because she had been lured up to Scotland to see Kingussie. She thought she was going to meet a possible future husband. Instead she had to watch a disappointing game of shinty on a cold wet day in January.
  6. I think the idea was to defeat Germany and that would stop Germany bombing the UK and sinking ships and all that. Liberating France, Belgium and Holland was a good way to gather up allies to fight the Germans. Are they holding us to ransom? Are we holding them to ransom? They are simply saying "if you want to do business with us - here are our terms." We are replying "we want to do business with you but our terms are simply a request for you to improve yours." Doesn't seem to be working.
  7. In fairness they also had the Irish Easter risings and a world war to worry about Yes. I got that wrong and you spotted it first.
  8. This is one of those logic paradox things, isn't it? If I am supposed to believe you here - then clearly it isn't true - but then that would mean it is true. Argh.
  9. You are ignoring a hard core Remain vote that is probably stronger than it was before. In 1916, you had idiots like Dave Cameron and George Osborne leading the Remain side so the choice sounded like: "Yeah, it's crap - we need to get out" versus "Yeah it's crap but I guess that maybe we should sort of stay in." There was also a lot of personality politics - blue-on-blue, Eton mess crap. Hopefully, in a second referendum, the Remain argument would be argued better and anyone wanting to argue the case in a lukewarm manner will simply be told to f*** off.
  10. That's not going to work. They have never known what they want except that it is not whatever she has to offer. These are people who have always been disappointed by the contents of their Christmas stocking. It has been a truly traumatic experience for them and they want the whole country to know what it is like.
  11. KingRocketMan II, you need to understand ... Whenever a politician says "clearly" that means it is not.
  12. Hey that's easy. "Brexit means Brexit" means "Brexit means Brexit"
  13. The backstop is that the whole of the UK stays in some sort of customs union with EU until the border issue in Ireland is resolved to the satisfaction of the EU and especially the Republic of Ireland. The Brexiteers are furious. They know a hard border would be required if there are different customs regimes but their approach is to pretend it isn't, force the EU to put one up and then blame the hard border on the EU. The EU are having none of it.
  14. Yeah, that's it. Except they weren't being duplicitous - they were just bored!
  15. Tomorrow's headline: May be Yes. May be No. May be for now but not for long.
  16. .. and the same people who complained about the Northern Ireland Tourist Board claiming the Giant's Causeway is 60 million years old.
  17. While she barely has control of her own party. Yeah. Very convincing.
  18. During the referendum they kept going on about “Australian-style points-based system”. Afterwards, they discovered it would actually lead to more immigrants so they quietly ditched it.
  19. Oh dear. I am not saying that everyone who votes Leave again is a thick racist. GROUP "A" - Leave voter who is a thick racist GROUP "B" - All other Leave voters Nobody in GROUP "A" is going to change their mind - IMO Some people in GROUP "B" might change their mind. If enough of them do - that would be great.
  20. .. and what brilliant negotiators will we have to negotiate our return?
  21. No. Some Leave voters are thick racists. I don't expect any of them to change their minds. We can now focus on those who are not thick racists and voted Leave for other reasons. These are the ones to target. These are the ones to persuade.
  22. Oh dear, you talk about generalization and then suggest all leave voters are the same. Incredible. Some of them are thick racists. A lost cause. Some of them are not. These are the ones who might change their minds when presented with the new evidence of what it will mean.
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