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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Fun fact: European Russia is larger in area than the next 19 largest countries (by area) in Europe combined. What we call Eastern Europe should really be called Central Europe. Fun fact: Istanbul and Moscow are the two largest cities in Europe.
  2. Strictly speaking "Best before 27th December" generally means "Best before the end of 27th December". So the bread in question was still in date but obviously the shop will probably apply a yellow sticker towards the end of the day but they don't have to.
  3. I would like to dispel the idea that Saint Helena did not have a prison. Napoleon himself was "imprisoned" there. Boy did he have it tough.
  4. Where to go for the best pint in St Helena?
  5. Suspiciously appeared shortly after 2426254 was banned!
  6. I thought it was Schwarznegger who said that.
  7. The one you found in the fridge when you thought you had none left.
  8. The USA is sort of one. It consists of 50 states and some of these states would succeed fairly well independently but choose not to be. (Yes, I know that 4 originally were but that is not the point).
  9. You forgot to mention the first choice for the role of Takagi was you know who but his agent messed up. Also the film was made at the headquarters of Twentieth Century Fox, which saved them having to rent somewhere. Oh and that Bruce Willis was born in Germany.
  10. Yes. I do know that Wyoming has as many senators as California and all that. Yes. The senate is skewed and always has been. I understand that. However I recall one poster on here who has lived in New Hampshire for decades and who said life in New Hampshire stayed remarkably the same regardless of Washington because state law often has a bigger impact on daily life than federal law. That was the point I was making.
  11. Oh dear. Just shows that you haven't been watching the show. Last year in episode 3,727 it was revealed that some mischievous aliens had transported the entire village, farm and everything from Yorkshire, England to the South East corner of New Mexico. Some people suggest this just a cynical move to boost viewing figures in the US but the writers deny this. HTH
  12. I would be perfectly happy with a European superstate based on a federal system where most of the time you can ignore the other states in the same union. For anyone who being paying attention the American posters on this thread mention that if you live in New Hampshire you are not especially affected by how people vote in North Dakota, Nebraska or Nevada. If England and Wales were in the same union but do not dominate Scotland then why you care?
  13. Not really police officers is it? You have got some sort of hat thing going on there.
  14. I remember when Reagan got elected as some old guy aged 69. Despite that he was up against the Soviet Union choosing leaders considerably older. Nowadays it is Putin (71) against similar. Who'd have thunk it.
  15. I wonder if there is a structural engineering forum with people saying "Don't like football but got dragged along to Pittrodrie and guess what. One of their players looks like the guy we just recruited."
  16. Actually "wee man" is also a myth. His height was fairly typical for that time.
  17. Not just some Tories. Farage accused them of being a taxi service for migrants. Net result: their donations shot up.
  18. BTW My current employer didn't seek any references at all. He knew I was brilliant. One of the benefits of being self-employed.
  19. I am not suggesting he piss off the old employer. Simply recognise it as a contract and nothing more. The old employer have only themselves to blame not paying what they are willing to pay.
  20. What is the concern anyway? That the old employee might take legal action? If they were prepared to do that - they would have paid a decent amount in the first place. Maybe they would give a bad reference? Again who cares. It is the new employer that will be asked for a reference when he goes on to the next stage in his career. Most importantly don't be overly helpful to people who don't deserve your help or respect you for providing it. I have made that mistake myself before.
  21. Also known as "Live, Die,Repeat". Similar to Top Gun Maverick, the enemy is not a today enemy that might seem dated in decades to come.
  22. Nothing to do with Tory heartlands. They could have it anywhere and the same collection of freaks and weirdos would show up. Question Time used to be good. Not because of the panelist that you most agreed with but because of some other panelist saying something you hadn't considered. Nowadays it is simply BBC Pravda with anyone not towing the party line being interrupted incessantly. Utterly boring.
  23. You will recall the famous John Glenn quote "I am sitting on top of the biggest rocket in the world built by the contractor who put in the lowest bid".
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