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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I imagine Coutts will probably be dropping his account too!
  2. The MSM play a bit part in this. They have decided the Tories are gone and Labour will win the next election. Therefore it is more entertaining to focus on the maddest craziest speeches because they are going to lose anyway. I predict the Labour Party conference will be presented as a natural "government in waiting" gathering. There will be fringe meetings about support for striking workers but those meeting will go unmentioned. Similarly those about proportional representation and re-joining the EU. Lots of speeches that don't really say much, as well as lots of Union Jacks and God Save the Queen King. As long as Labour promises not to actually do anything, the MSM are okay with them as a placeholder government until the Tories get their house in order.
  3. I am surprised they want to have anything to do with Jesus. He seems pretty woke to me. Discuss.
  4. If we discount all the scores from golfers who live on the continent and golfers from woke parts of America, who actually won?
  5. After the election they will have to choose another one and all the sensible ones were booted out for opposing Brexit. On a slightly different note, which tropical disease is the least unpleasant ...
  6. Albert Einstein was born on March 14th. Also the joke about Farrah Fawcett arriving in heaven and been given one wish. "Oh, I want to save the children" and then ...
  7. Rewriting history. You didn't vote for Augustus. The two of you bumped off his predecessor and that was that. The same thing happened again with you and Lyndon. Old habits die hard.
  8. Then again, the Tories might lose the next election and conclude it was because they were not right wing enough. Thus they will choose the most bat shit crazy leader they can think of and consequently Labour will win the next one by default.
  9. He used to be married to Billie Piper. I think he is still smarting about that.
  10. If only it was that simple. The Professor has declared it his favourite film and insists every year on the last day before Christmas every member of staff has to come to work dressed as an elf.
  11. I was once on a bus in Dingwall when I realised everybody else was a County fan! Still I lived to tell the tale!
  12. "Good morning" is short hand for "Have a good morning to you". "Morning" is even shorter still. (Similar Good Bye is short hand for God Be With You) After you say Good Morning, they could reply "Good Morning" but it is quicker to skip to next bit and say "What's happening". Some people even say "What's the Craic?" (I dunno, a small fracture that is not entirely a clean break?) Not to mention "Fit Like Loon?"
  13. Those buttons are there to balance the shirt perfectly. If you remove them you will start veering off to the side when you walk.
  14. How did dropping 7.5 million tonnes of bombs on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia improve the lives of the people living there?
  15. Well I broadly agree with you on all of this, you are being a little unfair going with 75 years instead of 100. The longer period would have included the Second World War and maybe that deserves another 5 points for helping defeat the evil Nazi Regime and another 5 points for helping defeat the equally evil Imperial Japanese regime. Having said that, it was not done purely out of the goodness of their hearts and their belief in freedom and democracy. The USA would have had little influence over a Nazi-controlled Europe. Similarly had Japan been allowed to control all of East Asia, it would have been a serious rival to American hegemony of the planet. Most military interventions are to extend spheres of influence or at least prevent the sphere shrinking.
  16. It will be revealed that aliens are real, they have been watching us for years and if we don't stop being nasty to each other than they will blow us all up.
  17. "How to feed a family on 30p a day" with Lee Anderson.
  18. He also thinks people are struggling to buy their own homes because they are spending all their money on smashed avocado on toast.
  19. "Right Class. Today we will discuss the Oxford comma, whether it should be used or not and what are the benefits. Here we have an example I found on P&B just yesterday ..."
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