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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Despite the sign you quickly realise you are not in sunny Australia.
  2. It is their last name that they had before they got married. HTH
  3. On Saturdays I advise the US President on matters of national security so his regular guy can take the day off.
  4. Yes. I may have just made that up. The other one I was tempted to try was: Google U.K. criminal who has spent most of his life in prison because of his violent tendencies. Bing AmerIcan actor best known for being an all round good guy who killed people in his spare time. Me. I am just an accountant.
  5. Google British filmmaker who has won numerous awards. Bing American film actor who starred in a famous car chase film and another film set during WW2 involving an escape from a prisoner of war camp and trying to get to Switzerland on a motor bike.
  6. Apparently the Peppa Pig vote is much larger than anyone thought. Labour will have to work hard to get it back.
  7. Yes. I realise. It was a good shout. About 361 miles. However it includes a fair amount of fast road. Machrihanish to Durness is less than 300 miles but it will take longer because of the roads you will use.
  8. Machrihanish to Durness would be 7 hours and 33 minutes. You would also go near some of the places where Highlander was filmed.
  9. Just as a brief aside, this chart provides some great names if I ever want to start a band.
  10. Maybe Nowhere Man by Lennon would be better.
  11. Alan Clark was also very concerned about animal rights. It was just people he didn't care for.
  12. I think newspapers in England are more right wing and thus are able to influence opinion more. I think this was especially true with Brexit where a lot of people with no opinion on the EU were persuaded to have an opinion. Newspapers in Scotland are less effective at influencing opinion. IMO. Also there is a theory that more northerly countries have harsher weather and you have to rely more on other people to survive the elements. Also Scotland has more tourism and more ports (for its size) and thus is less insular than some parts of England and Wales. Not sure how true any of these factors are but it is a start.
  13. Just to be pedantic. Some of it was filmed in New York. I don't live near New York.
  14. I would suggest Rope (also Hitchcock as you know). 12 Angry Men is mostly one set.
  15. Like might be too strong a word but there are some Tories who could appear on Question Time or Andrew Marr or similar and I would be interested to hear what they have to say. Chris Patten would be top of that list. Also John Major, Michael Heseltine, Ken Clarke and Rory Stewart. There are plenty that will never be on such a list.
  16. Actually I have totally changed my mind on this. We should help Oaksoft as much as possible. I have been researching this more - become something of an expert actually. Anyway, because of conservation of matter or equivalence or something like that, every time Oaksoft goes to that other universe, his Doppelganger (thanks Spellchecker) from that universe will come here. Also because of sciency stuff, if Oaksoft hates people then it is almost certain his Doppelganger will actually love people. "Queues, traffic, noise - that's just life, m8". I think it could be great for everyone- including Oaksoft. We need to get to work on this. Oh dear, I am beginning to sound like Oaksoft.
  17. I don't see what all the fuss is about. You simply use a matter to energy transporter beam in the middle of a planet wide ion storm. Job done. Failing that there are several episodes of DS9 that make it look like child's play. Where there is a will there is a way.
  18. When I was a small child I could fall asleep in the car and wake up in my own bed. I seem to have lost that power now.
  19. You could argue that it is all about the big bad west but his choice of target might suggest that like the Manchester Arena bomber it was all about his disapproval of women.
  20. .. and then there is the story of the Maths teacher who lost his job for setting a question where the answer was 3 x (4 + 20) = 72
  21. I think I know the answer to this one.
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