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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Why fire them out of the back of a plane. Just cross breed them with homing pigeons and get them to fly to whoever wants to eat them for dinner.
  2. When Tony Blair became leader, he did a great job of being "prime minister in waiting" and not just leader of the opposition. He also came up with "New Labour". New is a great word, really positive, like warm or cosy. "The New Improved Labour Party" or even just "The New Party" would have been just as good. Never mind whether it was left or right. It sounded good. They knew about image and looking slick and professional. Once elected was a different matter. After 2010 they avoided looking slick and professional, they avoided using the word "new". "Same old, same old" was the message. Very frustrating.
  3. What a ridiculous suggestion for her to make. Buses are not located everywhere. More importantly, she is practically saying "yeah, we might have more like him. You can't be too sure."
  4. Ted Bundy had a wife, a child, a promising career as a lawyer and was even a church elder. For those who knew him, an all round good guy apart from killing lots and lots of women in his spare time. Not looking like a monster allowed him to keep going longer.
  5. Am I reading this right? James Bond is going to save Christmas with help from Johnson.
  6. She must be dumbfounded by the national lottery every week. "Would you believe it. Somebody won."
  7. Tube Way, Salvation or Dads ? It won't be Tubeway. Sure there is "Cars" but then again "Are Friends Electric?" would suggest they are not interested in petrol or diesel. You will have to think of a New Model.
  8. Yikes. That is less than 24 hours after he joined. Take note. Bound to be a question in some P&B trivia quiz in the future.
  9. If it is all about a train station, an airport and maybe even a ferry terminal then maybe the answer is Oban. Imagine a news report about people there being overweight. "Obesity in Oban City" Also it almost sounds scientific. "What is the obancity of Praseodymium?" "7" "Yeah. That's what I thought".
  10. Is this an argument for saying Dundee should not be a city? Yes I know about all the other stuff, marmalade and all that but a little bit station and platform impoverished to be the real thing. Discuss.
  11. In the early days, spectators at football matches were each required to operate a small fan. The combined effect was to reduce the temperature on the pitch to an acceptable level. Hence the term "football fan".
  12. The first zebra crossing was built at a safari park in Kenya. It was a complete flop. The Zebras ignored it and continued to cross the road wherever they liked.
  13. It was inspired by American Graffiti.
  14. Happy Days is where the expression "Jumping the shark" comes from. It refers to an episode where Fonzie jumps a shark and means a show that has gone on too long. Conversely Star Trek Next Gen is where the expression "Growing the beard" comes from . It refers to Riker growing a beard after Season 1 and means a show has become good enough to watch. Both "Mork and Mindy" and "Laverne and Shirley" were successful spin offs of Happy Days.
  15. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all rotated the main character for each episode. This worked best for DS9 where all the main cast were different but interesting. It easily had the best supporting cast. Every Garak episode was great. Denise Crosby left TNG on the basis of "my character is dull I want out". That was the correct decision although her guess appearances later were great. By contrast Troi's mother and Worf's son were both dull. Voyager had the blandest characters. It also had the blandest aliens (apart from the Borg). In many episodes it was battle scarred but in the next episode it was as good as new. Also if it was racing across space then why did it ever encounter the same aliens twice. Enterprise had several bland characters and episodes although Shran was great. Never liked the serialised approach of Discovery and Picard. Really hoping "Strange New World" will get things back to normal. Pike, Spock, Number 1, Uhuru, Nurse Chapel and others and also episodic.
  16. My radical idea was to leave the EU and that would free up another £350 million a week for the NHS. Then I realised I had gotten my sums wrong and I was being really stupid and naive and it really would be an incredibly bad idea. Luckily I didn't mention it to anyone. What a relief.
  17. I know someone who lives in the USA, has a very well paid job that includes a health care package but they still get hit for large amounts for things that are not covered by the insurance.
  18. Just saw a sign that said "Free parking and turning area". Brilliant. Not only can you park your car for nothing, they don't even charge you for turning it.
  19. A job that requires me to be decisive. I mean I probably could do it but I am not sure.
  20. If it wasn't for us, they would all be speaking German. Um, er, well you know what I mean.
  21. Tiger Woods has a sister and two brothers called Lioness, Cougar and Jaguar.
  22. There were two DVD rental shops in Jamestown, St Helena when I was there two years ago. I imagine the same might be true of Pitcairn Island or the Falklands. I think you should investigate the matter.
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