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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I hate to say it, your out on a bit of a limb here; Pennsylvania will have cast circa 7m votes by the end. In order to shift the needle by 1% you're looking at falsifying circa 70,000 ballots (in a race with is roughly 50:50). It's 7,000 for a return of 0.1%! How would the Dems or Republicans know that 70,000 was enough on election day or the 4th or 5th? Never mind the logistics of co-ordinating 70,000 fraudulent votes without getting caught? Yours, Occam's razor
  2. I don't understand why your linking that to late ballots. If you're going to commit a fraud like that, you could do that at any time.
  3. I don't see how it's a recipe for fraud. Possibly bloody annoying but unlikely to be fraudulent. Ballots will still have to be from registered voters etc. It's not double voting and it's not coerced voting, it's just late.
  4. In fairness AP called Arizona for Biden yesterday and haven't changed. I suspect there's a Democrat District still to be counted.
  5. Trump to take Georgia. Biden needs nearly 70% of remaining ballots.
  6. Where are you seeing Georgia? AP still has Tromp by 0.4%
  7. FREEDOM! You wouldn't understand you limp dicked* commie! This is 'MERICA! Yours, yeehar! aDONis *penis themed insult does not assume that you are a male. You could be a bint/bird/chick/honey for all I know.
  8. Trump would have romped this without Covid! Even with his shambolic response to the crisis, the biggest concern was 'the economy, stupid'! There is no doubt that he held all the economic cards, with high employment and irresponsible tax cuts. Americans were feeling good. Hell he almost pulled it off, despite Covid and being an absolute c**t! Folk have an optimism bias that makes them think 'bad stuff' affects others, not them. 250k dead is bad, but still won't have touched the vast majority of people (and if they were impacted, it was likely be to an older relative/friend). Most would know people who got it and recovered, which would again feed that optimism bias. I'm glad though that it looks like his mean politics have lost. Yours, fingers crossed aDONis
  9. Michigan seems to be widening, what's all the confidence about?
  10. Turns oot, I've always liked him! I can't believe there is anyone who has a bad word about Donny-boy. He was a regular at the Plough in Culter, I'm sure he wis! mhak Culter Ace! Yours aDONis
  11. Who's yer, who's yer who's yer fvkkin' daddy! Cabrales from the Picos de Europa in northern Spain is the shit! (it is sometimes known as the 'Devils Shit"). It appears that 'free thinker' Will Self agrees with me! https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/news/a885/the-long-read-esquire-eats-cheese/ Yours, stinkin' the fridge oot! aDONis
  12. I reckon he's outsmarted all the libtards, he already knows all the questions and the outcome!
  13. viet thanh nguyen (@viet_t_nguyen) Tweeted: “Third World” refugee here. I have a PhD in English and I won a Pulitzer Prize in Fiction. What have you done? @LaurenWitzkeDE Ooft tell!
  14. Give the Mooch his due, this is pretty good. Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci) Tweeted: Future @jeopardy question: how many years did @realDonaldTrump serve as President? https://t.co/RHzaab04xX
  15. Word is that the White House's resident racist political aide Stephen Miller has tested positive for Chyna Virus... SAD!
  16. My favourite chiel is well and truly oot! Two back to back bruising 5 setters just too much. That shouldn't take away from what Schwartzman did. He was magnificent and a worthy winner. Now I'm supporting anyone but the big two.
  17. Ro Khanna (@RoKhanna) Tweeted: There are now more recorded cases of COVID-19 in the White House than in New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam combined, and they have 124 million people. Let that sink in. https://twitter.com/RoKhanna/status/1313145421657640962?s=20
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