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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. Hemin, fit ye sayin'? I used to hate having to try and head goalies kicks. Corners... fine Crosses... fine Blocking shots... fine But hoooooofs in the wind with some hoor clatterin' into the back of you, were by far the worst balls I had to deal with! Yours, I coulda' bin professional if not for my lack of fitness, talent and application! aDONis
  2. What a bunch of stupid Libtards you are; Your snowflake erses are going to get astral poked. Amen!
  3. I know, I know, he played 40 times for us, but what an impression this loon made. Also, I'd never seen the St Mirren goal, only heard of it's legend (till today). My favourite is the Hibs one... what a laugh that was!
  4. I see our Tommeh' has decided to become an immigrant in Spain.
  5. Any excuse to post this; According to Wiki he played for us 33 times, but he was a cult hero long before 30 games so I'm having 'WHO'S YER? WHO'S YER? WHO'S YER FVCKING DADI!!!!!
  6. Does anyone else remember the graffiti that said something like, Derek McKay! Games against Celtic 1, goals against Celtic 2 (I am oor young to remember the '70 final, didn't even set foot in Pittodrie till '75 I think). Yours, spring chicken aDONis
  7. My favourite was only ever worn about twice. It’s the white version of the Jarvie top. This is the only picture I can find.
  8. Aww FFS! Even Livvy (away) and Pikey II have decent kits this season! I hope this season isn't curtailed, as we'll get relegated for 'crimes against polyester'! Yours, I think we should just call 'skins' during the season. aDONis
  9. King of the Riddies more like. Aberdeen have won the Aberdeenshire Cup an inconceivable 51 (fifty one)* times, not a (dare I say it) puny 50 times! Not only that 16 of our wins came before we were even formed! SO HUD AT! *includes constituent clubs (Orion FC x 5, Aberdeen x 5 and Victoria Utd x 6) Yours, yer diddy daddy aDONis
  10. Of course it went down the the last 7 minutes, they were playing each other. What a ridiculous point to try and make.
  11. f**k me man, are you fucking unwell?! Less than an hour ago, you were telling us Shinnie was worth £2m!
  12. So let me get this straight, Aberdeen = bad because we possibly, might have, maybe, lost out on a transfer fee of a purely hypothetical, guesstimated value of £2m. Imagine how shit you'd think we were. if we sold a £75m player for £13m +10% of future trade value... Losing out on £54.5m of real money (rather than £2m of pretendy ones) WHAT A MINTER THAT WOULD BE! Yours, thankfully nobody is that fucking stupid, to have passed up on £54.5m for one player! aDONis
  13. Does the 3 - 3 Draw with Dundee count, where Duncan Shearer stepped in because erm... Pele Paterson was erm... unwell (probably an early strain of Coronavirus)! Worse than that, does Simpson's joint game with Neil 'Not-Tattie' Cooper count (a loss by 2.5 goals to 0) pro-rated because of joint management responsibility that day.
  14. It's obviously a sad commentary on me, but I actually warmed to him a little bit in that clip! YOIKS! Yours aDONis
  15. No, because that would have had a (self inflicted) impact on this coming season and the new (improved) Sky contract (guaranteeing less money for all clubs). It would also have meant that clubs would not have received their prize money. But you know all of this.
  16. What are you talking about. Our clubs have needed contact football, since games were abandoned. Clubs are losing money hand over fist during this hiatus. Contact football in August (if it goes ahead) and crowds in October (if they are allowed) are only months later than clubs 'need'. Honestly, you need to stop digging!
  17. This ^^^^^ Aberdeen for example were only one point behind Motherwell, they therefore gave up on a potential £250k prize money, or if you've got a Farce of Midlothian mindset £600k for missing out on 2nd. (Make no bones about it, we need all the money we can get)! Livi, St Johnstone, Hibs and Kilmarnock all gave up on prize money and possible European football. That pattern of teams potentially losing out, is repeated throughout the leagues, but to hear some people, you'd think they all made their decisions to end the leagues (not out of necessity) but out of greed, avarice and malice. The way they tell it, you'd think Hearts bear the stigmata, but the reality is, they were just shyte at football. But as our Lord and Saviour famously said atop the 'Hill of Broad'... GET DOON AND BIDE DOON! Yours, here endeth the lesson. aDONis
  18. Believe it or not, each side will choose an arbiter from a list. Then those that have been chosen, choose another arbiter from the list to act as referee
  19. The good news is, every day is a school day, and we're going to become much more au-fait with how the SFA's arbitration process works. In my head there are currently a line of arbiters against a wall, waiting for Hearts and the SPFL to pick one each. Then they get to choose who they want as arbiter referee! I've got it down pat! Law is easy! Yours, Rumpole of the Old Aberdeen aDONis
  20. Arbitration will be a bit like an informal court (which is why it needs proper legal representation). As I understand it, it's not a negotiation at this time (that's more mediation), it's just a re-hash of the original arguments but with an 'impartial' arbiter making a ruling. What I'm not sure about is whether or not one of the parties can go back to court if they don't like the arbiters decision. Some seem to suggest they can only go back to court if arbitration has been conducted in an erroneous or impartial way. Yours, not in the slightest bit a legal eagle. aDONis
  21. You! Are! My! Stav-rum! My Arild Stavrum! You make me happy! When skies are grey! You're big and hairy! And come from Norway! Oh please don't take, my Stav-rum away! I had a proper bro-mance for Stavrum (aye and I was about 30 at the time)! I'd love to get a copy of his drawing of the wind at Aberdeen! Yours aDONis
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