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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. I mightn't be able to devote me-self full time to the old racism.
  2. I'd like to see England do well, but Denly has fallen pretty cheaply I think this is going to be another uphill battle for England. Yours aDONis
  3. Norway seems a strange arrangement to name-check as the way forward? I suspect I'm being trolled. For the record, Norway; 1. Pays the EU for access to it's market 2. Accepts the 'four freedoms' which for emphasis includes the free movement of labour 3. Is a rule taker Of course despite this, it doesn't have a say at the EU itself, so I can see why a Brexiteer would be all for it! Yours aDONis
  4. Absolutely. For all the populist bluster, Hungary is one of the biggest benefactors of EU funding, even more so when you take into account the preferential rates it gets from the European Investment Bank (EIB). After all it wasn't Hungary that 'wun the woar! Yours aDONis
  5. From what I saw it was more than 50%. Apparently it was 118k of 199k were between 18 & 35. In addition if Boris decides he needs a 3rd stab at an early election, SNP and liberals are primed to amend it with a reduced voting age.
  6. Hi Tirso It's a fair question and I can only give why I thought it was a bad deal, and part of that is personal (others with have their reasons). 1) During the WA period we gave up any influence on crafting new regulations/standards etc. (I understand why the EU argued for this, but we should not have agreed, whilst we were still being expected to pay). 2) The deal itself focused on Citizens rights, Trade of goods and weirdly fishing (which it kicked down the road IIRC). All of which remained in a pretty much status quo status, however (and this is where it gets personal), the UK would have had restricted rights to EU markets for services. We would only get equivalence status (similar to say the US), and on the basis many services we currently provide (and make a surplus on) would be restricted. (It's a little technical, but equivalence is effectively where the EU has agreed a set of standards that it will deal with 3rd parties/countries on (i.e. those outside of the EU). The big problem is, that it's rules don't cover all the financial services the UK delivers to the EU. So essentially the WA left the borders open for items where the UK traded at a deficit (goods), but restricted the UKs abilitiy to sell services where it made a surplus (some financial services). IMHO it was an attempt by the EU to attract UK financial services to europe and for some reason we agreed to it. Yours aDONis
  7. I'm not sure I quite agree with your first paragraph. I'm not sure what parliament could have done to 'find common ground'. Theresa May set a course very early on, in which she; a) Set off down a truly jingoistic path of 'Brexit means Brexit', 'Red, white and blue brexit'. b) Set up a set of ridiculous constraints on negotiations with her red-lines. c) Simply refused to even countenance cross party discussions (under pressure from her own party) d) Returned with a terrible deal, which she thought was a fait accompli. She couldn't even convince her own cabinet that it was any good, let alone her wider party and which no opposition party could possibly agree to, because it was at heart a hopeless deal, constrained by her own hubris/red-lines. We are here because the Leave campaign promised things it was impossible to deliver and 52% of the population liked the fairy stories. I don't blame Parliament for this and I don't see it as obstruction. In my opinion many are simply acting as responsible stewards and have so far helped the UK avoid the fvcktastrophie that is a no deal Brexit. Yours aDONis
  8. Hi Paco The answer is both simple and a little contrived. I live in the safest Tory seat in the country. Dominic Grieve has a majority in excess of 24.5k so in the five general elections since I moved here, I've basically farted against thunder with my vote (but I have always voted). Dominic and I do agree on one issue. So.. If he was going to be elected no matter what, I was thinking about using my vote to 'support his position' and hopefully encourage other Tory MPs to follow his lead. My decision was by no means set in stone, but I was seriously considering it... However, now, as Professor Slughorn said to Tom Riddle 'This is all hypothetical, all academic'. Yours aDONis
  9. Again I agree, but we can't do anything about history, we can only educated going forward. The answer is a political one, not a public one. As an aside and in a rather cynical way, I think that leave vote is diminishing via natural causes and that new voters are more likely to vote remain, so we may well be moving to a more europhile position. But again that doesn't really help us now. Yours aDONis
  10. Re: the press. I agree, but that is just another factor that needs negotiating. Re: common ground. That is up to politicions to define. In my head, it is a cross party agreement, where essentially there can be broad enough agreement in the middle to 'shut-out' the extreme wings (of which I have been part of for a long time). One of her many failings was that Theresa May didn't engage other parties. Nobody from one party or another will be able to pass a deal that they worked on in isolation. They key is to share a bit of power and get it done. Yours aDONis
  11. It is indeed strange times. 1) I'm begining to like Jess Phillips 2) I considered voting Tory!! I've had lots of chances where I live (nine local and general elections), but before now I had never ever considered it. Boris, Dominic & the local party have saved me by expelling Dominic Grieve from the party! So on a personal level, Boris Trump has saved my soul. As for others discussing canning brexit and simply remaining. I'm afraid that doesn't really help us. We are now at a point whether we like it or not, that choosing no deal or remain leaves circa 50% of the population feeling completely dis-enfranchised. Rory Stewart (an ex-tory. NB note to self 'WHAT HAVE I BECOME?') is right, we need to find a middle ground. Much though I have an awful lot of contempt for 'leavers', completely dis-regarding their viewpoint will not serve us well. I'd love everyone to see the light and convert to remain, but I'm also realistic enought to know it's not going to happen. I don't like the idea of people rushing to extremes both left and right, because it gets nothing done, or worse than that, the easy messages of self-interest and 'us against them' starts to dominate and the centre gets pushed more and more to the right (a la the Oo Ess of Eh!) Where does this leave us? I think all of us need to moderate ourselves and start to compromise. God forbid we may ultimately think May's deal was a good idea all along Yours aDONis
  12. It's obvious really Teddy Scott Ally Shewan Arthur Graham Martin Buchan Graham Leggat and my wildcard Neale Cooper, just so long as it's called the 'Tattie' pitch. Unlucky loons were Jess and Hewitt. Abidy else wis deemed 'oor forrin'. (Assuming that Darjeeling (far Tattie came fae) is somewye jist near Rhynie) Yours, parochial as hell. aDONis
  13. Easy tiger, keep yer hair on. Surely the Syrup Dome, retractable roof and all! Yours, see what I did there? I'm here all week, enjoy the veal, kaboom-tish! aDONis
  14. I'll be delighted if it rises to the standard of 'shitfest' My football-manager brain, just can't comprehend why (what I believe to be our best squad in years) plays such rotten, turgid, hoofball, so badly! I pray for a shittity-shit-shitty-shitfest 1 - 0 to Aberdeen. Yours, by the power of positive thinking! aDONis
  15. Fvck Hertz the shitty yo-yo club! Message ends. Yours aDONis
  16. I wouldn’t be so sure. Dominic Grieve has come under huge amounts of pressure from his local party members, including a VONC if I recall, and hasn’t changed his stance at all.
  17. Genuinely disappointed, he was a fine player for us, just couldn't get the number goals we expected from him. I'm not sure I'll be able to boo him when he returns. I'll give it a go, but it will be half hearted. Yours, aDONis
  18. I've done corporate at the HIV-dome, and it is a bit meh! But in fairness, I've done corporate in the likes of ManUre etc, and I always find it a bit meh! HIVs were also hampered by the fact that their guest of honour was Andy Goram. Surprisingly he lived up to expectations, he is as big a knvt in the flesh as you imagine! When he spoke about his time at Hubs, he said it was 'good until ah got sacked' (hilarious), then proceded to speak about his time at DeadRangers! (I shyt you not)! Also at his table was that complete and utter knvt Gordon Smith, so two lumps of merde for the price of one! Yours, bunch of corporate erse! aDONis
  19. I see it more as an 'opportunity to divest'!
  20. Am I the only one that really, really thinks May is a top player. I know he hasn't set the heather alight in the goals column, but for me, his movement creates so much space for others. I'll be genuinely disappointed if he moves.
  21. Well done Killie. I said it last year, but Killie are a thoroughly decent club and I hope you have an extended European run and enjoy every second of it. I also think Clarke would be making a mistake leaving a club like Kilmarnock, for the basket case that is the national team. Yours, gutted but hat doffed. aDONis
  22. Hi Resk The reason I left Whore and BrandRangers FCs mutants fans off the list, is because I'm confident, they'll fill their allocations irrespective of where the ground is. This was aimed at those moany knvts that seemed to suggest that Aberdeen would suffer a drop in 'away' fans because of the new location. I was just pointing out that few of those fvkkers turn up as it is.
  23. Do they? This season, outside the NewRangers & Whore FC, we've had the following league attendances by away fans; Hearts; 1,045 & 368 (1,045 is the highest away crowd outside NewRangers and Whore FCs). Well; 261 & 223 Livvy; 80 & 142 St Mirren; 375 & 261 Killie; 305 & 611 Dundee; 337 St Johnstone; 325 Hibs; 1,015 Hamilton; 38 & 36 Source = AFC Heritage No matter how you cut it, those numbers do not equate to an armada of buses that need accommodating. In fact looking at those numbers, why the fvk are there any away fans bumping their gums the new location. They don't turn up as it is, so why the fvk would we notice if they don't turn up tomorrow! Yours aDONis
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