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Everything posted by aDONisSheep

  1. History and tradition are a moving feast. Aberdeen are a prime example of that. Traditional colour = REEED, except when it was yellow and black for the first 35 odd years. Traditional nickname = The Dons, except when it was of course The Waaaasps! Traditional away end is? (Take yer pick, in my time it's been the South Stand, Beach End, Merkland Stand and occasionally even the Main Stand). Our traditional club crest is relatively new in the scheme of things, it does harken back a bit further, but even then it was by no means an integral part of probably our first 70-ish years. We (fans) tend to pick and choose what we deem traditional, and a level of sentimentality often helps bond, but 50 years from now, Aberdeen FC will still be Aberdeen FC, and our 'traditional' home will be Kingsford. Pittodrie will be a part of our history, but it shouldn't be deemed as our only history. Yours, looking forward to knvting the Edinburgh yo-yo clubs et al in our new home. aDONis
  2. Reading get an average attendance of circa 17.5k in and out primarily by bus and car every other week (stadium is circa three miles from city centre) that being the case I'm sure we can do it. I do want us to build something the city as well as the club, can be proud of. Look forwards not back. Yours aDONis
  3. He'min, dinna spik ill aboot the Scottish Polka King! JIMMY-SHANDS BARMY-ARMY! JIMMY-SHANDS BARMY-ARMY!
  4. FAMILIES! FAMILIES! Fvk me fitiver next. Next thing you know, those short selfish b*****ds will be asking for merchandise, then those hoors'l be growing up, banging on about the Dons rather than Barcelona or Chelsea! Get them tae fvk! I think fitba should be the preserve of ageing, white-male, fat, baldy knvts with a misguided romantic notion that it was all better in their youth (including the racism and glorified violence). I have no idea why we would want to encourage famlies with their future die hards in tow. It's not even as though they use the same money as us middle aged baldy fvkkers. Knvts, the lot of them! Yours, now NO TO KINGSFORD if their going to encourage others to turn up. aDONis
  5. The Madejski isn't on a train line, it's also out of town. Attendances have nearly doubled since the play-off final season at Elm Park. Of course nobody remembers that Reading used to play at Elm Park, because their heritage died when they moved Stadium (just like nobody knows that Arsenal used to play at a ground called Highbury or even SAAAAF of the river at one time). Yours, you'll have to trust me because all the heritage and history is dead, DEAD I tell ya! aDONis
  6. Yip. I just want a better set up than we have. I've said it before and I'll say it now, I think Pittodrie is shyt and it has been ever since I started going (mid 70s). We need something better and we've needed proper training facilities since 'afore I wis a loon'. As for the distance argument, well I looked on Google maps this morning it turns out that I've been commuting 9 miles from Culter to Pittodrie, and the recommended route is NOT along either the North or South Deeside roads, but is in fact via... wait for it... KINGSFORD! Even though that is a full 4 miles further in distance. If I managed 9 miles for 40 odd years, I'm sure I'll manage 6. (I've been gan the wrang wye fir forty-odd year it seems). It doesn't say much for our support if moving the stadium a 'puckly' miles means that they 'canna be arsed'. As for all this Hibs 'n Hearts stadium shyte. Easter Road may have a new stand, but it is still a fvkkin hole. Tynecastle, much though I like it is, still too small (particularly if you've got ambitions of growing that is). I'll say this again as well. I go to Pittodrie because that is where 'The Michty, Michty Dons' are playing, not the other way around. Yours aDONis
  7. That is brillant :). Top trolling, not many many people can pull of the thick as shyt schtick as well as that! Yours aDONis
  8. The more I think about it, the more I'm hoping it goes through. I'm looking forward to heading out to the fans bar, having a couple of pints safe in the knowledge that I'm helping support the club. Then I'm going to enjoy a supporting the mighty-mighty Dons v fvcked_if _I_care_FC. After that, I'm going to bask in the surrounding of the newest and best stadium in the country, before heading back to the fans bar for a further 'supporting my club' session. From there I'll either head back home or into town. I'll then also marvel at the fact that it turns out that Kingsford isn't in an outer spiral arm of universe and is as easy to get to Aberdeen from, as it is from Culter. Yours, top-red aDONis
  9. Aye well, there's nowt so queer as folk. My choice is up top of the Big Dick Erection (if I'm with friends) and that's because of the atmosphere. If I'm taking the kids, then it tends to be the Merkland (the family deals are often too good to turn down). So I'm not sure I can agree that the Big Dick is the problem with our atmosphere. During the Fergie years he described Dons fans as 'sweetie paper rustlers' and at that point we were one of the best teams in europe and still didn't create much atmosphere! #livininthe80s. Atmosphere is primarily people driven, not building driven. I went to a Jags v HIVs game a couple of years back and the atmosphere was terrific, but surely nobody would suggest that to create a great atmosphere, you need to have a grass bank where a stand should be. I'll admit it, I'm a funny mixture of new v old fan. The old fan part of me harks back to the days of terracing, sways and fechtin (conveniently forgetting the racism, bigotry, sexism and homophobia that was also fairly prevalent at the time). The new fan in me, says that we (AFC and football) are battling in very different market conditions, with a slant towards new technology and more leisure choices. In a nutshell we have to get more from our facilities, whether that be more family friendly comfortable surroundings, more corporate revenues, god forbid more away fans and more stadium usage (Rugby, Internationals etc. etc.). I'll also admit to not being as passionate about everything AFC as others (that's age and geography for you). I'll turn up to watch Aberdeen play whenever I get the opportunity, it matters very little to me, who the opposition are or where the stadium will be located. I'm from Culter, so I've been catching busses then walking to Dons games for 40+ years, it's not that bad! My routine might change, in that I'll go for a pint in Culter or at the stadium (instead of in town), then maybe back via town (if the wife lets me). I'm sure I'm not unique in my outlook, I went to Pittodrie because that is where the stadium is, had it been in Kingsford I'd have gone there without question and I wouldn't have been any the wiser. Yours in ambivalence aDONis
  10. In fairness the atmosphere at Pittodrie has, other a few exceptions, always been shyte! Mind you I've only been going since 1975 so maybe it was me that caused it, and before then it was ace. It's a terrible ground with terrible facilities. It is the stadium of my youth, and I do have some dewey-eyed nostalgic moments, but I take my kids there these days and they 'suffer it' for my sake, rather than enjoy it. Yours aDONis
  11. I'm tired of this, so I'm going to act that right cvnt on it. If you're an AFC fan with legitimate concerns about travel links etc, then hairy-muff it is a risk. If your some sort of 'know it all' away fan that hardly ever bothers to turn up at Pittodrie in any case. (And let's be honest we get very few away fans) then fvck right off! We are not proposing a new stadium for your benefit, that would be a complete fukking waste of time! You don't turn up now, so why would anyone give a fvkk about whether you might turn up in the future. This is about Aberdeen growing it's domestic base, not about whether some arsehole away fans think it preferential to some other site which they already don't bother to attend. So in short, fvkk right off! Turn up or don't turn up, but spare me the sanctimonious pysh about location when, let's face it, you make fvk-all difference to our bottom line. Yours, irate as fvkk! aDONis
  12. Aye, millions! At my last count he'd spunked circa £9m on various share issues and debt write offs, but that was before the recent big debt write off so I'd guess it is well north of £9m now. Some of it was because of his own miss-guided largesse, particularly in the 90s when it was not unknown for Aberdeen to lose £3m plus a year. Yours aDONis
  13. Fans of the old club before the cognitive dissonance aka 'fairy-tales' set in (April 2012) We all knew the score back then
  14. Point one is pretty much on the money, although there are a few wrinkles depending on the complexities around issued v available shares, share categories, voting rights of shares and the really ethereal such as what value do others place on the loan to equity conversion (i.e. does the market see it as a positive move for the club's long term prospects)? Two other points of order are; 1) Value of shares are always in a certain state of flux and should adjust immediately 2) The voting power of any shares held are generally diluted (subject to some of the stuff I mentioned above). E.g. If you owned 50 out of 100 shares (50% of the club) and the loan conversion issues another 100 shares then you would now own 50 out of 200 (25% of the club). As for any going concern, again it's a bit ethereal. At it's simplest, the question is, will the club be able to meet it's financial commitments for the coming year/years. Just because a company is currently making losses and needs cash injections now, doesn't mean that it's not viable medium to longer term (see the likes of Tesla and Amazon which made losses for years and years). What the auditors need to be satisfied about is that somehow by hook or by crook, finance will be available to meet upcoming obligations. Aberdeen (now being touted as a well run club) had an 'emphasis of matter' only a few years ago, where they hadn't completed their negotiations with the bank on a loan re-structure in time for the accounts. The auditors didn't qualify the accounts (on a going concern basis) because they had assurances from Wiggy & Gilbert (?) that the worst case was that they'd step in, if no agreement with the bank was reached. Hope this helps. Yours aDONis P.S. Safe to say, I won't be investing in NewBrandRangers FC though (they can get fvkked just like the old club)
  15. Terrible posting thread for this. Castle Greyskull was where the goodies lived. Snake Mountain was Skeletor's abode.
  16. I remember Tonev being a bit taller than that. Must have been him though, because he kicked and missed!
  17. Kings Links was the preferred option, but it had a couple of major hurdles. One was that there was a restrictive covenant on the land, making the likelihood of getting planning even less likely. The other was that as you get closer to the sea, building costs started to escalate, with that plan requiring an additional £9m of contingency spend (IIRC). I'm going to break ranks with many fans here and address the elephant in the room; Pittodrie is shyt! There I've said it. I've been going since 1975/6 and it's been shyt that whole time! I've got two girls, and gawd bless 'em, they accompany me to Pittodrie, but there is nothing attractive for them (until the blessed Deek turned up and I became a lot less irritable). I for one can't wait, till we've got a proper museum where I can show them the European Cup Winners Cup that their daddy held (aye at Cults Academy, nae Gothemburg). I also hope we manage to put a couple of decent ''club' bars into the ground. Just make the whole thing, something to be proud of. In closing, I already go to an out of town stadium (Madejski), and although it's not the most modern of new stadiums, it's streets ahead of Pittodrie as a match day experience (including the trek from Reading town centre). I'd have loved it had we been able to build a new Pittodrie on a hover-pitch above the Castlegate, but we can't and we're not. I don't think this will be nearly as bad as people imagine. It hasn't been for Reading, despite middle-aged men getting dewey-eyed about Elm Park! Yours aDONis P.S. My mums hoose in Culter... so YAY!
  18. Nae angry but utterly despondent. The twa Neil's fiasco at Tynecastle. I was so desperate for them to do well, but alas the shambles that Dingus left was irretrievable. There was another shambles at Tynecastle under Uncle Ebbe, now I was super angry at that. I can't remember the score but I do remember that 30mins in, Hearts had had 83% possession. I fvkkin ask you! Yours, having a little greet! aDONis
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