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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. Unless they are actually considering allowing you to drink your beer in your seat (unlikely) I dont see the point. Did hospitality at Ibrox last year for the Casey winner, and tried to have a half time beer. By the time we got to the bar and ordered, we physically didnt have time to drink our pints before they were chasing us out the bar. Tried reasoning with the steward attempting to chase us, but would have been better talking to a brick wall. Not against it in principle. Just dont see how it works in any way that would be acceptable to the authorities.
  2. The ironic thing with the way our season has panned out, is that the further away from the start of the seaon we get, the less likely SK is to knowing what his best 11 will be! Our bench come January will be a right laugh!
  3. The squad is slowly getting back to where it needs to be. Defensively, I think we are absolutely fine. Koutroumbis and Blaney getting back into training gives more depth with only really SOD a concern right now. Up top we also look fine. The loss of Vale is disappointing, but with Watt and Stama getting back towards full fitness we will get by for now. Robinson will continue to do the bulk of the donkey work and Moses will always add something from the bench. Midfield is still a concern as we still dont have the right balance in there and probably wont have until Paton and or Slattery / Nicholson come back. The use of Maswanhise and Tavares is helping us out a hole at the moment, but I yearn for the day when SK finally puts Miller back in the deeper role from the start. I do like young Sparrow though. He hasnt let himself down when called upon and certainly provides an energy in the midfield when on the pitch. I do suspect though that it will be same again on Saturday with Kaleta for SOD being the only change.
  4. The prices are on the high side, even for a cup semi final. My main concern is that its a disincentive for our fans and we end up not taking as many to a big game as we should. Apart from that, the gate money is shared so at least the windfall will be a decent one and our "black hole" should be filled for another year. If the club can assist with transport costs etc by subsidising buses, it could take some of the sting out of the weekend for those struggling to attend.
  5. Aye we seem to be a team with a bit of a split personality at the moment. Our starting 11 is definitely set up not to lose a goal and try and grind out results. When we make our subs and drop Miller deep its as if the shackles come off and we look a different beast. Be nice if we could find some middle ground.
  6. Kaleta has looked impressive in his brief cameos Looking forward to seeing what he can do if given a start. My only concern for him is that he wears a helluva lot of strapping around his knees for a young guy. Maybe just gives him a bit of reassurance after a previous injury. But it wouldnt be a good look right now if he were to break down.
  7. For all that I love the fact its Luke Irons voice that will forever be on all the highlight clips of that game, I can appreciate from a United standpoint how annoying it must have been listening to it live. It really annoys me when I have to watch us with the host commentator. Rob McLean is bad, but not as bad as the Celtic and Rangers ones. Given that its a national cup competition and Premier Sports presumably outbid other channels for the rights, the clubs really need ti grow a set next year and insist they treat every game as seriously as they would if their preferred clubs were invovlved. Makes Premier Sports (and the League Cup) look tinpot imho.
  8. First half was very cagey. Yinited played better football without really hurting us, but we looked dangerous at set plays and managed to get the goal. Second half we were much better and should have been out of sight before Yinited got back in it. After that it was end to end stuff and really pleased we got the deciding goal at the end. Really good cup tie. Very good attendance from both supports. Bring on the Rainjurs!
  9. I cant help calling your new guy Trapi Trapanovski! Only those of a certain vintage will understand!
  10. I think this is spot on. We dont get many chances like this to get to Hampden. To waste one playing negatively wouldnt be easily forgiven. Especially, as we have all seen this season already, the possibilities of a more positive approach.
  11. Cant remember exactly. But I seem to recall there was talk of him pretending to be injured so he wouldnt reach the appearances required to activate the extension or something like that. Did we not negotiate the extension to get the Euro money on the assurance we would let him sign the pre contract for Aberdeen? Just remember it all being a bit messy and leaving a sour taste in the mouth.
  12. I dont feel we have ever got the rub of the green from the likes of Beaton, Collum and Dallas before them. It has always felt like they over compensate for being local so they cant be accused of being "homers". Of course, it might just be that none of them have been that consistent in their decision making and fans of every club feel the same way?
  13. Like others, I expect a closely fought match with one side winning by the odd goal. We havent been coughing up too many cheap goals this season, but we definitely struggle to create a lot of chances with Miller in an advanced role and Robinson isolated. Really hope to see Miller playing deeper where he can control the pace of the game for us and we can find a way to get more support to Robinson. Id go with Vale and either Tavares or Maswanhise up top with Robinson in a 3-4-3. Obviously it becomes 5-4-1 when we dont have the ball. United have looked decent so far this season and look to have recruited well. But I think their defence can still be got at if we give it a go rather than taking the pragmatic approach that I fear SK will stick with.
  14. Agreed. Playing Miller further forward when were short of options was fine. But we arent short of options now as the substitutions yesterday proved. Im not seeing how playing him there is developing the player or increasing his value at all. Any club interested in him will play him in his best position and so should we. If assists and goals come from there, all well and good. Friday night is our biggest game of the season so far. A big game at home under the lights with a chance to get to a cup semi final at Hampden and the additional revenue that comes with that. We cant afford to be messing about. Our best 11 in their best positions from the off. Lets get at United, put them under pressure and play on the front foot. We are a much better team when we do that.
  15. Im also not sure he has the heart for it. He does a lot of running about but seems to stop when he gets near the ball / opposition. His body language confuses me.
  16. Its been a while, but there were a couple of golf clubs down the esplanade that let away fans in. Cant remember which one I was in.
  17. I dont think the actual result matters too much for us on Saturday. Obviously any kind of result and the additional points that goes with that would be welcome. However, Im more interested in the performance and the development of the team this week. Aberdeen have 100% record so far, so losing to them on their patch wouldnt be that much of a surprise or any kind of disgrace. But if we can be competitive with them, create chances against them and look like we are continuing in the manner in which we have started the season, I will be pretty happy. We really need to improve our home form this season as thats where most of our fans see us play and where any "feelgood factor" comes from. Away wins and points are welcome. But home points need to be our bread and butter. It takes so much more pressure off the manager and players.
  18. I think this is a great idea. It would also help fend off any future takeover bids. Dogs can smell a wrong un from a mile away!
  19. Lennon Miller isnt ready to be a full international yet. Let him develop at his own pace. When he is ready there will be no doubting it, or stopping it.
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