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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. I dont think you are wrong in relation to his physicality. But he is still only 17 and probably not fully physically developed as yet. Id expect him to fill out and get stronger in the next few years. Particularly if he is taken care of properly by our fitness team.
  2. It was right in front of us in the East Stand on Sunday and it was a "wow" moment for me. Just the vision to see it and the effortlessness with which he pulled it off. The kid is class......
  3. His yellow card certainly didnt help him. Every time Tawanda got the ball after that he ran straight at him! There was one run when he got in front of him and deliberately crossed his path twice inviting the tackle that would have led to a second red card. Wonderful to watch.
  4. I think its probably just a matter of managing the sqaud appropriately. We paid a fee for him, so youd think he is gonna figure eventually. Blaney getting injured allowed McGinn to step straight back in without ruffling any feathers and Casey for me would be the one under threat now, but he was very good yesterday. Would imagine it will be cameo appearances from the bench until the opportunity arises. Amazing to have that level of cover though if something were to happen to Gordon. Night and day from last season.
  5. Aye. TBF Gboly was class. Not sure he had the pace of Humphrey or Maswanhise, but his close control was amazing!
  6. I thought yesterday was encouraging on a number of fronts. Defensively we look so much more solid. Gordon is a great organiser and an absolute unit. Normally Vassell would just bully our defence, but by the end it was him crying to the referee which was great to see. Another clean sheet, and I dont see us losing anywhere near as many goals this season. SOD seems to be flourishing in his leadership role and is now fulfilling the potential we thought we were getting when he first signed. Still not the quickest for a RWB but he takes up some very good advanced positions in space if his team mates would get their heads up and pick him out. Seddon and Kaleta look useful additions. Wilson did well in an unatural position. He is a decent footballer for a defender, and I would be disappointed if we farmed him out on loan. He looks perfectly serviceable as a back up LWB /utility player. Davor and Halliday together dont really work. We were much better when Miller dropped back in there. The boy is class and can slow the game down or speed it up at the drop of a hat. The introduction of Watt And Maswanhise fairly livened up our attacking options. Watt showed he still has the nous to get us up the park and bring others into play, albeit he still looked a bit short of fitness. Tawanda was a breath of fresh air. Have we seen a player go past opponents at Fir Park so easily since Chris Humphrey was a thing? Killie are a tough nut to crack and until the final period of extra time we limited them to virtually no chances. Regardless of their starting 11 or the sending off thats not bad going. Once we get some of our injured players back, we have the makings of a more than decent squad.
  7. We should organise a group hug for him in the East Stand before kick off!
  8. Its absolutely mental. But I cant help but be swept up with the whole thing either. I was totally against him signing first time round and even moreso this time. But 2 interviews and Im in! Boy has a brass neck, balls of steel and the hide of a rhino. Mix that with his overall weirdo mentalness and you cant help but be hooked. He will either be an absolute bombscare on Sunday, or he is scoring the winner and doing aeroplanes up the East Stand. Buckle up folks!
  9. Re Watt. The manner of his departure was regretable. I wasnt really annoyed at him for signing the PCA, thats what happens when one of your players does well and another club can afford to offer them more money. It was the way it seemed that he manipulated his early release only days or weeks after standing on the East Stand wall slapping the badge. Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, not all of this would appear to have been on the bold Tony, and given SODs banishment for speaking his mind in the dressing room, its not too hard to think that Watt and Alexander had words hastening his departure. Certainly thats what others have alluded to on here and elsewhere. That in mind, his return doesnt phase me and Im happy to welcome him back. But only if he is true to his word and is willing to "graft" for the team. For me he has never been a goalscorer. His biggest attribute was always holding the ball up, bringing others into play, winning fouls, getting us up the park. Which is why it all went spectacularly wrong for GA once Watt was gone. The fact that he scored a few (and crackers at that) was just the icing on the cake. Given where we are right now, and the limitations of our team/squad, a fit and motivated Tony Watt should be an asset and improve our chances of scoring a goal. The fact he is in the final year of his United contract and SK seems to be pretty good at handling big weirdos should ensure we get that.
  10. Ah! I remember the good old days when we just voted on "vibes".......
  11. Re supporters attitudes, I think that changes with age / experience. I dont remember my first game, but Ive been told I was 4 years old so would be mid 70s and peak Pettigrew/Graham. Ive found as I get older, actual results bother me less and less and I get over bad ones pretty quickly these days. But the club itself means more to me than ever. Not sure if thats representative across all the middle aged to older supporters but my guess is it would be.
  12. 40 odd degrees in a kilt and flip flops! What a time to be alive!
  13. Congratulations! When does she get her Well Society membership?
  14. Some really excellent candidates there! Fairplay to one of the "Colins" for putting themselves forward! Shame about the pitch! Whoever gets elected will undoubtedly strengthen the Society Board with their energy and skillset!
  15. I wouldnt normally pay the money to go see us get pumped at the Temple of Doom or the San Giro due to the price and shite view. However, the allure of Hampden and our recent success at Ibrokes may tempt me out to play. Especially as some of the money will be going to the SFA and might end up in the development pot. But £33 for a league game IS taking the piss. Puts our £30 (still too much) for away fans in perspective.
  16. I dont agree that its one of the worst views. Anywhere behind either goal is much worse due to the distance from the pitch and rake of the stands. If you cant be down the touchlines at Hampden, then being in the corners is as good as it gets. Obviously the further back you are the better view of the opposite goal you will get.
  17. Due to segregation, I would imaging we will be in one of the corners next to the main stand. The worst seats in the stadium are down the front behind the goals. So at least we shouldnt be down there!
  18. Im actually quite hopeful that the defence has been addressed and we will conceed a lot fewer goals this season. Or at least fewer cheap goals. Oxborough looks assured coming off his line and his save from the free kick on Saturday points towards a reasonable level of agility. Gordon is an absolute unit at CB and the type of right dirty barsteward we have been missing. I liked the look of Balmer and he comes with a bit of pedigree. Just frustrating he is missing without any attributible reason for it. I think a back 3 of McGinn, Gordon, Balmer will be solid enough. Even Casey looked much better on Saturday and Blaney, concentration apart, is a perfectly adequate back up. Re the forward areas, its clear we need a couple of midfielders in to cover until the injured players return, so I presume they will be loans. Re replacing Spittal, I do wonder if Stuparevic was supposed to be that guy. He certainly has technical ability, but looks to be up there with KVV in the mood stakes! I think forward wise we are probably good. Stama will be the main man and it will be one of Robinson or Moses alongside him if we even go with 2 up. One thing I picked up on from SKs presser last week, and Im paraphrasing, but he seemed to admit he knew we didnt have the players to play his preferred formation, tactics right now, but he didnt want to change it while he was trying to get so many new player used to it. Time will tell whether thats the right decision or not, but it should have been an indicator to all that it might not be pretty for a few weeks.......
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