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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. "Thank you for your self-service sir"
  2. I merely mentioned it as part of the conversation. Not quite sure why you are so rattled by it. I certainly am not. Just find it odd behaviour
  3. There are a couple of newly emerged dotters. I strongly suspect they are of an orangey persuasion, as I seem to have been targeted. Not sure that PB was that way inclined.
  4. I won the second prize in the 50 -50 half-time draw. A fiver! First prize was a tenner. Four pounds well invested.
  5. I've taken in the last two North End games. They are decent middle to front, but a wee bit vulnerable at the back. St James away will probably now be their main threat. But aye, most other teams are in close season mode.
  6. Probably the dirtiest player I've ever had the misfortune to have watched, after Steven Ramsay. Although, I might have seen Terry Hurlock playing for Millwall against Arsenal once. Need to check
  7. What are they? I googled wingnuts but it just came up with shite that a certain poster is probably an expert on.
  8. What an absolute shitshow from Buckie Thistle. In fairness though, the system should only include clubs that are interested/ qualified (not B teams) to be part of the pyramid.
  9. Haha. Sainsbury's is the supermarket of choice in the Ferry..
  10. The thing is that North End's games are getting progressively more winnable. Kirrie away was tough, and Tayport tonight could have been a stumbling block..
  11. 4-0. The wee guy Pingu is running the show. Not that he's having to do much running. Patrolling the centre-circle
  12. North End 2-0 up v Tayport. Two goals right on half-time...
  13. Almost as bad as the SPFL website with their mis-spelled players and even a team.
  14. Paisley was about an anti-Catholic bigot as they come. I think he was on the apprentice boys' wing of the orange bigots rather than the orange order itself. Semantics. A horrible bigot however you want to dress it up.
  15. It's absolutely nuts that fascists are determined to turn a patron saint's day into a hatefest. Is there honestly any other country in the world that carries on like this?
  16. I have a tie that I inherited from my dad that I wear to funerals. Must be from the early 1960s.
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