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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. That's absolutely shocking. If any of the above happened in a care setting rather than a hospital, you have the route of registering a complaint with the Care Inspectorate, and the SSSC would be involved with the neglect by the staff, not to mention the falsification of records.
  2. Either a 4-0 doing for the Warriors or a home win. Healy, Austin, Schiavone, Shepherd and Trouten
  3. I understand that. Apologies if the post sounded disrespectful
  4. William will be needing a carpet fitter for his napper this time next year
  5. Loved how the commentary team both attempted to avoid reading the Stranraer goalie's name when announcing the starting line ups.
  6. I've lived a Fifer and I'll die a Fifer. Today was all about Billy McPhee.
  7. f**k off Thistle. And get your stupid tin pot washing machine sorted. Not happy.
  8. Where is the Heart of Midlothian bit on the pavement for Lisa to gob on? In fairness, that would probably be Bart's job.
  9. Love the Italian one and most of the South American ones. The UK one is just pathetic. Not too keen on the German one (for family reasons).
  10. I'm astonished you manage to get away with steak pie on Christmas eve in Poland haha. It's meant to be a holy day of obligation when you abstain from meat. Although maybe your family aren't Catholic.
  11. Just lacking a tattie scone. Egg would need to be runny though.
  12. We should have kept the pandas until we got assurance that this shit wasn't going to kick off again.
  13. It's not the best fish admittedly. The herring in soured cream with apple and dill is nice though
  14. Is the steak pie on the 25th? I take it you do the twelve dishes meal, barscz, carp, sauerkraut etc the day before?
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