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Everything posted by squeezebox-son

  1. I'm not so sure! Other than MacLean's shot and the 'keeper being pushed over the line I didn't think we looked like scoring at all today. Great finish from Paton though. Hasn't been much in the game but we're losing the midfield battle and Alloa are moving the ball around slightly better than we are without threatening too much. Hard to say but, Wright moved to come out and collect the ball in the lead up to goal we lost but hesitated and backtracked. Not sure if it cost us or just the horrific defending (bit of both perhaps).
  2. I had really hoped we might bring in someone a bit more creative. I know it's far from ideal but we do have Carswell and Lynch who can cover at CB if we needed someone. I understand him bringing in another defender but just hoped for a winger or creative forward.
  3. I am slightly disappointed with Barry Ferguson quitting before the weekend. I'd hoped for a good result and another Alloa manager sacked off the back of losing to us. There's no doubt they will only improve and I actually feel they have a decent enough squad. They won't challenge without some extra quality added (imo) but they shouldn't really be flirting with relegation either. Comfortably mid-table would be where I think they should be.
  4. This is literally what we said in the last round. We were also wrongfully handicapped by the referee for more than half of the match and only lost to a penalty. Dundee aren't really a measure because of how rotten they are to be honest.
  5. Yeah, I don't understand why Andy Graham would/will be groundbreaking as a manager.
  6. Yeah they were a bit wild until Duffy came in and settled things for them.
  7. Think he failed to go up via play offs and then won the league the following year but may not be 100% correct with that.
  8. That's like something from the Simpsons or something
  9. Imagine what Josh would have done to that backing in the first half as well. Clyde certainly look like they'll be dragged into things unless there's huge improvement. I had a good feeling today to be honest. We've been improving each week and Clyde have been rotten in 3 games against us too. With losing their top scorer in the fashion they have and there last couple of week (on and off the park) I thought we had a good chance to drag them into it. Nice to have taken a chance like that was as we don't always turn up on days like today.
  10. It sure as hell got a lot more interesting today...
  11. Stream was absolutely awful. Commentators were dreadful (but good for a laugh). Result is delicious.
  12. Yeah, we should be out of sight by now! Another poor goal conceded but we should have scored at least double what we have... The commentary is hilarious at times and someone needs to get that napkin to f**k so the camera doesn't keep wandering to the left. The quality of the picture isn't very good at all either. Not sure if the surface makes it look weird or that...
  13. There is no way that's a foul by Josh before the first goal the defending afterwards is shocking but that is never a foul.
  14. I thought this actually. Nobody mentioned it because the defending was criminal for the first goal... but in the lead up there was a foul given against Josh on the halfway line and there was nothing in it whatsoever (at least that's what I thought at the time and haven't seen it again). He suffers from refs taking little sympathy because he's the big guy at times too, not giving much for him. But we've seen that before with the likes of Nade.
  15. I mentioned this actually last night. That's 3 in 4 league games I think?
  16. I don't think many (if any) or those were on target. We deserved something from the game but our own mistakes and poor finishing cost us. If that improves then we have a chance but I expect a tight match!
  17. Why are you guys so adamant none of your players are on 4 figures? Is there anyone who actually knows anything factual or is it just denial at how badly (relative to expectations) you guys are doing if you are paying a couple of the guys that well? Given the amount of changes and the obvious money being thrown about in your bid to come up last year etc. In addition to the guys dropping from the Championship to join, it wouldn't be a massive surprise if a few were offered that kind of money surely?
  18. That's a fair point. Worth mentioning though that Carlo (our RB) has comfortably been our best player this season, but wasn't at his best really tonight. Boyle on the other side... he's finished.
  19. I'd agree with that more or less. There was nothing between the sides apart from the last 10 minutes the depth of their squad was evident. They brought on fresh legs that made a difference and they looked a bit sharper up until the end. But quality wise there was absolutely nothing in it, 1 (2) bad mistake(s) being the only difference. They won't go up in that kind of form, even though they have, on paper, a decent squad.
  20. Watching the stream with my brother (there was no way I was paying £15 myself to watch it!). As soon as it happened I said to him to listen for the moans from the fans and right enough... On the stream, it was fine but the camera was a bit erratic and behind play far too much. The replays were fair enough but between the camera work and the distorted, overexcited commentary I don't reckon it was worth £15.
  21. That's so frustrating! Game was there for the taking and QP were no better than us and a mistake cost us in the end.
  22. As much as he was poor for both Carswell is the main culprit for the 2nd goal. Terrible end to the half after working our way back into it!
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