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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Sorry to be one of these c***s, parking charges are enforceable but only in a civil court, the difference between Scotland and England is that up here it's the driver who is liable and not necessarily the owner, so they would have to A, have enough of a potential gain to bother taking you to court and B - be able to prove who parked the car. It's actually coming to an end, folk taking the piss have fucked it for everyone now and the Scottish government have promised that owner liability is coming which will bring us in line with the rest of the UK. On topic, these penalty fares would most likely be ignored by anyone who had the brass neck to just do so, but if the BTP were to take people to task it could be different, but there's no way they're going to take on a conductors role and it's out of Scotrails hands anyway. having a conductor is enough by itself to make most people pay and that's all they really need to do, there will be an acceptance of a certain percentage on non paying passengers vs the cost of eradicating it
  2. Perhaps deserving of another thread but do people in Scotland get away with unacceptable behavior simply because we are a nation of shitebags who don't like real confrontation or feeling uneasy on your other point, like the private car parks, charges are something that you should pay and failure to is a civil matter, Fines are something you must pay and failure to is a criminal matter. It would depend which category they fall into
  3. In order for a country to bid for the world cup, all the stadiums requirements must be in place before the bid can be submitted. none of this white elephants in the middle of nowhere pish might exclude many poorer nations from upgrading their grounds but at the same time f**k them, spend the money on something better. it's only fitbaw at the end of the day
  4. I don't mind the world cup being played in winter, why should they always be played during the northern hemisphere summer regardless of where they are taking place? qatar can f**k off tho. I think this was the last world cup worth qualifieing for, a 48 team format is going to be shite. i don't like the 24 team euros either no point in having elite tournaments and filing them with shite
  5. I feel this thread is the perfect place for Andy Gorum
  6. I think we are good enough to beat ukraine, i think that's all that should matter
  7. Aye! being the romanticized good guys has never served us well and has probably contributed to our history of being gallant losers in other words, FACK THE KAAHNTS! GET INTAE THUM Respect Ukraine by playing the fucking match as nothing else is going on
  8. It's America mate, there's every chance he's being completely serious
  9. Replace the surface this time round and hope to f**k we're in a position to go back to grass by the time the next one is done surely?
  10. here here strichy, they are fucking at it at the end of the day, you get the same gas and lecky to your home or business regardless of who your supplier is, as you say, we have one gas fired plant in scotlnad, at fuckin peterhead which doesnt use any russian gas. what we( scots) are paying for is the increase in costs to london and the south east. Basically as you correctly say, we are greener than ever before yet the price has went through the roof
  11. exactly mate, someone else having less than you is never a reason why you shouldn't get. and f**k any c**t who says otherwise. i lost out on a good pension and had enough allowances and benefits cut to amount to a 3 grand pay cut 9 year ago, to every p***k who gave it " ach yous boys had it coming, yous had it too good for too long" i would ask them what they were going to spend the money on? since they were so happy to see us lose out i'm just assuming that you were getting that money instead? they usually gave a puzzled look in response. it's just simple scottish jealousy of " i don't get what you get, so neither should you" the same guy who cut our terms recently tried to spunk 4 billion to buy chelsea, f**k off, we are the ones who pay tax, buy houses, motors, spend money locally etc if you'v got a problem with what you have or don't have , take it up with the mike ashleys of the world. i wish the train drivers all the best
  12. i thought this wall typical media bullshit scare stories again, the bbc has a picture of a girl who had the scabs. i thought here we fuckin go again, but then i saw her face and now i'm a believer
  13. for some players, after starting off at a top club and not becoming a first team player, the only way is down mentally. it all depends on an individuals mindset and is not linked to footballing abilities, so really it's just down to each individual case
  14. Back then some coaches and commentators said that we could be on course to be the next belgium, at the time our game was at it's lowest ebb and we all scoffed pish! nae chance same auld same auld & believe it when we see. perhaps it did work and we did have to give it time
  15. it looked complete dreadfull on first watching , i knew it was getting missed
  16. Yes, footballing wise they could be un prepared and un match fit for the game, what i mean is that if anybodys going to shite themselves for this game it's more likely to be us
  17. the only way the occasion and ongoing events in ukraine will ffect the outcome of this match will be if WE are the ones affected by it
  18. we've been through this many times over the years. Scottish football is (slightly) too expensive for what you get, but that's not why fans stay away. they stay away mostly because the product is garbage and they can't be arsed with it. the loyal diehards and those for whom the football is an integral part of their social life will go regardless ( blokes with kids & groups of lads) the rest will decide after several years of your club letting you down on the park whilst none of the revolving door of players can trap a baw, use both feet & take on a defender or string 3 passes together, that it' easier and cheaper to watch literally the best players in the world entertaining you on the TV. the old phrase of "put a winning team on the park and crowds will come back " is almost a CCOM, obviously not every team can be winning, TBF the current scot prem has better quality of players now than it did 10 years ago when crowds fell to their lowest ebb in a generation , and , most clubs have better crowds now than then
  19. if youre not vaccinated do they accept a test or is it just a straight no?
  20. I see no reason why this shouldnt be allowed at the majority of scottish games
  21. do the staff check your bag size vs your ticket?
  22. exactly, if he can't win with his best men out what chance is there of winning with a bunch of kids straight out of school with 12 weeks training
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