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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. not in the slightest I don't agree with draconian rules, or enforcing kiddy on masks as a way of making people kid themselves on that there is protection i'm just disagreeing with oaksoft's view that masks are unenforceable because shop assistants are too scared to challenge people, yet they must, by law , challenge those who try to by alcohol who appear to be under 18, or someone who smokes within their premises. When they came with the mask mandate, they chose to allow for medical exemption, but did not specify which conditions and only which conditions, qualified for exemption they allowed people to more or less self certify for their own exemption, they chose for exempt people not to be required to show proof when challenged and also advised businesses that they may be breaking the law if they refused someone access for not wearing a mask if that person then turned out to be exempt By making the law as they did, they made it completely unenforceable, if they had wanted to, they could have went down the route that other countries took and not allow any exceptions and have penalties for breakers, they didn't , I doubt they were ever that serious about it. as long as enough people went along with it then masks would serve their real purpose, as a visual reminder to people that there's a pandemic going on
  2. I'm not buying that, when it comes to the ban on smoking in indoor public places there are no exceptions in Scotland, Unlike elsewhere in Europe where lines can often get blurry on what is and isn't permitted and smokers often push the boundaries of what they can do, enforcement becomes almost impossible. If the rules on face coverings where as strict as the smoking ban and the sight of, or even a complaint from the public of, a single mask less punter in a shop, pub train or whatever would be enough to cop the owner a hefty fine then they absolutely would be enforcing it. not even the roughest boozers with the roughest punters tolerate flouting of the ban, no matter how much the staff don't like confrontation there either, it just doesn't happen. In spain, their initial lockdown had no exceptions for personal exercise, key workers had to carry ID and the police regularly stopped and searched people on the streets including checking shopping receipts and ID, the fines for those breaking lockdown were 500 euros ( 10 x ours) and the streets were completely deserted Say what you like about the UK and Scotlands weird and whacky rules , constantly changing and inconsistent. but except for mandatory closures of events and businesses, there has been little to no attempt to enforce any it them here
  3. Nonsense, go and light up a fag in the middle of iceland and the staff will be over right away to chuck you out the store, if a pub allows people to smoke they will be fined themselves as well as the individual smoking.A bus driver won't let you on board if you have a lit fag in your hand. they haven't enforced it because they have been guided not too. in other countries that have went down the mask route , rightly or wrongly, there are no exceptions, we have a list as long as long as your arm and allow people to self certify, All the way through this pandemic in the UK there has been little to no enforcement of any of the rules regarding individual behaviours. they are simply being seen to be doing something
  4. i get what you and many others have been saying , i myself think the SNP over reaction has been all about making scotland feel like a different country. but have you gave thought to the idea that right wing populists, far from loving freedom, have just looked to capitalise on the demographic that thinks "this is all a load of shite and I'd rather not be forced to go along with it"
  5. Sturgeon holding another fucking news briefing 2 days in a row now, f**k off
  6. f**k off! they're supposed to recline , I bet you burst baws that end up in your garden ya crabbit auld c**t
  7. That means it's awready been here for some time, should be good thing as the sky hasn't fallen in & a sign to simmer the f**k doon but we all know it won't
  8. Oh aye auntie ann’s really no well wae it! Said normal people whilst socialising and acting completely normal, simpler and better time
  9. Anyone know where devi is? I can’t see her through all this fuckin cigar smoke!
  10. anyone else gobsmacked eufa didn't somehow manage to keep Italy and Portugal apart? that's at least one of them not going to the world cup now!
  11. everybody sit doon We shouldn't despair, vaccines will be effective, so if you haven't had your vaccine go and get it, be that the booster, the first dose, the second dose. "Secondly there are new medicines coming along... these will not be affected almost certainly by this mutation. "We have got much better at controlling the disease in other ways in hospital so it is bad news but it is not doomsday.
  12. Interestingly, a year ago I made a post on this thread that I was against vaccine passports, but I was not an anti vaxxer, I simply stated it didn't sit well with me that a society would exclude those who chose to refuse medical treatment. I was given 13 red dots for it. c***s that you all are
  13. only if people are still hysterical about it, death is an absolute certainty for everyone , the truth is that the covid genie simply is not going to ever go back in the bottle, it's here to stay, and kill people for the rest of time. the people who will die of it from now on, would have died of something similar sooner or later
  14. Engineering wise it's very doable even at a hefty price tag. cost benefit wise it's no where near it. you would need a motorway along the solway coast to join up with the M6 and another up to glasgow taking the M77 all the way down. it wouldn't see the trafic. most of the Ireland-Britain freight traffic is going Dublin-Wales-England , even with a fixed link and upgrades to the road network that's still a long way for a for a shortcut
  15. ireland have kept more or less our level 1 restrictions for the whole of this winter, we would have absolutely done the same if we had the power and purse to do so ireland don't have to appear to care more than westminster, they also have to pay for everything themselves, how do you explain that decision?
  16. I’m not particularly fussed who we get tbqh, we have proved we are more than good enough to be there , if we don’t see ourselves as being capable of beating czech away with this current team then we might aswell chuck it and withdraw from fifa The obvious one to avoid is Italy , failure to beat NI for an automatic place is outrageous for them and I’d fancy them to put that right in the play offs Everyone else I think we can beat one way or another either like monday night or like isreal or the austria away game If the game were played next week, I’d fancy us to beat Portugal too
  17. Been said over and over again that the much maligned " non competitive games" in the old pro youth set up was actually for the benefit of the adults & not the kids, kids want to win anyway youth couches can often be far far too competitive to the point where they are only interested in winning at the time rather than the development of players. some boys clubs round here are notorious for it. and your correct it does sometimes lead to couches favouring the biggest and most physically developed boys at that age group, who can dominate smaller players , at the expensive of smaller but possibly technically better ones
  18. 1) it wasn't a play off it was a regular group game at the end of a qualifying 2) go and watch the game again, Italy had a perfectly good goal chopped off for offside, our equaliser actually was offside yet stood. the free kick at the end that everyone cried about, it was only a free kick, not a penalty and we stood about baw watching instead of defending it - - in any case it was 1-1 in the 89th minuet & a draw was no good to us, we had to win to qualify not exactly robbed we needed 3 points from our last 2 games against Georgia and Italy to be assured of qualification we got 0
  19. we're the second top seeds who finished with more points than some of the group winners wheras Italy couldnt beat fuckin northern Ireland when it mattered ( what do they say about big teams again?) there are no more mountains with this team, only games as said already, if we are ever to achieve anything then we must rid ourselves of this losers mentality that permeates every part of our culture. no other countries are interested in doing well to get this far
  20. bullshit! when the f**k did rugby fans start drinking tennents?
  21. wonder what the public support for restrictions in holland is like at the moment? i'm pretty sure that in scotland there isnt much appetite for returning to any kind of restrictions beyond a few noisy numpties?
  22. Correct, but we are also higher quality since we managed to finish second in our group, the same as any other team, we won 6 games drawn 2 and only lost against the top seed. were nae worse than anyone else
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