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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Mind they’re not people who caught it yesterday but who got it up to a fortnight ago. They really have to keep schools off now otherwise wee English hating jimmy cranky was quite right shutting the border and would need to keep ot shuy for a while
  2. 1 day of Christmas vs almost 100 days of kids mixing in schools without distancing. I’m not too worried. I think we’ll come put of this lockdown, probably at the end of January & if schools do blended learning, with under 200 cases a day Can any resident bookies give me a price on that?
  3. I think lockdowns have fucked with peoples heads if they think that was normal. More normal compared to what came before and after but definitely not normal.
  4. I know plenty of people who have simply had enough and are pushing the limits of what they can get away with I myself am no longer bothered and I’m making own risk assessment . I won’t be throwing or attending partys but if I’m visiting or being visited by someone and both parties agree then it will be inside the house. We are entitled to a life not just an existence. Oh and one for PTTGOYN but i hate the c***s who say “ oh some people had to fight a war yet all we have to do is stay in and watch telly don’t complain “. f**k off! People in jail have to stay in all day and watch telly, how many of them would choose to be there rather than outside We humans really don’t like being confined to our living quarters with someone else telling us how we can exercise , when and how we can visit family etc. That’s why we send people to isolate as a punishment!
  5. Just like lockdown one showed us, if you keep it in place too long people just ignore it en masse .
  6. Here’s an idea from a numpty on a fitbaw forum- highest risk and most exposure = 2 jags Everyone else = 1
  7. I couldn’t give a shite about maskless sturgeon and i also didn’t care about cummings and his trip to the castle, closing down all social interactions and places where they happen should be more than enough ( like we had in june and early july - phase 2) telling people to stay indoors should only be a last resort if we are at war or something similar
  8. The uk is now changing the game in a way resembling Barcelona under guardiola , if they keep up at this pace they’ll be simply unplayable. Ok it’s not funny anymore Going by today’s cases iy looks like they really have lost control again and if a lockdown is necessary again then this isn’t the time to be doing half a job, last time round a proper lockdown with schools shut made cases drop like a stone. England opened up to quick and the travel corridors were quite ineffective. This time get it suppressed properly and make sure that there is a proper quarantine for international arrivals, in a hotel with security on the door. Right now 90% of us would take normality at home with no foreign travel
  9. By doing what? We can't go anywhere, do anywhere or see anyone. What else is left? exactly, wtf is that all about, do they want to piss us off even more? we've already seen from earlier in the year that ultra strict lockdowns don't make much difference overall unless you take the china approach, if you ask me spain and Italy were a wee bit too keen to return to their Authoritarian heritage
  10. It surely must be proven beyond all reasonable doubt that it is only a small minority of parents that view schools as a free creche because they can't be bothered to look after children themselves, even more so since there's literally nothing else they could be doing right now except going to work or the supermarket. there is no way that the government is acting on pressure from people like that. can everyone please stop debating the issue with pie and bovrils poor mans answer to Adrian Durham
  11. or even because it's easier to neck a double spirit and mixer ( assuming you like the taste of it) faster than you could drink a pint , roughly same alcohol content
  12. Was about to say the same, it's a higher content than red bull, also if we drank caffeine in the same cultural way that we drink alcohol then it would be coffee shops that would have to be licensed with bouncers on the door and ID checks, great in moderation but if we were all heading down to weatherbucks to tan 6 or 7 double espressos before the fitbaw then there would be just as much if not more bother/ rowdiness as there is with folk drinking alcohol.
  13. if this year has taught us anything at all it's that it's every man for himself during an emergency
  14. If we’d kept the border shut from the start of july when we were getting 5-10 cases a day we could be the New Zealand of Europe by now
  15. I thought the first line of the clash’ punk classic i fought the law was - bacon rots in the hot sun instead of breaking rocks Given the song title i think my misheard version is better than the real one
  16. FFS anytime youv had a bad cold or flu you would remember that after the first few days you start to feel ok, but it normaly takes a few weeks or maybe a couple months if its really bad where your body still feels like you were recently ill, know what I mean?
  17. The secrets to getting rich quick, if such a thing is possible without say a lottery win or being very lucky/ talented , are just that. SECRETS! Anyone who did have such knowledge would surely be smart enough not to go around telling everycunt on the internet what it is.
  18. " its just not worth the risk" is a phrase mostly used by those who do not have any understanding of risk assessing or management
  19. That's not the rolls Royce one tho is it? what happened to the talk of the J&J vaccine actualy stopping you from catching it and spreading it, if there is a vaccine that lets you go round the covid ward kissing all the patients but still stops you catching it then that needs to have the highest priority , life has more or less ground to a halt and needs to get moving again before we enter a fucking 20 year great depression
  20. Whats the P&B best predictions for next year and beyond? Personally I think the way we are going just now a lot of next year will be a bogey including football in the summer, other countries with better leadership might get a closer level of normality . going to the pub could become a bit of a farce like ordering a breakfast you don't want at one of those early serve pubs so you can have a pint
  21. Yes, now that we've survived by the skin of our teeth youv got to wonder what next season has in store for the bairns, Given that we're essentialy now a wee island surrounded by (and hospital sharing with) high risk areas & a completely ineffective travel ban youv got to fear that the next week is going to be a bit like the 2009-10 season where we saw relegation coming a mile of.
  22. This is like the last day of the 2009 season ! COYB
  23. So long as they don't intend on visiting larkhall denny or fallin I can't see any issue
  24. someone get scouring the internet, there must be a picture of Ainsley Harriot & a Christmas pudding!
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