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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. 44 positive cases from almost 20 000 tests, no news headlines had to go digging for it, contrast to other day with HIGHEST NUMBER FOR 3 MONTHS NS CONSIDERS FURTHER LOCKDOWN FOR TAYSIDE . no news from America anymore either ( cases are levelling off) looks like Brexit will be back to take the Christmas number one for the 4th year running
  2. I think there will always be some buisness travels but expensive essentially pointless jolly’s abroad might well be a thing of the past
  3. It'll take more than a pandemic to stop us boy! Just you wait till we have crowds back as a % of a stadium, it'l be such a big w**k it'll be on pornhub!
  4. Are we still the sick man of Europe when it comes to underlying health conditions? At one point in may falkirk alone had higher hospital and icu figures than the whole of Scotland does now
  5. Also , keeping with the positive front, I absolutely don't think we should be worried about these numbers either here or in Europe , to compare them with springsis just apples n pears. Back then only those sick enough to be admitted to hospital we're being tested , no contact tracing and a mishandling of the elderly ( Both here and elsewhere) by any estimate the real numbers in spring were 5-10 times higher than those tested. treatment will improve as we go as will management of spread. we're going to be just fine. Get tae yer work!
  6. keep politics off here at all costs, the schools chat was bad enough. This is the biggest most consuming thing to happen in my lifetime weather we like it or not, the only person who likes it is virginton as he has all day to sit on here posting controversial shit to get a rise out of people. Everyone else just wants to keep in with the news in the hope of it being positive so this fucks off and we can live our lives again, Initialy I agreed with a lot of what Todd is god said regards this being quite an over reaction and poorly handled , but he's becoming quite the mini trump and SNP BADDER, and I don't think zero covid is realistic, we should have a controlled opening so that things get back to normal slowly without cases spiralling out of control
  7. Back in spring other countries shut everydown and we were under intense pressure to do likewise. No other countries are seeing bigger case rises but are still doing their best to go forwards not backwards with restrictions, public patience will be a factor as well as the furlough deadline. Also I remember that most colds and flues pass pretty quickly, but every so often healthy people get one that leaves their cheast fucked for quite a few weeks and just won’t bugger of, won’t this corona virus be similar?
  8. Surely the problem will arise when unscrupulous employers pile in completely mental unrealistic amounts of work and say " here's what I expect you to manage in a typical week, how you manage the time is up to you" then the poor employee end up working shit loads of their own time trying to meet the targets and since they're working from home they don't even have someone else in the office to confide in who can say " hawd on a minute that's mental, no one could do all that he's just taking the pure piss asking you to "
  9. I'm surprised and pleased that we're getting something today, I fully expected to get f**k all or even a step backwards with the new cases, I guess they're bound to know that just with the first lockdown , it can only go on as long as folk haven't lost patience with it Also what with these new powers? the police already had the power to break up house parties pre covid , have they just lowered the bar for them turning up mob handed to clear everyone oot?
  10. Fuckin hell full house on facebook comments bingo there!
  11. https://www.behavioraleconomics.com/resources/mini-encyclopedia-of-be/sunk-cost-fallacy/ I'm very bad for this myself, it's really difficult to shake of the core belief of "we've come to far to turn back now" How they are going to undo this "deadly virus which we must do all we can to protect from" to "Ach its fine just get on wae it " I honestly don't know
  12. 2 weeks since cases started rising to 40-50odds each day yet hospital admisions and icu patient numbers have went down!, as well as zero deaths. The same numbers have been reported all across Europe. You wonder if this just hit hard amongst the oldest and sickest in society who were hanging on by their fingernails in march or april?
  13. What if they asked for volunteers to go to a st mirran game or whatever? full stadium, no distancing no masks, singing , shouting fuckin hell referee! the whole lot, on condition that they isolate for 2 weeks and get tested every few days? we would then have a better idea of how the virus would spread at these type of events and make adjustments accordingly? isn't that basicly how they tested stadium safety pre - Taylor report? fill it with volunteers
  14. I don't understand this tbh either you die from covid or you don't ? Apart from stopping the NHS from being overwhelmed, the aim of the lockdown must have been to buy time till we figure out what to do about this In the longer term? that longer term is now. the Scottish government have an election next year which could explain their ultra cautious approach especially after the care home blunders whereas the UK government have a huge majority, almost a full term left to go by which point they hope this will be forgotten about AND a European union to try and leverage concession from, so long as we don't go back to mid april type numbers they really couldn't give a f**k
  15. I went to primary school .. could have been me
  16. At a guess I’d say they want the dust to settle from the schools going back before the rest of us get more freedom. Too many cases and c***s might end up greetin for schools to be closed again
  17. All public spending apart from the most basic essentials are just bribes to the electorate. Political partys draw boxes round groups of people then apply policy’s directly to them to but votes. Low income families- benefits and tax breaks Parents of teenagers- free university Farmers - subsidies Business owners- devinchy code esque tax laws to make sure you never pay any [emoji6] Rich elderly- tax relief early access to pensions Poor elderly- free personal care Spare cash - buy to let laws in your favour Renters - you have to burn the place down and not pay for a year to get evicted Unemployment black spot- keep open a woefully underused airport that the market would have closed years ago
  18. Without significant incentive ( carrot or stick) a majority of people on this planet won’t bother their arse anymore than is necessary. Most people want to get as much as they can for as little as possible. A small but significant number don’t mind working like f**k, but only if they are being well paid for it. Some people will work very hard for little reward for something they are passionate about, but usually only if their primary needs are taken care of by other means- a pension , inheritance or windfall Hardly anyone will go without so others can have - in fact our psychology won’t allow it . It doesn’t like others getting something past us , thats why it’s so easy for governments and the pressto stir up such resentment to those on welfare. It makes us feel like we are being made fools of
  19. 1 death in 6 weeks! you can't buy those figures for other commonplace diseases or conditions ( of which covid is now one) it will go up as cases go up with loosening of restriction but on the whole you'd have to say it's not bad just now, even englands deathrate isn't terrible. even clusterfuck countrys like the usa and brazil are beginning to flatline now , can't go on forever
  20. I think anyone who can work from home should be allowed to IF THEY WANT TO but it shouldn't be mandatory . It's not for everyone all the time. keep in mind your middle management types can't see you anymore but your employer has just encroached on your private personal space which may or may not be suitable for work AND by extension you could end up arguing / limiting what your family can or can't do IN THEIR OWN HOME whilst you are working. There are pluses though the obvious one is lack of travel , some people might find it more difficult to brownnose round the office to superiors but I guess they will find a way. Where I work there was already a massive gulf in the treatment of those who were office based and those on the tools / shop floor - being located in filthy hovels where basic defects go months without being addressed vs plush carpeted rooms where they get the day off if the heating doesn't work - out of sight out of mind. If the office staff are hardly ever at their work I can see the gap widening even more and the resentment growing to new levels
  21. I'm glad sturgeon is being cautious with us, but I've got less and less time for people who are gripped by fear these days. We need to get up and I agree but it’s hard to blame them when we’ve had months of this “deadly virus” and “red zone” shite pumped out this year. Death is a fact of life, show must go on
  22. Furthermore- I don’t approve of this 48 team world cup. We already saw empty seats at the last 2 for games between 2 lower ranked nations , some of them taking place in the aforementioned white elephant stadiums. It suggests to me that after buying the tournament they are then going tonto with the ticket prices to claim back cash. Not to mention pish dead rubber games. The world cup SHOULD be an elitist tournament for the best teams.
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