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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Any large successful popstar who puts out an act of being down to earth and just like a normal person is doing just that, acting. If they really were like that in rea life they would be a shite entertainer as you need a huge personality to have the confidence and belief to perform for a massive audience and TV and internet. Being talented at something is only half the battle , like billy conelly said in one of shitey roadshow programs ; There's a difference between being funny and being a comedian, a funny person tells good jokes at a wedding but a comedian has to do it when they feel unwell or if they've just had terrible news or the crowd really aren't up for it, they get heckled they get shite reviews , you name it. I'm not really a fan of his, he is also playing up to this modern middle class wannabe culture of " look at me am a pure mad glesca rocket ah drink tonic and smoke rollies n that pure boggin no " , except you only started doin that when you were an adult . never the less he can do something we can't . you or I would likely freeze up mid way onto walking on stage
  2. I don’t fully understand it i think the answer is probably much more complex, yes football is not popular in india & pakistan for example but there populations are so huge you’d think their national teams could find 11 half decent players even at a minority sport. Then theres also the relative large afro Caribbean representation in football , cricket was traditionally the number one sport in the British west indies and their diaspora yet england has had plenty players rise to the top and national teams in the Caribbean including the larger populations like Jamaica are full of granny rulers from England. So it can’t be a case of ‘ they’re shite cause no one likes it where they come from’ Long story short, asian nations where football is not number one are mostly pish at football, Asian diaspora living in football daft countries also don’t have much luck? What is it?
  3. A number of prominent black people have contributed to articles in the press recently in the wake of the GF incident and subsequent statue protests saying, and ffs im paraphrasing here , " I don't know who said you can't call a blackboard a blackboard or sing bah bah black sheep , but it wasn't us" for instance, the term black is perfectly acceptable to the majority of black people except from a few militant activists mostly in the states. the word coloured conjures up bad memories of the past and is widely disliked and taken as disrespectful or offensive
  4. During the fuel protests of 2000 with the country at a standstill the opinion polls swung to the torries when labour were at the height f their dominance, such was the c**t of it they were making . less than a year later fresh from the foot & mouth clusterfuck hich delayed the election , labour came and pumped the torries red rotten again. TLDR crisis polls mean f**k all
  5. To help explain things a wee bit, racism doesn't always come in the form that you can clearly see with the naked eye. It's not necessarily a case of "I don't like black people therefor no black person will be employed here whilst I'm in charge" if you've ever had a job I'm sure you'll know that getting in and getting on at a company isn't solely down to how good you are at the job, everyone knows stories of jobs for the boys / masons , people helping family members into good jobs or even just a case of someone's face fitting in a certain setting. For example a manager in a small team has to decide when hiring someone that they will be sharing a small place and a lot of time with them and others who he/she already knows well. When all the applications are in and it's even Stevens between candidate A who they know and candidate B who they don't , they almost always favor familiarity over an unknown quantity, The same thing applies when a black person is applying in an overwhelmingly majority white environment like Scotland. There is a job opening to work in a team of 8. the man in charge of recruitment has 2 candidates to chose from , one black one white, In the white one he can identify and understand . relate to their upbringing, family, hobbies, culture, mannerism etc etc but in the black one he can't. when he has to picture who is going to be the best fit in his team he will usually edge towards the familiar rather than take a potential risk on an unknown quantity. this does not make him a raging bigot but it does mean that the black man finds doors closed more often than not. having a diversity policy means that arms get twisted into employing the people who should have been employed on merit all along. it also means that people get more chance to meet and interact with people of different races ( which in Scotland is not a given, you could go through your whole life and never talk to a non white ) and become familiar with them. when there is familiarity discrimination and bias decrease rapidly. look at sectarianism now compared to 50 years ago, we've went from workplaces routinely having no kafflicks policys to only hardcore bigots practicing such attitudes
  6. Almost hard to believe the fuss about that now that we're 14 or so years down the line, it's mental when you go abroad and it's still permitted in a few places, yet at the time the licensed trade got on their knees and begged not to implement it, proper five stages of grief process - it wont work, you can't enforce such a law in rough boozers full of hairy arsed bruisers, then it was a conspiracy against the trade who already suffered since the clampdown on drink driving , then bargaining - extractor fans , separate rooms anything but a total ban. you know the rest. To be honest I don't think the smoking ban did as much as people give it credit for, going outside for a fag is a great excuse to chat to a burd, get away from an annoying c**t ( altho you can easily get the same problem outside ) or just get piece from the shite music for 5 mins. The decline of pubs probably has more to do with other factors like the rise of cheap carry outs, drink driving no longer acceptable ( especial out the road pubs) Changing of attitudes- modern women won't tolerate their man sitting in a pishy boozer every evening leaving them at home to do everything. And a problem shared by Scottish football- people simply have a wider choice of leisure activities they wish to spend their money on. people are more likely to stay in on a Saturday in falkirk kirkcaldy or perth and save their money for 3 nights in benidorm or Dublin a trip to anfield or old trafford f**k all to do with covid but there ye go
  7. For fucks sake not this " he's only got that job cause the channel/ station need to meet quotas of black people " pish again. Derek Ferguson sounds like a primary 3 giving a talk to the class when he describes something which he once did as a professional. when I write that a part of me thought god I hope he doesn't read that cause it could hurt his wee feelings. the same clapped out jakies like peter Houston billy dodds jimmy Calderwood john hughes etc etc along wwith your regular presenters young cowan cosgrove Gordon have been doing the rounds on Scottish sports broadcasting for f**k knows how long, when was the last time a black former player was a guest or feature presenter on sportsound/scene? there have been plenty over the years and a majority of them will speak English as their first language, No No we'll not question the auld pals acts getting gigs since the beginning of time but as soon as a blackman is in the studio he must be a box ticker, ffs lads
  8. Why did the plug get pulled, wasn’t it selling out most years and attracting older TITP crowds that didn’t fancy it after it became full of neds in its later years
  9. Exactly, I rember it being perfectly acceptable to use terms such as ch.… / pa../ da.. poof tranny dyke . at the football "poof" was often hurled at a player suspected of diving. I never understood the need to get rattled upon learning that you can't use those words anymore. I believe those who do are pretty unhappy or insecure in there own selves but were clinging onto the derogatory treatment of minorities to sooth themselves ie I may be xy&z but at least i'm not a ….
  10. I never though of it in those terms, I think the uk is much more right leaning in terms of money and the economy but the opposite when it comes to social issues like sex, drug use, womans rights and rolls and lgbt acceptance, 20 years ago, which was the big brave new millennium remember, there was still a sizable number of people thought that all druggies should be shot on site , certain jobs were not appropriate for ladies and children should be protected from gays, older ( now deceased) relatives of mine would often comment on many things that nobody bats an eyelid at now as " not right or proper" . homophobia in Scotland is mere shadow of the clause 28 campaign of 2000 . But despite all this racism and dislike of foreigners , especially ones which we think might be getting something past us, still stands strong
  11. You still hear far too many (I think so) people in Scotland who will scramble for any reason to criticize BLM or just black people in general , " it's a pabndemic, they're breaking the law, they don't care about black lives when they kill each other, they call each other the N word , black comedians take the piss out of white people so why is it racist if blah blah greet greet. if this is you, you need to ask yourself why you think like that? Also why do you apply the same process for criticizing all of the following things ; electric cars, renewable energy, greta Thunberg , Nicola sturgeon , the EU , welfare state, foreigners etc. in other words what makes people become gamons?
  12. Is this not the same mentality that led to cancelation of school sports days because the slow kids would feel crap about not winning?
  13. yep, us having 8% of the population we should be having 8% of the deaths , around 13 or 14 depending where you round.
  14. I’ve encountered all except 2, ive never been out for drinks with business clients and probably never will . And no one dared put booze into my soft drink cause i was a violent aggressive drunk when i did drink so everyone kent fine I’d leather f**k out them if they tried that !
  15. Think nowadays most places in Scotland have banned drinking in the street, all the built up areas certainly have
  16. The 5 mile rule is a guide only and is not enforceable by law, in any case ive not been stopped by the polis once since this kicked off incl going to work in the early days of full lockdown
  17. I work in a shift job where if you’re not there then someone has to come out their day off and cover you at time & a half, there isn’t normally much sick absence not even during the pandemic but up until now most people would not call in sick if they had normal cold & flu symptoms. Can see management having a heart attack next winter when every sniffle means 7 days isolation !
  18. This is a strange one, from the video everything looks really mundane as he is just sitting there talking to them , he fails the breathalyser but he doesnt look visibly pished. Only when they start putting the cuffs on him does it all kick off? You wonder if there’s more happenin than can be seen or heard? Anyway i saw another video of a white guy in America who is giving 2 cops a absolute doing , they try using the truncheons the tazers and everything else but he’s a big laddie and he’s fuckin relentless. After battering each one individualy and collectively he ends up jumping into the police car and drives off leaving the 2 standing there in disbelief. Point is at no time do they even draw their firearm. If this was a black man he would likely have been shot several times
  19. In this country even tho our welfare system leaves alot to be desired, no child should be going hungry because they’re not getting their free school meal, where this is happening I suspect the parents are spending money on other things and leaving the food budget short
  20. How will social distancing at school work? When i was at school few folk could afford a fag to themselves and we had to share one or “get twos” as we called it . Is this safe? Do they need to disinfect the fag end before passing it on? On a more serious note, places which have ran with a reduced number of staff due to distancing with the rest on furlough might find that they managed the workload just fine with 8 instead of 12 staff on the floor and that’s how they’re gona do it from now on. Would make me apprehensive voluyfor furlough anyway
  21. I know there was a HUGE amount of sensitivity around the blm protest and not wanting to appear heavy handed but, do you get the feeling that if they were so genuinely worried about it they would have stopped them from taking place? Up untill now the government will get the flak for virus cases and deaths , “ not doing enough “ and “ don’t care abandoning us “ etc etc being constantly banded around by auld jean who spent her life working the bar in a social club Even now after 4 new cases in the forth valley , yes 4 - the falkirk heralds Facebook comments are filled with “ why why why is lockdown being eased when people are still getting the virus “ However after a certain amount of time passes and the initial hysteria over the virus begins to fade, is it more likely the public mood will change from helen lovejoy to “ well this isn’t going away any time soon so we might as well get on with it, can’t stay on lockdown forever “ And with that i recon alot of the easing is political damage limitation rather than public health oriented
  22. Wheres a baseball bat with razor wire when ye need one [emoji849]
  23. "man goes looking for a fight and gets one" hardly a story in the grand scheme of thing is it.
  24. you're right in that you say slavery has existed since the dawn of time and still exists in some forms today although by now it is illegal no matter where it is. the big BIG difference is only western European empires did so on an industrial scale and for several hundred years to a specific group of people & these countries would not be as wealthy and secure as they are today had it not been for their slave related activities in the past.
  25. He's had a go at Anthony Joshua anaw, personally i'd fuckin love to see him face up to him in person and i'm not much of a bxing fan
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