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San Starko Rover

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Everything posted by San Starko Rover

  1. Ah a trip to Ibrox trying to dodge knuckledraggers launching shit from the top tier, the romance of the cup
  2. Think this is pretty much spot on and the reason in my opinon we need a change of manager, the club are doing some good stuff off the pitch to try and encourage people through the gates but we are brutal to watch most games with long balls and basic mistakes at the back most games and the club can pull as many new fans through the gate as they like but to get them to come back you have to entertain them with either good football or a win (even an ugly one) we are not doing either and while Murray may keep us up by the virtue their are 3 part time teams in the division if it is brutal to watch the crowds will only go one way and that is down. While changing manager will cost the club how much will falling crowds cost? I lost faith in Murray last year and I don't believe he can turn it around as he doesn't seem to see a problem, yes we probably will finish 7-8th but even in a league with Hearts, Hibs and the Rangers we should be aiming higher than avoiding relegation, playing for draws at home against part time teams and a poor Falkirk/Livingston will not encourge fans to return and will hammer us next season on season ticket sales.
  3. 4 goals lost to Hearts 4 goals lost to Dundee 4 goals lost to Rangers 4 goals lost to Queen of the South 6 goals lost to rangers Sorry but that is inexcusable after the second half of last season Murray Out
  4. Aye right like the ones we were getting in 1979 dream on! English MPs are already publicly forming a movement to block these and even if it gets through the Commons which I highly doubt the Lords will block it, expect some tax raising powers so they can then scrap the Barnett formula and we can then pay the difference in raised taxes. The people of Scotland just gave Westminster the biggest endorsement to do what ever they like and they will make sure we never get in a position to have a referendum again. If you think the English will be all sweetness and play nice after that you are living in cloud cuckooland there will be a backlash and a big one.
  5. Addids tops are pretty decent and I like the quality of the Scotland tops, more than happy with Puma though think we have had a couple of decent strips out of them so happy if we choose to stay with Puma. As for the Kappa call no way, as everyone says they are skintight I remeber John Harton looked fat as fook in the Wales one and while he wasn't the smallest lad he was a pro footballer so imagine what half the crowd would look like in them lol
  6. Difficult to tell until we get our full team out but we are already crippled by injuries which is really worrying
  7. We are sorry for the cheap seats but please remember who will be using them this season. Perhaps an upgrade at a later date for our other visitors ETA lol is that Dundee Loyal Union flag upside down? Some Loyalist when you don't even know which way up your flag goes or maybe just a sign of SEVCO in distress
  8. Murray Out Well hopefully Murray was just experimenting in the cups to get it right in the league only time will tell but most of us certainly called this one wrong myself included a great win and well done to the team and manager.
  9. Couldn't have been against Southend as that game just ended 0-0 and we didn't bother with the penalty shoot out.
  10. This for me is why I have no faith in Murray, if he can't see there is something wrong how can he fix the problem. Second half of last season every game was just bad luck. He needs to see there is issues for him as the manager to address or the board need to show him the door. Yes we are only two games in but add on the second half of last season and it's not pretty.
  11. Great job by the board and all the volunteers involved a bit of cosmetic work on the stands and toilets was probably required and while we have the two edinburgh teams and The Rangers we might as well put the extra money to work. What has been done to the shop Andy? Looking forward to seeing the Railway stand open again as has been said it is a sensible move by the board if it pays for its self and saves opening the North for smaller supports to rattle around in. Stadium tarted up, team taking shape really looking forward to the start of the season
  12. Thanks must of missed Spence going to Alloa can't say i'm overly bothered by that and of the 2 Anderson is the one I would rather sign up. Spence had potential but not sure he has the attitude to achieve it.
  13. Has it been confirmed what is happening with Anderson and Spence? Not seen anything further than both had been offered deals. Sorry if it has been posted been distracted by the World Cup lately.
  14. Must of been reading the frantic guessing on here and decided to put us all out our misery
  15. Yup that was my thoughts as well, sure he turned us down to stay at Morten good move
  16. Any word on the release date for the new home shirt? Love the new away one lots of people down England saying it's a really smart top. Good job on both kits
  17. ​Can tell Dundee have left the forum we have Cowdenbeath are hanging about in our forum again bless
  18. Hope your right would be a decent 3 to choose from Hill always gives 100% and is a player I would like to stay
  19. Great news about Watson signing not sure if this will see Hill move on or not though, happy if he signs but will he want guaranteed first team football in my option yes, will he get it at RRFC? Hopefully the next news is the witch signing
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