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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Rather than something that I should be credited for, I don’t think it’s something others should be criticised for not doing. I’ve discussed it before on here- possibly around the time a Peterhead fan abused one of the Tapping brothers when he was a kid at East Stirling, but self-policing is easier said than done, and my incident was when Marvin Andrews was abused at a game against Raith in 2006. It was of course different times in 2006, but “grassing” back then was often seen as being as bad as racism, and I was hassled for being a grass for about 18 months I’d say. I don’t agree I “grassed”, incidentally. I confronted the guys and the stewards and police had to respond to the confrontation. Self-policing is a fantastic theory, but in practice it’s crap. I wouldn’t want that hassle again, and don’t blame anyone else for not wanting to get involved. As I said on our forum, I hope he’s had a wee look online and is shiting himself.
  2. Yep, utterly shameful. I see my post has been screenshotted on here mind you. I was very critical last week of Raith’s handling of the bottle throwing incident- I’ll be very interested to see how Morton handle this. On a terrible day for Morton, that was by far the most mortifying part of the day.
  3. It’s a bit of a shite prospect but we can’t exactly ask Morton to fight on our behalf to get us onto the terrace when Morton put Ayr fans in the corner of our stand. Hopefully we sell enough to be out on the terrace, but announcing that we’ll likely be stuck in the stand with the prospect of getting behind the goal if enough of us go is hardly a great sales strategy for Ayr. Similar to Arbroath telling us to sit in a tiny section of their stand or stand in the pissing rain at Christmas time, Scottish football clubs don’t really help themselves at times.
  4. Yes, that’s absolutely what’s happening, here. No lawyer on the planet would draw a correlation between their client being banned from following Raith Rovers for an incident that they’re in court for, and Raith Rovers pre-judging the case, whether they named them or not. Give your head a wobble. Sometimes, even though they’re your favourite football team, it’s possible that Raith can do wrong from time to time. I’d have thought you lot, above all others in this division would understand that.
  5. I’m not sure they will be at all. Raith might prove me wrong, and fair play to them if they do, but going by their statement, it looks to me like they’ve taken the decision to ban the fan and leave it at that, rather than hand their details onto Police Scotland. If they were to seek criminal charges, as they absolutely should, the correct course of action would be to suspend the fan pending a police investigation, so as not to prejudice any potential court case, before banning them for life on the conclusion of the case. Instead they look to have taken the easy way out, banning the fan and moving swiftly on. If the fan faces criminal charges, any lawyer worth their salt would surely point to Raith’s decision to impose a ban on them as prejudicing the case- basically deciding on their guilt before the court process has taken place. I suspect Raith have done this clown a favour by merely banning them instead of handing their details over to the authorities. I’d like to be proven wrong.
  6. Just out of interest, what does “recent history” constitute with this fixture, given that it’s now 62 years since Queen’s Park last beat Morton in a league match?
  7. Jesus wept. You’re really throwing everything at this now in the hope that something, anything, will stick. Let’s take this season’s Championship as an example- with seven match days remaining, and even in spite of Dunfermline’s problems with their pitch this season, we have two matches outstanding. Those being Arbroath v Airdrie, rearranged from 3rd of February because of Airdrie’s Challenge Cup commitments, and Ayr v Morton, rearranged from 9th March due to Morton’s Scottish Cup commitments. Excluding this midweek, in which there are no fixtures scheduled, we have six midweeks in order to fit in those two games, neither of which were postponed because of the weather anyway. For a country with a lot of rain, we have very little difficulty completing fixtures, regardless of how you try to paint things to suit your agenda. When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
  8. That’s not your argument though. You said that grass pitches won’t work in this country if we operate a winter season, despite overwhelming evidence to contradict you. Whether you prefer the Stark’s Park pitch to the Cappielow one is neither here nor there- it doesn’t support your desperately flawed argument in any way, shape or form.
  9. And I’m entitled to call it out as complete nonsense, based on the evidence that we get seasons completed on time, year on year, having played through the winter, mostly on grass parks- with 10/12 in the Premiership and 8/10 in our division. Your opinion, whether you’re entitled to it or not, doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny, and should be ridiculed. There’s a massive difference between them “not working” and “not suiting the preferences of Raith Rovers or their fans”.
  10. It could have happened with ourselves and Forfar at the top of League One in 2015. Morton were at home to Peterhead on the final day with a record of P35 F62 A39 Pts66. Forfar were at home to Ayr with a record of P35 F58 A40 Pts66. A 2-1 win for Morton and a 6-0 win for Forfar would have seen the teams end on identical records of P36 F64 A40 Pts 69. The head-to-heads between the teams were: Forfar 3-2 Morton Morton 2-0 Forfar Forfar 1-2 Morton Morton 0-2 Forfar So an aggregate head-to-head of 6-6, although Morton scored more away goals, which wouldn’t be considered. In the end, Morton won 3-1 and Forfar lost 1-3 so Morton won the title without too much sweat on the final day.
  11. Agree about McDonald, aye. What could be interesting is the Scottish Cup rules regarding goalkeepers, should McDonald not be fit to play. You have to have a designated keeper on the bench for cup ties, so if it gets to the point that Murdoch is the only available keeper, there becomes a bit of a stand off between the SFA’s rules and their insistence that we carry on regardless.
  12. Hasn’t Imrie already said we were knocked back for an emergency loan? He’s had Murdoch on the bench for long enough now, so whether Dougie thinks he’s ready for first team football or not, that’s not how the governing bodies will look at it. They’ll see him as a viable alternative and we’ll just have to get on with it.
  13. What’s the big issue if they are? We’ve had a couple that missed out on Saturday and some who took sore ones against Airdrie, it’s not some big conspiracy.
  14. Broken by the League Cup Final defeat to Rangers and a Scottish Cup 2nd round defeat by Celtic.
  15. Failing to beat a better side when they have ten men, and conceding one penalty in the penultimate game at Cappielow hardly constitute horror shows. The afternoon that Ferrie had a howler, yes. And you maybe deserved better from the draw at Ochilview because of the disallowed goal, but one out of six isn’t even close to “always” producing a horror show.
  16. Since you were promoted, you’ve drawn twice and lost four times to a single goal, hardly a horror show. You’re only Queen’s Park, you hardly have the divine right to expect to beat a team like Morton.
  17. I told myself I wouldn’t rise to this, but again, you’ve reeled me in, against my better judgement. As cappiecat told you, you haven’t in fact been banned from the Morton Forum- your posting has been restricted, and that may well be reviewed. Personally, I was against restricting your posts for a couple of reasons- firstly, your main “crime” was the outburst against Imrie, which had already been dealt with. The only other one was the minor irritation of spamming the forum with nonsense, and while I’ve got no sympathy for you, I didn’t think it merited such restrictions, but it’s not my decision. Secondly, I predicted you’d be on here moaning about it and talking the forum down, which you have this week. What did surprise me was that even the guys on here who have no time for the Morton Forum and its mods/regular posters, have no time for your carry on either. I expected it to be the perfect opportunity for them to stick the boot in, but you’ve really united the masses, well played. What I will say though, is that some of the treatment you’ve had on here from one individual in particular- actively encouraging even Dunfermline fans to completely disregard you, and hammering you on this thread and the Morton thread, is pretty outrageous, and hypocrisy at it’s finest, given that the same person tagged myself, vt and Mr. Blue just before Christmas, accusing us of bullying you. I admit that I spat the dummy with you, and called you some not very nice things I probably shouldn’t have, just like you’ll regret your own outburst at Imrie. I’ll do him the courtesy of not naming him like he did me, but it won’t take a rocket scientist to work out who I’m talking about. Parsforlife has it spot on though- this weekend should be one that we’re all absolutely buzzing, but again this minor episode has snowballed. At least if your posting wasn’t restricted across by, everyone’s (your) dirty washing wouldn’t be getting such a public airing. Hope you, and my pal who I’ve not named, have had as lovely a weekend as I’ve had.
  18. We had a stonewall penalty in our game at Gayfield in December last season that wasn’t awarded, and Ricky Little should have been ordered off for a handball on the line. Assuming we’d have scored said penalty and gone onto win the game, that decision ultimately cost us a play-off place. These things happen, some you get, some you don’t. You weren’t at a Ibrox on Saturday- you were at Cappielow. There’s no inherent pro-Morton or anti-Arbroath bias, no matter how much of a comfort blanket you’re looking for. I’d suggest you dry your eyes- nobody’s out to get you.
  19. The Rangers game had finished though. I dare say I could find it somewhere, but I think they kicked off half an hour before our game. Given that our game went into extra time, it probably all kicked off about an hour after full time at Ibrox, so it wasn’t a case of them being re-located from Ibrox, they were just in the area at the time.
  20. As far as I remember, Rangers were playing St. Johnstone in a televised game with an earlier kick off that night and by coincidence some cops were on their way back to Greenock having worked at Ibrox and were told to get to Cappielow after the trouble kicked off. By the time it kicked off we were in extra time so I dare say that could’ve been an explanation for why there were so many.
  21. I’d imagine that’s a courtesy thing from Queen of the South. More often than not announcements like that are made by the player’s “new” club. Looks like they jumped the gun and then pulled it because Morton hadn’t announced anything, possibly at Morton’s request.
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