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Everything posted by kingjoey

  1. Also in the quote, Doncaster says that there are only two free midweeks between now and the split in April, which will be used to play the matches postponed for the semi finals and the final. So if there are any Scottish Cup replays, or matches postponed because kf weather problems, I take it these will never be played? Why has no one queried him on this, as it’s obviously total garbage (unless Rangers and Celtic both make the Europa League Final, presumably)
  2. I trust that we’ll get the Aberdeen end for our semi final.
  3. The way things are looking just now, Celtic might be quite pleased to reach the heights of second this season.
  4. Yeah, we were totally sh*te back then, and Celtic were world beaters, so that’s the only way we could possibly have won.
  5. Headline sports story on Reporting Scotland just now. “After their worst start in a league season for 20 years, can Brendan Rodgers hold on to the Celtic manager’s job?”
  6. You are such a negative poster on here. You only ever seem to chip in with your attempts at amusing put downs without ever offering anything positive or insightful. The worst of it is that you keep saying that you never listen to any Scottish football stuff on BBC Scotland, but you seem to be an expert on Michael Stewart and Tom English in particular, two of the best contributors on Sportsound, and have little digs at them all of the time because they don’t pander to your team. I always like how you refer to Tom English as “Thomas”, as if it’s some kind of derogatory term.
  7. I loved the bits of the lunchtime show where Charlie Mann was on. Some brilliant stuff that I didn’t know about the Romanov era, and because Cosgrove wasn’t there, he was allowed to tell his stories in full. Fabulous stuff.
  8. Rangers supporters, staff, ex-staff, no one connected with that club will EVER admit that there was any wrongdoing whatsoever. All these years later it’s still utterly unbelievable. “Never mind us, look at what the other lot did.” I know that it wouldn’t please any other club chairmen/owners, but the sooner these two awful institutions leave Scottish football the better for everyone else.
  9. What the actual f***. I’ve just watched it, but don’t believe what I’ve witnessed.
  10. Serious question from someone miles away from the sectarian bile that is Celtic and Rangers. Why is “the Green and Grey’s” seen as a nasty thing to call Celtic and their fans?
  11. Just as, if I’m free, I’ll watch any Scottish football match that is on TV, I listen to Sportsound. It talks about Scottish football, which I am passionately involved in. And I do get worked up by it, but it’s like shouting at a poor referee at a game. I don’t stop going to watch football because referees are poor.
  12. The hatred that you talk about has been stoked up over the centuries by two clubs, and their continued and unabated entitlement. And, by the way, much as it must disappoint you, it wasn’t Scottish football that phoned the SFA, it was only Celtic.
  13. I always love how Rangers fans in particular like to make out that everything they do in Europe is for the benefit of Scottish football.
  14. I’m 99% certain that the 70/71 strip had a white band at the neck. Photo must be 69/70 after October. My guess would be leading up to the Cup Final in April 70.
  15. I know that he was possibly our worst ever manager, and not the best human being on the planet, but I struggle when Mark McGhee is ridiculed. He was an amazing player for us, and was hugely instrumental in the success upon success that we had in the eighties.
  16. Cheers. I’m bit old for all these modern day kids phrases.
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