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Everything posted by kingjoey

  1. I don't think that anyone has said that Alves will be trembling at facing Adam Rooney, but that won't stop Rooney making a mess of him.
  2. He will with Alves in there! Makes Teirnan look like Willie Miller.
  3. Can't wait for Adam Rooney to play against Bruno Alves, after his bombscare performance tonight.
  4. Unthinking default shite? This thread has deteriorated into the same tired arguments that started five years ago when Rangers went out if business, and have been going round in circle after circle ever since. There are some reasonably thought out arguments, but they're the same ones, with the same counter arguments, that have been brought out time after time after time since 2012. It's as if it's a number of politicians on here, with no one willing to concede an inch on either side.
  5. This is abysmal, please somebody take it down. "Aye we are. No yer no. Aye we are. No yer no". What a pathetic shower of imbeciles on this thread
  6. Wasn't sure which thread to post this on, or if it has already been mentioned. Malky MacKay, the Performance Director of the Scottish Football Association, said this afternoon of Sky Sports News, that Scotland's representatives in Europe this season are St Johnstone, Rangers, Celtic and Hearts. Amusing in one way, but for goodness sake, one of the highest profiled employees of our National football association not knowing which of his employers teams are in European competition this season!!! Hearts fans better look out their passports.
  7. I've just skimmed through the last few pages and it's like going back in time five years. Grow up guys.
  8. If this is true, then it's comparable to Scotland fans paying to get into Hampden to wave bye bye to the Scotland squad in 1978!
  9. And that they and their owner keep trying to get bigger teams to take their manager away. And then get upset when Tommy doesn't get offered any other job, ever.
  10. Why don't you go and use your 'humour' on a Rangers thread?
  11. I've always been interested when someone uses the phrase "colour me f***ing surprised", as to what colour they assume f***ing surprised is?
  12. If you think about the situation carefully, you will discover that Derek and "Tommy's" mill a year has just gone up in a puff in a decision made entirely by them!
  13. Fantastic! Takes away most of the pain of Jonny Hayes leaving!
  14. One thing is absolutely certain in all this. If McInnes does go, WHOEVER is brought in as the new manager will get slated on message boards everywhere. Ehm.......just as McInnes was!
  15. I take it that you're talking about your own team there, Elixir boy!
  16. What the budget aspect has to do with it, is the number of people implying that the only reason that McInnes has managed to get Aberdeen to second place finishes and cup finals is because of his budget and nothing to do with his ability as a manager. If that was the case, why were Brown, McGhee, Calderwood etc, not able to do the same thing. It's because McInnes is an excellent manager.
  17. McGhee, Brown et al had a similar budget to McInnes, and regular bottom six finishes and no cup finals and no Europe.
  18. Thankfully Hibs will be back in the Championship in season 2018/19 so that'll put a damper on your false sense of superiority.
  19. Have you read the stuff that Hibs fans put on here?
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