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Everything posted by kingjoey

  1. That’s great. It means no one will want to take him away.
  2. Just keep thinking that. Anyway, Christie is off to Sunderland.
  3. Anyone from the city of Dundee is given up to Celtic without a fight. In January, McKenna had played very little first team football for Aberdeen. Souttar is error strewn.
  4. First sentence of your post - yes, he did captain Scotland. Rest of your post, Aberdeen want to keep him.
  5. He’s exactly the same on Sky. Never, ever has a good word to say about Aberdeen. You would think that he would have a soft spot for us, given that we gave him a gift for his first ever Celtic goal in the League Cup semi final, just days after he signed for them.
  6. You really don’t understand how this works, do you? No one is saying, or thinking, that Scott McKenna is worth £10m. What Aberdeen are saying that he is not for sale at the moment, but if someone really wants him, and they offer £10m, they will get him.
  7. After today’s “news” about Celtic starting the process of getting Scott McKenna, I would really hope that Aberdeen come out and say that he will NEVER be sold to another Scottish club, and kill this thing stone dead. Otherwise it’s going to be a long time until midnight on 31st August.
  8. What are you going to be like if Cowdenbeath ever decide to build a new stadium?
  9. Couple of things there. Firstly, Easton’s goal was undoubtedly a “hopeful hit from outside the box”, total fluke (not that I’m bitter). Secondly, unlike Boner, he is first to criticise Aberdeen and McInnes, and praise the opposition when things don’t go well for the Mighty Reds.
  10. Maybe unsurprisingly I can never understand the vicious hatred of Willie Miller on here. Scott McDonald, Billy Dodds, Pat Boner, Alan Preston, Alex Rae, David Currie are all there, and God gets stick. And Richard Gordon? This is the man who had to broadcast live to the nation immediately after his team were murdered 9.0 at Celtic Park, and you would never would have believed, such was his professionalism. Basically, what I’m saying is, get a grip.
  11. You’ve taken it badly, haven’t you. Dearie me.
  12. The font is too big. No idea what I did to make it like that.
  13. It makes no odds when the Scottish window shuts, its when the window shuts in the country that any club wanting to buy him, shuts. Do you work for the. BBC?
  14. From the BBC website tonight - “Boyata.........could still be a possible target for foreign clubs with Scotland’s transfer window not closing until Friday, 31st August.” I mean, does no one with any football knowledge check these stories before they are released to the general public? Obviously they don’t, or the BBC web employees have no football knowledge.
  15. Against my better thoughts, I was listening to the car crash that is Sportsound on a Friday tonight while coming home. They’re all discussing the Aberdeen v St Mirren match. A Celtic supporting guest called Chris said that McKenna is out for 6 months. Billy Dodds says that he thinks it’s actually 3 months. David Currie waffles something about it might be less but he’s not sure. Scott McDonald stays schtum. It’s not even funny any more.
  16. Just listened to the podcast. Discussing Celtic turning down the £9m bid from Fulham for Boyata, Kenny Miller, a Premiership manager, said that he didn’t know where Boyata could go now. Well Kenny, basically anywhere but England. He also said that he wasn’t sure whether he could still go to England on loan. Of course, David Currie didn’t help him with these answers and just left it hanging. (I do realise that with David Currie’s knowledge of football, he wouldn’t have been able to answer either)
  17. Out in the car tonight and listening to Talksport (I know). St Mirren fan phoned in to say that the Scottish Premiership and the English Premier League were as competitive as each other, as the difference at the end of last season between Celtic and Aberdeen , and Manchester City and Manchester United was the same, nineteen points. He said nineteen three times to make it worse.
  18. I can’t listen to Off The Ball when she’s on. Constant cackling, at nothing.
  19. Agree totally. However, he is not going to go from £30,000 a week to £2000 a week in anyone’s wildest dreams. He will never be signing for us on a permanent deal.
  20. Not sure if you’re on the wind up here. The guy is on circa £30,000 a week. We may struggle slightly to meet his wage demands.
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