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Everything posted by PWL

  1. Just had my first lunchtime wander round Glasgow city centre since lock down. 1. It's busy but not stupidly so and masks being worn in shops. 2. Lots of shops and bars don't look like they are going to reopen. 3. I'd forgotten how much I miss seeing women in shiny wet-look leggings.
  2. Sadly, all the T glasses that I have nicked obtained over the years, have broken. Once the pubs have reopened I'll be able to steal procure new ones.
  3. Enjoying some refreshmenT in the garden. PleasanT end to the weekend.
  4. I thought there already was a badge for folk refusing to wear a mask..... I've no doubt there many genuine cases, however it does seem to be the domain of Gammons. Playing devils advocate, if you have a severe resperitory condition, should you be wandering round Tesco - unless you have no other option obviously?
  5. My employer does an automatic social media check as part of 'fit & proper' tests. Don't care how young these folk are, posting rubbish like that will catch up on them. Hence I use an anonymous football board to vent my abuse and anger......
  6. I'm not sure what the official time for 'making noise' is in the morning. 9 am weekdays and at least 10:30 am at weekends. Anything earlier is the behaviour of a James Hunt. We have opposite problem in our street. A neighbour who starts their DIY projects at 9pm...
  7. My Dad is in meat trade buying cattle for butchers. Demand from small butchers shops has jumped during this period as folk prefer the hygiene aspect as opposed to giant supermarkets. They are also discovering the fact that the product is invariably superior than shrink wrapped mass production meat.
  8. Annecdotally, observance on my train has been 100%. However, that's probably due to the fact that even the staunchest "SNPBaaaaad' type doesn't fancy the risk on a confined carriage. Shops might be a whole different matter. Given that mine is a Dumbarton FC one, I'm more likely to mocked for that rather than actually wearing one in shops.
  9. I had same issue. Ended up using phone rather than laptop and it seemed to work OK.
  10. Got my email confirmation on seconds. Might be worth a check if spam folder.
  11. I was wondering the same. However, at the back of my mind there might have been another, earlier Mk1 Jim Meechan? Or am I talking nonsense? As an aside, even the mighty Spall made gold shirts rather than yellow. Nice simple red away kit too.
  12. Blast from the past found on Twitter.
  13. If it turns out that Fat Mike was the source of the Castore funding then Rangers twitter will implode.
  14. Have been cycling to the office but had to take the train for the first time since lockdown today. Peak time service on the Stirling to Queen Street line yet only 12 folk on board. More importantly, every single person had a mask on.
  15. Think it was @German Jag who mentioned that a lot of the workers are migrants who live in dormitory style accommodation. Hence the high levels of transmission.
  16. On the plus side, if you now do the Face App gender swap, you'll look like Britney Spears during her breakdown phase.
  17. Theyre like a Cleppie Road version of Romeo and Juliet.
  18. A bit late cos he's deid. Currently watching his series on Netflix. He'd have been a great person to go for a bowl of noodles and a few beers with (not a euphemism) in some Vietnamese street cafe.
  19. I have 2 teenagers. It has barely made any difference to their usual lifestyles.
  20. Have to feel sorry for @ICTChris The app has managed to make every one at least feminine and, in a lot of cases, fully certifiable wids. Yet he still ends up looking like a bad tranny/brickie.
  21. Despite the gender swap I'm still seeing this fella in your pic....
  22. To be fair, I'd normally go for a lighter shade of lipstick.
  23. The fox head and surgical glove combo is still freaking me out 4 days later.
  24. This. Season ticket holder, usually sponsor a player, have donated a few times to the appeal. And will order the new top for daughter. To be honest I'm too old and, quite frankly, too fat to be going about in a football strip. The retro design one is my all time favourite Sons top though so fine for dossing about the house and garden.
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