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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. My dad worked shifts, so often I'd go a week at a time without seeing him (say, if he was on back shift). But I do remember him taking me to the park to play football with me, taking me fishing (twice - I didn't like it; he took Scott loads though) and loads of other things. I try - even if we're just inside, I make sure I'm watching stuff with my kids every day (an excuse to sit with them and talk). It isn't difficult. It isn't work.
  2. This guy makes up something like 20% of all Aberdonians I know. As such, I assume that one in five Aberdonians are swingers.
  3. Oh no - no way. When I was a student at Stirling one of our professors and his wife were swingers. A pair of wrinkly, grey-haired, 50-odd year old folk. He was Aberdonian, for the record. Put me off that idea for life.
  4. Reading it back, it does look like that! In truth there have been a few other guys in there too. But I reckon girls outnumbered guys by about 2:1 in the 20-off years we've been together.
  5. We're the same. I remember my missus going through a few celebrity crushes over the years (Brad Pitt when we first met, Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas, Sara Ramirez and a few others). What's the point of getting jealous? At the same time, if we're out together it's just good manners not to sit checking out other people in the pub or restaurant.
  6. I'm just hoping that some other celebrity decides to go for it on the republican side, just to challenge The Donald. Kelsey Grammar, say, or Dean Cain.
  7. He also played some of his Notting Hillbillies stuff. I'll wager I'm the only P&B member to have ever owned their album.
  8. I saw Mark Knopfler years ago. On Money for Nothing, he skipped the whole intro and went straight into the guitar bit.
  9. What's an appropriate wait time from the sentencing before we can start posting jokes?
  10. Want to avoid expensive airport parking fees? Just buy the house nearest the terminal and walk over there whenever you want to fly somewhere.
  11. Spearfish by Brian Callison Action adventure written and set in the early 80s. Very enjoyable, read it in a day.
  12. My biggest regret is not adopting my step daughter. By the time we wanted to she was too old. Best we could do was legally change her name. Never went down the guardianship route.
  13. Shout out to two guys on the M9 this morning. A white 72 plate Tesla. I'm going along in the overtaking lane doing about 73. The slow lane is doing 65. Behind me comes the Tesla, undertaking and overtaking. He undertook me, then hit the brakes and was trundling along at 70 in the overtaking lane. A few miles later, I overtook him. No idea why he was flying through traffic then suddenly slowed down. The second was a Volkswagen estate. I think this guy was drunk or something. He was in the overtaking lane, a BMW on the inside lane. The he just swerved hard to the left. The BMW had to go into the hard shoulder to escape a smash. The kids are back at school - idiots back on the road!
  14. I was sound asleep last night. In a very deep sleep. About 3am and she shook me to wake me up. I asked what was wrong. Apparently she couldn't hear me breathing, and was checking that I wasn't dead. Took me ages to get back to sleep, and it was nowhere as good as the one I was in.
  15. I've not seen this. If you're going to mention it, at least show it!
  16. This issue has raised a lot of hackles. In truth I don't see this happening. All it takes is one convict forced to face a family, and then shouting/swearing/gloating for this all to backfire.
  17. You sure? Better do a recount just to be certain.
  18. There was a pub attached to Coasters when the college was open, and it was cheap. Don't know if it is still open though.
  19. Not tried them yet, but will. Available in Morrisons.
  20. Putting quotation marks around those words is really poor.
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